Monday, June 11, 2007

Guilty Verdict In Honour Killing Of "Worthless Girl"

This tragedy hasn't taken place in some stone age Islamic backwater, this is middle England.
The life of a lovely twenty year old snuffed out by animals for "Honour," by her own father and uncle no less.

As liberal as I am, and know there is no such thing as a short jail sentence, I would gladly see these fuckers banged up forever, and I mean forever.
The poor girl's life meant nothing, she was worthless, my blood boils.

And the role of the police in all this, shameful, the girl cried out for help and the pigs let her down, not badly but fatally.


"The father has shown no remorse from first to last. The perceived loss of reputation was more important than his daughter's loss of life."


Miss Mahmod was killed after falling in love with a man her family did not want her to marry.

Her father and uncle ordered the murder because they believed she had shamed the family, the three-month trial heard.

Banaz had made several attempts to warn police that her life was in danger, even naming those she thought would kill her

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