Wednesday, February 01, 2012

I Have Nothing To Say

Having waded through a couple of hundred news items from the past week, I can honestly say that there wasn't one item that I wanted to blog. One of us is getting jaded, me or the world, I'm not sure which? I did try watching the Julian Assange proceedings for awhile, but it was all legaleese,

So for something a little different, a picture gallery of just some of the the stuff that, as a blogger who likes to decorate his posts, I save as a matter of course when I happen on them.

In the main, uploaded alphabetically and named correctly. The only exception being this latest offering from Martin Rowson on the stripping of Goodman's knighthood. I do have to say, I have become a recent fan of Rowson, if for nothing else than his brilliant lampooning of Cameron. Or should I say Camerface?

The four images below, I captured from the other bit of Wikileaks Collateral Murder. For me personally, I found this particular part of the film even more unacceptable than the multi-murder sequence that got the most coverage. Watch the man approaching from the left, and if you have watched the whole of the film, you will know as I, that there was no hurry for the death from above jockey to unleash his deadly load.

No border for the Hubble Deep Field photo, (the dawning of the universe) it's a 1280 wallpaper.

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