I shall try and word this article carefully not for fear of appearing callous or uncaring but to try to restrict traffic to those people that might actually be interested in what I write and not about whom I write.
It's not an ego trip to know that the blog is being read, and as I mention above, for it's content and its diversity and hopefully its interest. It's not by accident that I don't cover the majority of main stream stories, there are a million and one blogs doing that.
Before I broach the subject of this piece let me mention that the two biggest traffic generators to the blog have been the Rude Pundits quizzes,
First and
Second, and the Aunty Maidaguri stories.
here and
here. Neither were overtly intentional in trying to generate traffic, the Madaguri story, most definitely not.
The Rude One's quizzes weren't conceived with traffic in mind but it became apparent even before publishing that they would indeed generate traffic, over Seven Hundred hits in the first week alone, a most welcome number for anyone that is launching a new blog.
So to the crux of the matter, missing white girls, or as I have just discovered after a Google search,
Missing White Woman Syndrome, recognised by Wiki as just that.
As fore mentioned I stay away from most main stream stories, non more so than the tragic case of the little girl that is making headlines around the world. It is intentional that I do not mention her by name only for the reason of this article.
So when the cops announced they had a person of interest
I reported it from the criminality point of view regarding profiling. That short piece did, and still does bring lots of traffic to the blog, it was therefore quiet deliberate when I posted another short article that I omitted the little girls name, but I headed the piece
Is This Turning Into a Circus?The ways of the web never cease to amaze or astound me, non more so than the power of search engines, for I have been witness to an article that I have written being included in a search result by virtue that I have written just one word that corresponds to the search. An example such as this I can only say blows this old mind of mine, there are some serious clever people in this world, I stand in awe of them and look upon them with no little respect.
This said then, I should not have been surprised that the "Circus" article found its way into a search engine data base, I should not have been but in truth I was.
Being this side of the pond Aol is not something I have any great dealings with nor for for that matter "Sphere" hitherto unknown to me, but at the bottom of
their page covering the story of the little girl there is a link entitled "read related blogs and articles" and in there lies my Circus piece which has generated some Sixty plus hits in a Twenty Four hour period, perhaps not a great deal out of the overall population, but enough. (Which updated, is becoming hundreds.)