Sunday, February 18, 2007

Not Even In America, Surely?

I have a severe case of the vapours, I must lie down.
Or am I lying down and this is a nightmare?


uluro said...

This is the worst nutjob website I've ever looked at. Is the address that of an insane asylum? Hurry, someone lock him up if he isn't already!

Himself said...

It's a Beut.
Compared to this guy dinosaurs on Arks are not just a possibility they were a dead cert and occupied the third stateroom port side promenade deck.

Have you ever seen the clips from the "science teacher" (Corpus Christi University Texas) arguing the case for the Ark and dinosaurs for passengers, when the dinos were still vegies, they only became carnivores when they got tainted with the sin of Adam.