Goncarlo Amaral's A Verdade Da Mentira - The Truth About The Lie, presently under a temporary gagging order in Portugal, can be read in English at any of the following sites.
From My Big Desk - Anna Andress, without who's tireless efforts in translating from the French to English, none of this would be possible. If you feel inclined you might show her a little love.
Goncarlo Amaral Truth Of The Lie Blogspot. Tribute blog with lots of other information.
The Truth About The Lie Blogspot, plain text easy to read.

It will be bad enough for them that it is freely available to be read online, but to have it staring out of every bookshop window in the land must be stuff of nightmares.
Doctors McCann, hiding a cadaver [corpse occultation] and simulation of a crime [faking the crime of kidnapping] lying and fraud, J'accuse!
Again, many thanks to Anna Andress for bringing us all the English translation of A Verdade Da Mentira, The Truth About The Lie.