I have resisted the urge to post what is to follow for more than a good while. My main reluctance was that it was a correspondence via private mail on Richard Dawkins.net. It was the "Private" in the "PM" that brought about this reluctance, but having just posted the previous article and unearthing the graphic that I use here, well, it has to be.
The graphic and the the text that follows both typifies and personifies all that is wrong with being left for leftist sake.
Given how passionately I feel about the subject, original article here, all I can say is it's quite remarkable how I managed to keep some degree of civility in the intercourse.
As you read away I think, or at least I hope that you might agree with me.

This is the communication I had with the sender on Richard Dawkins.net
From Sender:
Hi, Himself,
I went to your blog, and like a lot of it, but must say, your spiel "The Cruelest Race" is biased.
Firstly, Iranians are not a 'race' they are a nationality.
Secondly, people throughout the whole of the Middle East, including Iran, had long been known for their hospitality to strangers and their care of the poor.
When you compare specifics between one country and another also bear in mind that in as small a timeframe as a few hundred years (i.e virtually simultaneously) people around the globe are guilty of pretty much the same sorts of things. Remember that just recently children were hanged in England for stealing.
Also take care where you get your news from. There is more to a BBC documentary than meets the eye. There are political agendas to consider.
From myself in reply:
Of course it's fucking biased.
Can you read.
The Cruelest Race Of People On The Face Of The Earth
That is how a woman of my acquaintance described the Iranians.
The rest of your comment; don't even THINK to start lecturing me.
They hung the girl. she is dead.
From Sender:
Yes, I can. The question is now whether you can: "The Cruelest Race Of People On The Face Of The EarthHimself wrote:Of course it's fucking biased.
Can you read.
....In most everything I have researched I have yet to find much, if anything, to refute her claim". But thanks for admitting that your article is biased...VERY biased...in fact bordering on, or advocating xenophobia.
Everyone 'lectures' everyone else all the time. You did it on your blog and in the RDF forum, it doesn't worry either of us.Himself wrote:The rest of your comment; don't even THINK to start lecturing me.
They hung the girl. she is dead.
Yes, they hung the girl. And keeping your comments restricted to womens liberation and miscarriages of justice, the ethics of hanging, and the pros & cons of Islam would have been admirable. But to gratuitously throw in the 'race' issue remarks was ill conceived.
But I did like the blog, in general.
From myself in reply:
*******, good morning. Let me make but a couple of observations from your comments. You offer me this.
Given the gravity of what I write about all I can say is, never in all my days would I ever expected someone to make such a statement that doesn't even reach childish let alone naive, but is truly infantile.
I would be offered tea and biscuits in the desert but my hosts must hurry off after lunch to participate in the stoning of a nine year old girl.
What on earth has being hospitable got to do with anything when discussing the subject matter?
You accuse me of bordering on xenophobia, I don't border on it, I surpass it to the realm of sheer unadulterated hatred, as I state categorically in the article.
Justifiably so given the enormity of the cruelty practised by these animals in the name of their religion of peace.
Do you have a problem with this, not PC, how PC is hanging children for "crimes against chastity"?
Or do I have it wrong, and somewhere along the way I misunderstand the hangings and stonings and the severing of limbs and all the rest of their barbaric dark ages practices? or am I not being PC by mentioning it.
Heaven forbid that I should be guilty of such thing.
Oh for Christ's sake, wake up and smell the coffee.
Secondly, people throughout the whole of the Middle East, including Iran, had long been known for their hospitality to strangers and their care of the poor.
Given the gravity of what I write about all I can say is, never in all my days would I ever expected someone to make such a statement that doesn't even reach childish let alone naive, but is truly infantile.
I would be offered tea and biscuits in the desert but my hosts must hurry off after lunch to participate in the stoning of a nine year old girl.
What on earth has being hospitable got to do with anything when discussing the subject matter?
You accuse me of bordering on xenophobia, I don't border on it, I surpass it to the realm of sheer unadulterated hatred, as I state categorically in the article.
Justifiably so given the enormity of the cruelty practised by these animals in the name of their religion of peace.
Do you have a problem with this, not PC, how PC is hanging children for "crimes against chastity"?
Or do I have it wrong, and somewhere along the way I misunderstand the hangings and stonings and the severing of limbs and all the rest of their barbaric dark ages practices? or am I not being PC by mentioning it.
Heaven forbid that I should be guilty of such thing.
Oh for Christ's sake, wake up and smell the coffee.
Your correspondent is a fool practicing the cheapest, most intellectually vapid form of moral relativism. There is nothing in liberalism, leftism, or, yes, moral relativism from precluding anyone from judging another ethic, religion, or culture. Ethics are not a zero-sum game wherein the good of one tradition weighs equally against the other.
To top it off, your sender isn't wholly accurate: s/he's describing an Arab/Bedouin tradition, not a Persian one, that is supposedly, but with far less certainty, encapsulated in Islam. Wrong on the facts, wrong on analysis.
Thank you for your comments, there is little I could disagree with.
I am still truly at a loss to understand the motives of those, like my correspondent, that would champion the "poor Muslims" and forgive them any action, no matter how heinous or barbaric.
Then having the nerve to lecture me about the content on MY blog, but the cracker was "beware of the BBC," I'm a Brit, I don't need a goddamn Ozy to tell me that the Beeb, in spite of some excellent content, is still an organ of the state. GRRR
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