We the people have spoken, and we the people are having none of it, Madam Home Secretary, Commissioner Howe.
Just as we will have none of your lame excuses when this case reaches the inevitable and only conclusion possible, the truth of the matter.
You have already shown yourselves to be on the wrong side of history both, and do remember, when the truth, like all the evils of the world flies out, well I never and whodathunkit? will just not be good enough. Will they not Mister Savile?
The world and his dog know this scurrilous pair are guilty of all that they are accused, it's time you woke up to the fact. Or would I be more accurate in saying, it's time you stopped ignoring the fact?
You cannot stop us, for our struggle is greater than what you can comprehend.
For Madeleine McCann, for Brenda Leyland, and not least, Goncalo Amaral.
Brits take Maddie cop appeal fund to almost €46,000
Portugal Press
June 26, 2015
In an amazing outpouring of support, British people donating to an online appeal have raised almost €46,000 to help former Portuguese detective Gonçalo Amaral stand his corner against the parents of Madeleine McCann.
As newspapers have reported throughout the world, Amaral has been slapped with a €600,000 bill for the pain and anguish his book ‘The Truth of the Lie’ caused Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry.
In a poignant interview with Portuguese magazine Nova Gente, Amaral explained how the only thing keeping him alive since the verdict that went against him was his heart.
“My life is gone,” he said.
But he hadn’t bargained on the sheer volume of support, waiting to be rallied to his cause by a 22-year-old single mum from Birmingham, who was only 14 when Madeleine went missing from apartment 5a in the Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz.
In six whirlwind weeks, almost 2,000 people have dug into their pockets, some again and again with tiny amounts, others occasionally with lump sums of £1000 at a time.
As we clocked off for the weekend, the fund was one person short of 2,000, with the amount collected standing at £32,675.
Leanne Baulch, the young woman behind the initiative, was “amazed”.
“I never imagined we would get this far,” she told us.
The money now will all be ploughed into Amaral fighting his appeal, lodged earlier this month, and likely to cost “at least £40,000”, explained Ms Baulch.
The long-running civil court case was lodged against Amaral by the McCanns in 2009 after he wrote his book explaining the theory that Madeleine had not been abducted at all.
natasha.donn@algarveresident.com Portugal Press
Donations as of 27/05/2015
http://www.gofundme.com/legal-defencepjga# £33,040
http://pjga.blogspot.pt/ awaiting today's figure
Great is the truth and mighty above all things, Home Secretary. And the truth is, you and the office you represent, should not be in the same room as uncleared suspect, Kate McCann.
You are a disgrace Madam, if not to yourself, then certainly to your office.
Good point! It seems plain wrong for the Home Secretary to be this situation while an active investigation into the Madeleine McCann case is ongoing.