Monday, May 21, 2007

Boops Bio

"Of course Betty Boop is Jewish. What made her a star, however, was not Jewishness, but overt sexiness. When Betty Boop was introduced in 1930 by her creators, Max and Dave Fleischer, animation was for adults; she frequently loses her top and trades on sexuality. In one cartoon, "Betty Boop's Ker-choo" (1933),
Betty actually wins an automobile race with a sneeze/orgasm. When her small sneezes give way to a final large one, she blows herself across the finish line, coming in first and leaving the male-piloted vehicles in pieces behind her. Clearly, Betty is an early example of the large-breasted, round-bottomed, barely-clad heroine of male fantasy"......more

I'll take the writer's word for it that the Booper was Jewish, but even with my fertile imagination I'm struggling with the sneeze/orgasm interpretation. What say you?
Interestigly enough though if you listen to this (Dotacold audio) short audio the Boop talks about visiting the doctor and "We laid down together..." which for 1933 I suppose was quite....

B&W.Betty Boop - Ker Choo

Colour. 031-Betty Boop-Ker Choo-1933-colorized


Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, I don't see it either. HH

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, I don't see it either. HH