Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jesoids Ban Richard Dawkins Event in Michigan Country Club

There is a link to the O'Reilly video in question at the bottom of the page. Personally I couldn't get past the one minute mark. The overwhelming desire to kick someone in the bollocks, having the tendency to interfere with one's viewing pleasure ever so slightly.

Billo is such an ignorant loud mouthed gobshite, or as some disillusion soul described him a while back: 'A great American.' And I'm not making that up, as hard as it might be to get your head around.

Bill O'Reilly, corporate shill and a great American.

Previous: Billo You're So Predictable

Richard Dawkins Event Banned by Michigan Country Club

October 10, 2011

The Wyndgate Country Club in Rochester Hills, MI, cancels Center for Inquiry–Michigan event with biologist Richard Dawkins because of his atheist philosophy.

Prejudice against atheists (video here & here) manifested itself again when The Wyndgate Country Club in Rochester Hills, Michigan (outside of Detroit), cancelled an event with scientist and author Richard Dawkins after learning of Dawkins’s views on religion. The event had been arranged by the Center for Inquiry–Michigan (CFI), an advocacy group for secularism and science, and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

Richard DawkinsThe Wyndgate terminated the agreement after the owner saw an October 5th interview with Dawkins on The O’Reilly Factor in which Dawkins discussed his new book, The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True.

In a phone call to CFI–Michigan Assistant Director Jennifer Beahan, The Wyndgate’s representative explained that the owner did not wish to associate with individuals such as Dawkins, or his philosophies.

Although privately owned, The Wyndgate facilities are open to the public for special events and occasions. According to Title II of the Federal Civil Rights Law of 1964, “open to the public” means “all persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.”

After learning of the owner’s last-minute refusal to allow Dawkins to speak, CFI–Michigan asked the owner to reconsider his position, but this attempt to resolve the issue amicably was met with silence. The event, scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, will now be held at a different venue.

“It’s important to understand that discrimination based on a person’s religion—or lack thereof—is legally equivalent to discriminating against a person because of his or her race,” said Jeff Seaver, executive director of CFI–Michigan. “This action by The Wyndgate illustrates the kind of bias and bigotry that nonbelievers encounter all the time. It’s exactly why organizations like CFI and the Richard Dawkins Foundation are needed: to help end the stigma attached to being a nonbeliever.” CFI-Michigan: via RDF - Video link


  1. I find the video in question quite interesting. Richard Dawkins couldn’t have wished for a better antagonist, Bill O'Reilly's just bringing Dawkins into the spotlight. End video: "thank you" (RD).

    O’Reilly’s so vein, a simple mind that loves to hear himself talk, just another puppet on the string.

    Oh father high in heaven - smile down upon your son, whose busy with his money games - his women and his gun. JT

  2. I suppose I should try and watch the thing, but not now though, I'm trying to get out the gap.

    Taking m'ma here.



    PS Another Amsterdam story upped!

  3. http://huff.to/stVihY


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