.I know nothing of the author "A Miller" but he/she deserves far more than a sweeping flourish of the hat for producing this exceptionally well written and superbly constructed article, it truly is a must read.
Beginning with an overall view of what the McCann parameters are for "Responsible Parenting" the author moves on to deal with more than just a few specifics which leads on to even more questions. The inference of course being.... well I think you can well imagine just exactly what the inference is.

Just a little note of my own on the subject of "Within the bounds of responsible parenting," "we've all done it," and not least the bizarre support that these two toe-rags enjoy, be it from Pleb or Prime Minister.
I cannot help but wonder the level of support that would be afforded the McCanns had for instance our phantom abductor turned out to be a not so phantom murderer and had cut the throats of all three kids?
Still it wouldn't have been the McCanns fault, it never is, always somebody else's.
Those Straw Men, such wicked buggers.
Crying Shame
A Miller
The plight of not, just Madeleine, but all of the children, could not fail to touch even the hardest of hearts. Left alone, to cry in their holiday apartment, no one to comfort, care and protect them, ease their fears when they woke in the night, when they needed reassurance, when they needed to be made feel safe.
The question on the lips of some –‘How could the McCann’s, both doctors have treated children in this way?’
I ask – How could the McCann’s, not as medical professionals, but as parents, treat their own flesh and blood in this way? What makes parents, who say they were so desperate to have children, carry out such a cold and callous act against their own, leaving them in a horrifying situation?
An act, which the doctors McCann, have since defended, claiming it was ‘WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF RESPONSIBLE PARENTING.’
An act, which perhaps more disturbingly, more bizarrely, has been condoned by some members of the public, who in their defence of the McCann’s state that leaving the children for all of these nights in an unlocked apartment was a ‘mistake.’
They said it would not bring Madeleine back, to speak of the ‘mistake’.It should be forgotten!.
Travelling by private jet to Rome............
...........What changed in general that day? Almost everything!
1.The McCann children were not taken to the tennis courts after tea for their usual ‘playtime.’
2. Kate claimed that they were too tired to play on this night.
3. David Payne claimed he was asked by Gerry McCann to check on Kate McCann and the children. Why? So far, I have not heard a feasible explanation for doing so.
4. David Payne claimed he saw all three McCann children sitting dressed in pyjamas looking like little angels.
5. David Payne ........a man of mystery! His wife Fiona in her police statements found great difficulty in pinpointing exactly when he made his visit to Kate McCann. His wife said he was on the tennis courts at 6:30pm? Could not decide whether he visited Kate before or after tennis. If after, what would be the point, by that time it should have been obvious to Gerry that the children were not coming to watch daddy ‘play!’
6. Matt Oldfield takes it upon himself to do an impromptu check at the shuttered window of the bedroom where the McCann children slept...........
........There were a number of “Firsts.”
1. It was the day that Gerry McCann decided he was a lucky man to have such a lovely daughter.
2. It was the day which Kate McCann spoke of as being just lovely sitting reading the children bedtime stories.
3. It was the day that the McCann children were not taken to the tennis courts to have their usual short playtime at the side of the courts while their parents played tennis..........more Joana Morais.