Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On This Day November 14th


US Libya row over Lockerbie. Six volunteers convicted. Royal hanger-on gets wed. and other.

And without endorsing any theories look at the size of the crater left behind when a large chunk of plane hits the ground in one piece, it's little wonder people ask questions.

But if Flight 93 was ever there at all, it was probably shot down by the USAF. if, that is. Unlike the Pentagon of course, there is no "if" there, just as there was no aeroplane there. Not then, not now, not in a million years.

Updated clips 2013. The first clip gets very interesting from the one minute, to three minute mark.

The second clip, though encompassing the other crash sites, thoroughly confirms my thoughts on the Pentagon.

And now, ten years on, what does it all tell us? That the US Government, more specifically the Bush administration, can, quite simply, get away with murder. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
(link in tweet not working)