Monday, March 03, 2008

Cartoon Capers Film Edition

In the past, he has called for the Koran to be banned and likened it to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.
I'll say two things to you Mister Wilders, you've got cojones and I like your style.

Nato fears over Dutch Islam film

Nato's secretary general says he fears the airing of a Dutch film criticising Islam will have repercussions for troops in Afghanistan.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer's comments came after Afghans protested on Sunday against the film being made by far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

The Dutch government has warned Mr Wilders that the film will damage Dutch political and economic interests.

Mr Wilders says the film is about the Koran but has given few details.

In the past, he has called for the Koran to be banned and likened it to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.more


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