Update: Full English transcript available here. Lengthy (thank you Joana Morais) but most readable.
Any inference I make below is purely academic, for a body in a coffin theory plays havoc with later revelations, DNA and cadaver odour in the McCann's hire car etc.
Short transcript from CM Special: "Maddie, the Mystery"
Anchor João Ferreira - I would like for you to tell us in detail your explanation for the disappearance of the body, you have a thesis..
Gonçalo Amaral - No, I don't have one.
Anchor - ... in this book...
Gonçalo Amaral - No, in that book there isn't anything concerning what we just saw me saying on the news piece that was shown. Because these are elements, these are information that appeared afterwards and were never investigated. It's just an hypothesis, and when considering that hypothesis...
Anchor - An hypothesis that Madeleine's body could have been hidden, could have been incinerated, right?
Gonçalo Amaral - There's an information here, in the police, that mentions that. That in a night, three figures were seen carrying a bag, entering the church...
Anchor - In the Praia da Luz church.
Gonçalo Amaral - In that church was a coffin of a woman, a woman from the United Kingdom...
Anchor - Of a British woman.
Gonçalo Amaral - ... and in the following day that coffin was transferred to Ferreira do Alentejo to be incinerated. But no one is saying that the parents did that, or saying who did that. It's something that someone who is on the field investigating has to ascertain, must investigate thoroughly.
Anchor - But you concede that hypothesis, that possibility of Madeleine's cadaver being taken to the church, and then incinerated is a plausible hypothesis...
Gonçalo Amaral - We're practically starting by the end, first is the disappearance, if you allow me to explain, to explain to the viewers... [overlapping speech]
Anchor - I'll allow you, but just so not to lose this train of thought, is this hypothesis plausible for you?
Gonçalo Amaral - It is plausible, and I say plausible in this sense, that that body would fit underneath the cadaver that was already there.
Anchor - And it would fit?
Gonçalo Amaral - It would, yes. At the time, when I was already out of the Judiciary Police I obtained the opinion of people that dealt with that, of funeral agencies, and they said that it was a possibility. It's an opinion that is not officialized but it's a possibility. If it happened like that or not, we don't know, there are several hypotheses to make a body disappear. Joana Morais
Previous comments
Gonçalo Amaral - There's an information here, in the police, that mentions that. That in a night, three figures were seen carrying a bag, entering the church...
ReplyDeleteIs this a first for everybody, it's certainly new to me?
I wonder who the witness was?
Ain't got time at the moment, but this might be worth a smooch round.
Welcome to the website of unProfessional Standards Department, or uPSD for short.
We are a group of experienced investigators who have come together to fight police incompetence, misconduct or criminality that lead to miscarriages of justice. This can range from a person simply suffering discourteous behaviour at the hands of the police, or civilian staff connected to the police, to cases where a person has been wrongly jailed. In some cases, for life sentences.
Himself I heard before that GA had said that the body may have been cremated in the coffin of an old woman who had been laid to rest overnight in the church but I had never heard of three people being spotted carrying a large bag into the church late at night. Since its been quite a while since GA said it before he must certainly believe it to be true and not a spare of the moment thought. Do you think he will publish an English translation of the book. Kate
ReplyDeleteI vaguely remember reading something about these persons seen entering the church. It had to do with the church itself if I remember correctly. Maren
"Madeleine McCann case: One line of inquiry remains"
Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, said then that they fully understood the decision.
Interesting timeline. Gerry checks and Kate raises the alarm. M
M @11:40
ReplyDelete"The remaining line of inquiry is centred around a letter asking for assistance sent from UK investigators to the Portuguese Public Prosecution Service in July 2015."
I wonder if the letter's been abducted since?
From the fetid orifice of BHH:
"If somebody comes forward and gives us good evidence we will follow it. We always say that a missing child inquiry is never closed."
And yet they are just about to close one, having flushed (sorry, 'followed') all the good evidence down the toilet!
Pronouns are important (ask Tania):
"It's a child who went missing, everybody wants to know if she is alive and if she is where is she, and sadly if she's dead then we need to give some comfort to the family.
"It's needed us to carry out an investigation together with the Portuguese and other countries have been involved.
'It's a child' and 'It needed us to carry out an investigation.'
