Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Menezes 'acted in suspicious way' If You Say


Sorry boys seven shots in the head while the guy was already being constrained in a bear hug says you were out of control.

Police following Jean Charles de Menezes may have suspected he was using counter-surveillance techniques before he was shot dead, a court has heard.

The Brazilian, wrongly suspected as a suicide bomber, left a bus and then got back on minutes before being killed in a London Tube station on 22 July 2005.
Counsel for the Met Police told the Old Bailey surveillance teams could regard those movements as a criminal tactic.

The force denies breaking health and safety laws over the shooting.....
The Met says that while Mr de Menezes's death was a tragic mistake, it was not a crime because officers thought they were dealing with a suicide bomber.more

Well that's alright then.

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