Call this a bit of an exclusive if you wish, I can't see many bloggers making the connection, and if they do, how many would be brave enough to suffer the horrors of doing the research?
What am I talking about,? patience, all will be clear if like me you can manage to sit through a clip of Norman Wisdom, or two if you're a complete masochist.
If you manage both clips then you will have a better understanding of the sacrifices that are made to bring you this blog.
Have at it, but don't blame me if it ruins your day.
It was Enver Hoxha who, paradoxically, made Sir Norman into a cult figure in Albania. During the Cold War, when the country was cut off from outside influences, Hoxha and his cronies decreed that Norman Wisdom's comedy films, like A Stitch in Time and Trouble in Store, were acceptable entertainment for Albania's citizens.
In Hoxha's warped view, proletarian Norman's ultimately victorious struggles against capitalism, personified by Mr Grimsdale and the effete aristocratic characters played by Jerry Desmonde, were a Communist parable on the class war. The Albanians, in their turn, simply found Norman Wisdom's slapstick comedy hilarious. more
Shows how much the Albanian's know about anything. Taste ! there's no taste like bad taste.Bush/Albania; Huffpo
Given a choice of a graphic, Bush or Wisdom, I thought the one you see far more preferable.
Thanks for the linkies Chuck, I tweeted what I could.
Especially this one, it sounds like a right rum place.
10 & 11
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