Wednesday, April 11, 2007

U.S. Forces in Heavy Clashes in Baghdad

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi forces backed by attack helicopters fought gunmen in Baghdad on Tuesday, witnesses said, in what appeared to be the heaviest battle in the capital since a security crackdown was launched in February.

Two witnesses in Baghdad said they saw U.S. helicopters fire on buildings where gunmen had holed up in the Sunni stronghold of Fadhil. Police and witnesses said there had been casualties.

I despair, Apache attack helicopters, the most deadly killing machine ever to spin a rotor, deployed in the middle of Baghdad.
Clusterfuck doesn't come close to describing what's happening in this forsaken country.
Bush thinks history will look back on this invasion as a defining moment, it surely will, but it will be so far removed from what this delusional failed little fucktard has in mind, the idea, like the man, doesn't even border on pathetic.

Two words jumped to the fore when I read the article, "Gunboat Diplomacy," it was whilst searching for a suitable image to accompany this article I came across this from the CBC, and this little snippet from the BBC, interestingly enough the report from March 2001 reporting a shift in policy away from Europe, but the rest of it regarding not having an agenda is pure bullshit.

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