In any sane society Brownback's admission, along with Huckabee and Tancredo, that he disbelieved evolution should have rung a death knell for his Presidential hopes, but alas we are not talking of sane societies.
I am no great admirer of polls, as I have said in the past they are too easily manipulated, but Gallup is a respectable enough outfit and produces some interesting results, interesting enough to show us why Brownback's campaign is still alive.
And then we come to this latest example of pandering to the righteous right, can't help but read into that little lot that he's advocating church and state control of women's womb's.
I have left a link at the end of this article, the Rude Pundit's take on these sanctimonious pro life control freaks.
TAYLORS, S.C. — Sen. Sam Brownback, campaigning for president on Saturday before the National Catholic Men's Conference, questioned whether rape victims should get abortions.

"Rape is terrible. Rape is awful. Is it made any better by killing an innocent child? Does it solve the problem for the woman that's been raped?" the Kansas Republican asked at the St. Joseph's Covenant Keepers gathering.
"We need to protect innocent life. Period," Brownback said, bringing the crowd of about 500 to its feet. more

The Solution For South Dakota: More Fucking: Rude Pundit.
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