What the case needed was for Portugal to be allowed to continue their investigation in the first place! 'IT' in this instance is something else entirely.
As for Madeleine McCann, the object of unbelievable resource allocation by the British Government - well, she's no more now than an inanimate object - 'IT'
This episode must rank among the establishment's most publicly sordid displays. More despicable than any I can personally recall.
ReplyDeleteSir Bernard said: "There's been a lot of investigation time spent on this terrible case.
"It's a child who went missing, everybody wants to know if she is alive and if she is where is she, and sadly if she's dead then we need to give some comfort to the family.
"It's needed us to carry out an investigation together with the Portuguese and other countries have been involved.
"There is a line of inquiry that remains to be concluded and it's expected that in the coming months that will happen."
He said that line of inquiry was agreed to be "worthwhile pursuing" but once that had concluded, the probe, called Operation Grange, would likely end.
But he added: "If somebody comes forward and gives us good evidence we will follow it. We always say that a missing child inquiry is never closed."
then we need to give some comfort to the family. Say no more.
M R 26 April 2016 at 12:01
ReplyDeleteAs for Madeleine McCann, the object of unbelievable resource allocation by the British Government - well, she's no more now than an inanimate object - 'IT'
This episode must rank among the establishment's most publicly sordid displays. More despicable than any I can personally recall.
Nothing to add.
Maren, Kate, thank you.
ReplyDeleteMartin R
ReplyDeleteSee here.
Himself @14:10
ReplyDeleteThank you
In two interviews, two months apart, Robert Murat furnished the PJ with two very different accounts of his activities on 2 and 3 May 2007. The PJ spotted the inconsistencies - they could hardly miss them - but were never allowed to follow up.
ReplyDeleteThere are several interesting features of Murat's conflicting accounts, but the most obvious is that he was told to make himself scarce from his home, Casa Liliana, during practically the whole of 3 May. Which, of course, was the day when Kate McCann declared the abduction-that-never-was. He was also ordered not to use his mobile, for the good reason that it would have sent signals to the antennas wherever he went, thus giving away his movements, for which he could be held to account. Better to be able to tell half a story (even if you forget it two months later), than to be found out in a direct lie.
For me, the crucial question is: why did Murat have to spend the day driving aimlessly around, and wasting the time of an acquaintance whom he unaccountably invited to spend the afternoon with him at a local Golf Club? The answer, as demonstrated by a curious pattern of calls on the fixed line of Casa Liliana, is that the Murat house was being used for a purpose related to the imminent declaration of "abduction", by a group of people who I take to include the brains behind the scam. Gerry McCann doesn't qualify for that description, though I strongly suspect that he was present. It is very possible that the person who left 12 (sometimes said to be 14) voicemail messages on Gerry's mobile on the previous day, was amongst those present.
Himself 14:36
ReplyDeleteLittle (if anything) to argue with there.
"Service for six months since disappearance of Madeleine McCann"
"Put the bracelets on the person besides us to the little girl and know who she was."
How creepy!
H @14:36
"On the following day May 3rd they met at the South West bar in Lagos marina at about 11.30. He does not remember whether Robert or Michaela phoned him to ask for the meeting or if they had agreed upon it the day before. The witness and J**** went to the place on foot. When they arrived Michaela and Robert were already there. They talked there for half an hour, but as it was very noisy, Robert suggested they went elsewhere. The four of them left in the VW transporter to Palmares Golf, about 5 minutes away by car, a place where the witness and his son had never been. They remained there conversing for about 3 hours, very much at the insistence of Robert. In spite of the witness and his son being hungry, Robert prolonged the conversation, saying that he was not hungry. Only at about 16.00 did Robert and Michaela drop the witness and his son near to their shop. On that day they had no further contact, neither personally or by phone."
ReplyDeleteThat apart, but do you not find it rather odd that the church sends a preacher to a foreign country who don't speak the lingo?
Not that I would normally come to a Tulipe for advice on ecumenical matters. Nor Father Jack for that matter.
M @14:58
ReplyDelete"Creepy" isn't the word!
Bracelets? WTF! He wouldn't be the first cleric to have dabbled in S&M I don't suppose.
What an extraordinary (and improper) allusion.
Very, very odd.
