It would appear that this will take place later this month.

The excerpts below are from the harrowing tale of what life is like for Banaz's older sister Bekhal.
In constant fear for her life, fear for those that give her shelter and now growing concern for her mother and two younger sisters now that they find themselves without a patriarch since the conviction of their husband/father.
It is shocking testimony to what is ongoing in Twenty First Century Britain.
Still angry and grieving, Bekhal is trying to make sense of the crime and stay alive herself as well. She knows that she, too, is at risk because she had angered her family before Banaz’s revolt. In 2002, aged 17, she fled home after being beaten and threatened by her father for refusing to accept a marriage with a cousin twice her age. Since then she has insisted on leading her own life.............

In the past, cases were largely hidden from public view because they occurred in minority groups, but in 2004 police announced new research into the culture surrounding honour killings and a review of suspicious cases.
The review was opened after the conviction of Abdullah Yones, also a Kurdish immigrant from Iraq, who had held his 16-year-old daughter Heshu over a bathtub and slit her throat after discovering that she was writing and receiving love letters from a boy in her class at their London school. more
UK Honour Crimes Increasing
"Honour Killing" The Shameful Details
Guilty Verdict In Honour Killing Of "Worthless Girl"
Muslim Women Get Their Own NHS Burka-Style Gown
Pain of Afghan Suicide Women
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