Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Georgia, The Icky Factor and Gross Injustice

I first became aware of this travesty at Sentencing Law and Policy back in January, (Original Story)
below is the comment I made at the time.

For a "crime" such as this, here in Britain and the rest of Europe, I think it would have been highly unlikely that a cop would even make note of it, let alone pursue it to the point of bringing it to trial.

Any such action would be met with ridicule, from the public, his peers, the prosecutor, and if it were ever to be brought before a judge there would be someone going away with a flea in his ear, and it would not be the defendant.

I have only given the case a cursory glance, but I note three factors, I am sure there are more; the kid is black, it involves the "icky" factor, which I write about in the link, and why am I not surprised, Georgia, which is also the setting for the linked story. ****

The comment about says it all really, anything further I might wish to add could quite easily turn into a rant so I shall refrain. It is good to read however that this case is coming up for review. (Dead)

This sordid case of law enforcement and judicial abuse becomes all too apparent in the reading of both articles.

**** The link (Dead) that I allude to in the comment.


Anonymous said...

I remember this case. I was upset at the time, for apparent reasons. Justice? HH

Anonymous said...

Since when has piercing become the same as mutilation. Are my ear lobes mutilated? If I chose to have a clit piercing would I be mutilating my clitoris? Come on stupid, repressed, ignorant, fat, white men. HH

Himself said...

And how more just like him, and how many more banged up for a spliff or two?

What goes on in all these kind of cases is so far removed from any concept of justice that it's shameful.

How these buggers sleep at night is way beyond me.

It's only the hood that you have pierced by the way, trust me, I'm no stranger to the ways of the needle.