M @15:29
ReplyDeleteYou've got to suppose there were quieter venues within walking distance. It reads as though they were taking a witness to their 'out of town' alibi.
Maren 26 April 2016 at 15:29
ReplyDeleteI could ask the ubiquitous question, why? But until proved otherwise, Dewy's last paragraph is as good as it gets.
Unless Martin has thoughts on the matter, or has addressed it previously in one of his articles?
Himself @15:29
ReplyDeleteThe one thought that does occur to me is 'why there?'
I think the Palmeras golf club is t'other side of Lagos, near Alvora,(the gun runners hang out, i.e. the Algarve's 'hole-in- the-wall')
Himself @15:41
ReplyDeleteYou’d never realised before how silly we are?
Martin Roberts said...
ReplyDeleteYou've got to suppose there were quieter venues within walking distance. It reads as though they were taking a witness to their 'out of town' alibi.
Aye lad, Occam's razor plain and simple.
Maren 26 April 2016 at 16:31
ReplyDeleteIf anybody could take the piss out of the government, it was those lads.
Full sketch
How do we explain the blood in the hire car if we are to go along with the cremation theory
ReplyDeleteI know it ain't Latin, but English still requires 'agreement' when it comes to things like 'gender' and 'number'. "He came to her senses" wouldn't pass muster, any more than BHH referring to 'a line of inquiry' in relation to an open file on several unexplained (as in imaginary) burglaries.
ReplyDeleteIt has been suggested that this 'line' could have something to do with a 2015 request from OG to Portugal. Another idea is that it might involve a historic meeting to discuss the re-examination of some forensic samples retrieved during the early stages of the original investigation (are the two observations connected perhaps?).
Now then, this old cynic wondered earlier today what was the real benefit to be derived from gathering all the investigative information together? (something SY were 'privileged' to do, Metodo 3's work not being available on the internet).
Since Operation Grange has demonstrably NOT acted upon original evidence collated by the PJ, why would they be any more interested in processing that of Metodo 3? That might depend, of course, on the nature of the processing involved. (Unfortunately, 'Shredders' is no longer available for comment).
Basically, like the USA's entreaties to the UK, that we remain in Europe, having all the eggs in the one basket confers far greater control over their destiny. And that would be true also of forensic samples.
Suspicious? Moi?
ReplyDeleteA "letter" from Oxford and a few words from Paul Craig Roberts.
ReplyDeleteHimself @14:51
ReplyDeleteOh how I relate to that! The implications do not of course reside exclusively within Oriel College Oxford.
27 April 2016
A friend of the couple said: “It’s lengthy and costly but they are thinking about doing it again on advice from US forensic scientists."
21 December 2015 at 19:10
Official Find Madeleine Campaign
Hans, the picture is the latest photo of Madeleine that was commissioned by the Met. If Madeleine is not home by her 13th birthday, the Met will commission another age-progression image to be done.
One line of inquiry? M
"Anchor - Are you saying that there is fear from the people in the Judiciary to come out in your defence?
ReplyDeleteGonçalo Amaral - I wouldn't say fear. I find it strange, a very odd situation. Those who have congratulated me at this point in time, for this decision - a decision that has not yet been rendered final, and may still be the target of an appeal - but those who have congratulated me were colleagues that are retired, not colleagues in active functions. Not even a single colleague on the active congratulated me. On the other hand, I had the support of colleagues in the active from the British police, who also have been present along the years."
Life 'above ground'.
Borrowed. M
M @06:30
ReplyDelete'One line of inquiry?'
The clue's in the title, as the 'Pub Landlord' (Al Murray) is fond of saying:
Confirmation of the reality is never far away, but some see no further than their noses unfortunately.
I watched a US real-life crime drama last night. Person (a) collaborated in a kidnapping that their accomplice, Person (b), was thought to have turned into a murder. Person (a) was charged equally and got 'life'.
Shades of Craig and Bentley there. Nevertheless, it gives rise to a certain train of thought when considering possible reasons for silence.
