Thursday, December 22, 2011

'Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic.' French Muslim Jailed

Just a slight hiccup in a prospective lifetime of happiness.

French Muslim jailed for punching nurse who tried to remove wife's burqa during childbirth
By Ian Sparks
22nd December 2011

A Muslim man who punched a nurse for trying to remove his wife's burqa during childbirth has been jailed in France.

Nassim Mimoune, 24, had already been expelled from the delivery room for branding the midwife a 'rapist' as she carried out an intimate examination of his wife.

Then through a window he spotted the nurse taking off his wife's burqa as she prepared to give birth.

He smashed open the locked door and hit the woman in the face, demanding she replace the full Islamic face veil.

As his wife delivered a baby boy, Mimoune was ejected from the building by security men from the hospital in Marseille and arrested for assault.

A judge in the southern French port jailed Mimoune for six months on Wednesday, telling him: 'Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic.' The Wail

I covered something similar back in 2007: Muslim Women Get Their Own NHS Burka-Style Gown But you might be in for a bit of a surprise.


  1. H, I find your

    "Your religious values are not superior to the laws of the republic."

    a better headline than the Mail’s

    "French Muslim jailed for punching nurse who tried to remove wife's burqa during childbirth."

    It is all in the headlines - a variation on details.

    Well, I think, unfortunately, you have no intention of working for the Mail. M

  2. It's the essential message in the story as far as I'm concerned.

    If we were to make mistreatment of women at the hands of Muslim males the story, we never be done with them.

    As for the rest of it? Wash your mouth out girl!


  4. o/t Obama/Chavez/Pravda

    Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but Pravda hates America.


  6. Coincidently enough, only the other day I noticed that there were a couple of docs on the subject on one of my documentary channel resources. I didn't bother with them though.

    I have been watching this go-daddy thing unfold this week. I tell you, the power of the net/twitter at times, is something to behold.

    Google for the latest, but here is a bit on Anon.



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