Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wind Up In The Gulf


An unusually large and rare cyclone is heading for the Persian gulf, the implications for rising oil prices due to damage to installations is pretty obvious.
Depending how the storm tracks I think there may be one or two others holding their breaths, not least Sheik "Mo" of Dubai and the inhabitants of his fantasy islands.

I watched a documentary on the construction of this, dare I say hair brained scheme? You may call me unimaginative but I thought it was the most crackpot project I had ever heard of, apart from invading Iraq that is.

I am not wishing the tempest upon them but if it does hit Dubai it will be interesting to see how the whole shooting match stands up to a good blow.

Ecological fucking vandalism personified.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love his little islands. They are so cute. I saw the same documentary I believe you are referencing. Human imagination at its best.......Now ask me if I would live on one! Very pretty, imaginative, and nice maybe for a quick visit, but no way in hell would I ever live on one of those things....imagination does not equal "smart". HH