ReplyDeleteWhat if everyone toes the line on Operation Grange " three men in a room" burgalry?what about this scenario.....Portugal PJ toodle along saying nowt till 2027 or longer.....OG is the only story in town....MSM on board.......katie Hopkins was used to gather the majority of vocal opposition (she ignored requests about promoting files I think!) mail runs article viscously exposing "trolls" frightening and humiliating all "anti" groups as other newspapers armed with the comments section IP addresses do the same to opposition, ridicule them humble them generally bend them into submission....police state by backdoor use of press gangsters....jatyk dissappear as does sites ran by double agents leaving sparse dotty outsiders with no news to report and eventually winding down due to lack of interest.....horrible dream??
Would they "GAMBLE" on that one?? Tell us Jim?
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts
Winston Churchill
Bampots @11:07
ReplyDelete'Press Gangsters' indeed.
It hardly needs saying that such a scenario might be viewed as 'out there', 'off the wall', or whatever, but elsewhere in the known universe 'Architects and Engineers for Truth' have faced a similar uphill struggle.
ReplyDelete4 NOV 2014
"British police told bosses at Portugal’s Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences they wanted to retest some of the samples to try to crack the mystery of Madeleine’s disappearance.
They are yet to send a sixth international letter of request which mum-of-four Mrs Sequeira will have to authorise before Met Police forensics experts are allowed access to the lab or given permission to take samples to Britain to analyse them."
"The remaining line of inquiry is centred around a letter asking for assistance sent from UK investigators to the Portuguese Public Prosecution Service in July 2015."
The seventh letter? M
M @12:30
ReplyDeleteThe magic number '7'
The idea that SY might want to get their hands on the remaining forensic evidence held by Portugal came up on CMoMM very recently. If indeed this 'last line' has to do with that (the business with the burglars being a cover story), it only takes a moment to figure out what SY might want the samples for. We no longer have the FSS don't forget, so, in the absence of a dedicated lab. to test them in, what would be their true intention? File 39 if you ask me.
Reiterating an earlier link furnished by 'Himself' (27.4 @14:51):
A classic example of a vocal minority exploiting the 'political correctness' of their hosts.
Now there's another:
I have never been a fan of 'Red Ken', but he says nothing here that is factually inaccurate. It would appear that criticism of Israeli foreign policy = 'anti-semitism', certainly in the eyes of John Mann (whom one might be tempted to describe as a 'woman's organ', except that would be to compare him, mistakenly, to something useful).
Maren 28 April 2016 at 08:50
ReplyDeleteThank you precious, an interesting read.
GA is a cool dude given what he has been through, but I was rather taken with Manuel Rodrigues, he was far more forthcoming than GA.
The whole thing stinks of politics in spite of GA's prevarications.
Not the most up to date news, I have a graphic to prove that, but how subtle was this?
We were working in close cooperation with the British police, they were always with us until the day when the couple left. Then they all left. I wondered at the time what exactly they were doing here then, because one thing is to assist in an investigation and the investigation wasn't concluded when the couple left Portugal in September 2007, and they all left in the following day, "good bye, see you again, let's talk on the phone, exchange mails". We were left alone when we had already reached these conclusions along with the British police input.
Oh dear, how accurate are you on this one Goncalo?
I can't see the Judiciary Police resuming the investigation when Scotland Yard ends theirs. In the end, the process was re-opened almost only and by the Scotland Yard, and when they leave the process will be archived just like before.
And last but not least, bleedin' Anchors, the same the world over.
Oh by the by, I did close my online edition of A Verdade da Mentira as others I think have have done. Although GA has not outwardly condemned such, I think he would like them to disappear in anticipation of finding an English language publisher.
Anonymous 26 April 2016 at 18:29
ReplyDeleteSee my update top of page.
M R 28 April 2016 at 15:19
ReplyDeleteI thought that link might touch a cord. I have not forgotten your article by the way, when the time is right.
Maren 28 April 2016 at 06:30
ReplyDeleteAs you say lass, just the one.
Life below ground. Not borrowed.
Himself @15:31
ReplyDelete"I have not forgotten your article by the way, when the time is right."
That'll be when it's discovered the 'three burglars' of PdL, seen on 3 May 2007 dancing and cheering on top of a white van (which, coincidentally, had Luis Forra's photographs of Madeleine McCann stuck on it), were actually Mossad apprentices, there 'to record the event'. (LOL)
Himself @16:25
The threat of political embarrassment is the one thing that's guaranteed to grab a politician's attention.
M R 16:29
ReplyDeleteOdd that, it was only in the last week that I read the account of Mossad (apprentice) glee.
