Friday, March 16, 2007

Ambien! Saved By The Blog

A Warning And An Alert.

A Couple of hours ago I thought I would put something together depicting some of the more humorous side effects of the much recently publicised sleeping drug Ambien.
These side effects include "Sleep Driving" though there wouldn't be much to laugh about if a person jumped in the car and had a major wreck whilst under the influence.
Also on the list was "Sleep Eating" there could be some humour in that, not least what all tokers have to suffer when we get a severe case of the munchies.
Then there was "Sleep Sex," that left a broad avenue to drive down, just as long as it involved you and missuss and not next door's kids.

But as I started my research, all humour, like Pandora's love, came flowing out. Came flowing out and took off down the road like a scalded cat, the humour that is.

Now I not going to air my aches and pains in this forum, it will suffice to say that I'm more than a bit "crook" I'm quite ill in fact, my thyroid has thrown in the towel.
It is a condition that is treatable with replacement hormones, "keep taking the pills"
But jazus I tell you, I have gone from bad to worse to worsest to worser to near death.

Things were, still are for that matter, pretty bloody grim. Every bone, joint and muscle crying out for the love of a good woman, my body so swollen, I'm the new Michelin Man, I can't even put a pair of socks on, in a word; fucked.
I have no need to go further and bore the arse off you all, but my research threw up something that can now act as a warning to others who might find themselves in a similar situation.

I was prescribed, alongside the hormones "Zopiclone" (Uk brand name) for the same type of drug as "Ambien" a few snippet's:
Zopiclone is known colloquially as a "Z drug," Other Z drugs include zaleplon (Sonata®) and zolpidem (Ambien® and AmbienCR®)
All the nasties explained in Wiki

Life-threatening allergic reactions, as

well as severe facial swelling, both of which can occur either the first time the pills are taken or anytime thereafter.


And given the numbers of people who neck this thing I'm sure I can't be alone in this very shitty experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Grumpy! I have just recently, today in fact, stumbled upon your blog. I followed a link from Dawkins site. I am from America and find your rants refreshing. I do believe there is a polarization of left and right and a double standard as stated in your Ann Coulter post. I do envy you your freedom in Britain and if things swing too far right I may be forced to relocate as I feel that though I do not believe in a hell, America will then become hell on earth. Ha! Please continue your rants! I will check in reguarly now that I have found this site. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! HH