Monday, June 04, 2007

Prayer & Purity, I Think They Would Prefer Bonking

"Recognizing the challenges facing America's youth, especially the devastation that sexual immorality and moral relativism have had and continue to have on this generation, and knowing that those who approach God must do so with clean hands and a pure heart (Ps 24), we urgently call American youth, and especially those who profess
Biblical faith, to pursue lives of
sexual purity

Ad Nauseum. Tony Perkins
Family Research Council

H/T Rude Pundit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just checked in after a loooong weekend. As usual, lots of good posts. It is easier to comment on the ones i want all at once versus going to each post, so here goes:

Cheney's grandchild. I really don't think we should be a bit suprised about this little snippet. After all this is the hypocrasy administration. All gays are bad, evil, immoral people who should not be concidered Americans.....except for the ones we are related to....they're ok. The homosexual stuff really bothers me. I can not understand how a group of people can be treated the way they are in a coutry that was founded on equality....oh that's right this country was founded on slavery...never mind then...I see the connection. Only old, middle-class, white men are equal.

Soldiers. Yeah I just bet the Iraqi people love us over there. Nothing like a little fear, murder, torture, and military rule to evoke the warm fuzzy feelings within our breasts. The whole I-was-just-following-orders argument will not work here. This whole war is nothing more than a massive war crime. At some point I hope those involved are charged. Their punishment should be the same as the care, diplomacy, love, and help offered to the Iraqi people.

Chalk art. Simply Amazing. I love this guy.

Skull. Seriously, is this the biggest waste of money ever? To think some stupid, selfish person will spend 50 million on this crap while children are starving, people have no home, elderly are dying, and the world is looking like a great big bowel movement in the cosmic toilet. Stupid.

Ashamed of America. Me too, buddy. There are some really decent folks here in the USA, however, they never seem to make it to the top of the ladder when it comes to politics. The biggest bully has that spot firmly under his control and is treating America like an elementary school playground.

Health care. I can not wait to see this documentary. I don't know anyone, personly, who is not suffering in some way or another by lack of insurance or lack of GOOD insurance. The cost of just one emergency room visit is often more than most people make in a month. Such a sad state for this country.

No-knock warrents. I firmly believe that anyone executing these orders deserves to be shot when the homeowner is armed. I don't own a gun, but if I did and they came busting into my bedroom you could bet someone would be eating a bullet. This is a very clear abuse of power. The whole getting rid of evidence thing is load of crap as well. It would be assumed that when they are in need of such an extreme warrent they should be fairly confident in finding large stashes of drugs...much more than can be flushed down the john. But I dare not assume....probably illegal by now anyways.

Naked art. I find these images beautiful. I love the human form and admire the photographer's as well as the participant's bravery.

Finally: gay bomb. What the hell is this?! That's all I can say to this story, depressing. HH