M R 16:33
Oh ar, send in the Pinkertons.
ReplyDeleteOne of the comments:
I have never read such drivel in all my life! How does that explain the cadaver and blood detected by the dogs not only in the appt but on Kate's clothing? There was absolutely no evidence of a break in,no evidence of any other DNA inc Madeleine's (allegedly) So how did they do it? Can't wait to read more spin on this one!
ReplyDeleteNice one.
So the LP up and left, did they.
ReplyDeleteNow that spells it out, the reason they were there to SUPPORT the McCanns.
Just reading the correspondence between call me 'Stu' Prior and witnesses for the re-enactment, shows exactly what song sheet they were singing from.
If crechedad does exists, whooooosh he would have been gone, dealt with off the agenda. Thank you TM.
Just how proactive was the assistance from the UK to Portugal. Full background checks on the T9 - NO. Full checks on parents - NO Even the medical history of Madeleine No.
What a strange situation, even the Gaspars statement when eventually submitted to the investigation, seemed to be without any supporting \ investigated cover note. Rather, here have this, see what you can make of it.
Rogatory interviews and the hoops and time delays prior .... what was that all about, time certainly didn't appear urgent. The interviews - well errrmmm they emmmm sort of, I think, you know ..... tell you alot.
And here we all sit on the edge of a precipice aka 3rd May fast approaching circus bus, waiting for that moment in time that all will stop.
Whooosh it's just gone again.
Clarence Mitchell 2:18
Cultural differences. Why do these crazy Brits want to put their children to bed at 7:30 at night? They should be out with us at the table, having wine till midnight. That’s just, that’s just how it is.
You couldn’t make it up. M
ReplyDeletejust for the record
ReplyDeletePersonally, I do not believe the McCanns themselves were (or are) of particular importance.
M @09:12
ReplyDeleteNor do I! (LOL)
May 1, 2016
Scotland Yard officers have identified an innocent holidaymaker carrying a child there at the time as being the person Ms Tanner saw.
Mr Amaral said: “This is a crucial area for the reconstruction. We now know Scotland Yard have eliminated the man Jane Tanner saw carrying a child.
“It would be important for the person Scotland Yard has identified to take part in the reconstruction as this period of time is absolutely crucial.”
Although I'm quoting the Express as a source, it doesn't sound unreasonable. M
ReplyDeleteGoncalo Amaral reveals in a Sunday newspaper that he has completed a second book which re-examines the timeline of her diappearance from her family’s holiday apartment in Praia de Luz on the Algarve on May 3 2007.
ReplyDeleteGoncalo Amaral revealed he has completed the work, which forensically re-examines the timeline of her disappearance, and is now seeking to publish it.
May 1, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:56
And in other news...
"But Mr Livingstone's version of history contained several errors, as Timothy Snyder, Yale University history professor and author of Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning, explains.."
Yale University...where's that? Oh. I wonder if he's read this:?
ReplyDeleteMethinks a better opportunity to air your article might be a long time coming, so now is the hour.
The trouble is dear boy, I cannot for the life of me remember what I asked you for as back up to said article. Was it the scans of the newspapers, and if so, where do I find them?
I shall try and get onto it today, but a couple of must do tasks and the Grand Prix at 18:00 makes time somewhat tight today.
We shall do our best.
1 May 2016 at 09:28
ReplyDeleteBut Chrecheman has returned to Redman's arse from whence he came. Can't see him attending a reconstruction somehow.
1 May 2016 at 07:28
ReplyDeleteThe McCanns are taking the case to the Supreme Court in Lisbon in a bid to to overturn the appeal ruling on the first book.
I didn't see the direct quote, but somebody was quoting the Supreme Court who evidently said, the court is not here to adjudicate on civil squabbles. Or some such.
Ken Livingstone in general.
ReplyDeleteWhere are all the Charlie Hebdos now?
1 May 2016 at 07:10
ReplyDeleteThe Mirror! They never know when to stop. Maybe Amaral should get Carter-Ruck on board, that would shut the buggers up.
Jimmy Gambles back with something to say......"cases of SUSPECTED abduction are much rarer"-Ben&Madeleine... His old mate Hugh Orde another ex NI cop is moaning about persuing old missing child cases and that the money could be better spent and such like today. This looks like different factions arguing the toss in public......I mean do you think Gamble and Orde just popped out today coincidently? Me neither.......it's like wacky races now......MUTLEY!!!!
1 May 2016 at 06:25
ReplyDeleteit doesn't sound unreasonable
It does if Crecheman is the figment of someone's imagination.
What say you Redders?
Bampots 1 May 2016 at 15:04
ReplyDeleteA linky perchance?
My apologies.....
Scroll down .....
ReplyDeleteHugh Orde was on Sky News this afternoon around 15.00 if I remember(I'm making the first rhubarb crumble of this year so time approx could have been 14.00.......certainly between....
ReplyDeleteI have it, I shall have to screenshot the relevant bits, the timings of which you did supply. Shouldn't present any problems I don't think.
ReplyDeleteRE: Jim Gamble's tweets
Oh dear, oh dear. Ask what you like, but don't mention the dogs. He won't entertain that subject apparently.
Himself @15:52
ReplyDeleteNo rush. Please see my recent DM.
Btw, if Ken Livingstone's comments concerning Israel and Zionism make him an anti-Semite, I guess David Attenborough's questioning Kenya's burning of impounded ivory makes him a racist.
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of tweets.
If you right click on the time posted and then 'copy link location' it will give you the URL of that individual tweet.
As much as I would like to save yo time I'm not on Twitter and on this I pad I can only see tweet and give you it's link to page. It took around 4secs to find!!!
ReplyDeleteJim Gamble
Jim Gamble – @JimGamble_INEQE
@LBC @KTHopkins most kids who go missing return home within 48-72 hours. Cases of suspected abduction are much rarer - Ben & Madeleine
3:00 a.m. - 1 May 2016
Copy and paste if you wish .......that's your lot I'm afraid
ReplyDeleteFair play.
I find the photos of Amaral used in this article very interesting.
Where did the stressed 'sardine muncher' go?
A search for 'PJ files' brought the site to numero 1
A search for 'Martin Roberts McCann' brought up McCann files site numero 1
In the past I have spent a while trying to find these sites through searches. Just observations which all of you will no doubt have already noted.
Amanda S.
Amanda @18:03
ReplyDeleteI noticed that too. Retired Portuguese police chief Goncalo Amaral...
Perhaps it has something to do with:
One of Greenslade’s random selection of front pages 'Find body or McCanns will escape' - Portuguese prosecutor (allegedly) to police was a Daily Mail article.
Meanwhile, Portugal's most senior prosecutor, Antonio Cluny - who is not directly involved in the McCann case - said:
"Without the little girl's body, everything is extremely complicated. There have been cases in which it was possible to obtain a conviction without there being a victim, but there were confessions."
"If we have a body, our work is done for us. If we don't, we have to dig deeper and work harder."
Amanda @18:03
ReplyDeleteI noticed that too. Retired Portuguese police chief Goncalo Amaral...
Perhaps it has something to do with:
ReplyDeleteOne of Greenslade’s random selection of front pages 'Find body or McCanns will escape' - Portuguese prosecutor (allegedly) to police was a Daily Mail article.
Meanwhile, Portugal's most senior prosecutor, Antonio Cluny - who is not directly involved in the McCann case - said:
"Without the little girl's body, everything is extremely complicated. There have been cases in which it was possible to obtain a conviction without there being a victim, but there were confessions."
"If we have a body, our work is done for us. If we don't, we have to dig deeper and work harder."
25 September 2007
Jim Gamble QPM tweets emoticon and ‘bye’.
J’arrive où je suis étranger.
M07 @07:27
ReplyDeleteThank you. That's the very 'tweet' I had in mind yesterday (15:57) but didn't think to copy.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @09:58
ReplyDeleteGame over. Unless of course they intend to pursue Portugal through the ECHR! (Dream on, Clarence).
ReplyDeleteThe inimitable Ken M : http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/035/578/4d0.png
ReplyDeleteG McCann:
"and there's no way she... she could have got out on her own."
Of course not. See pic no.7 at http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/HOLIDAY-PHOTOS-LIST.htm#oa8v3p585
Himself @10:51
ReplyDelete"MUSIC stars including Lesley Garrett, Rick Astley and Jodie Prenger are joining forces with a choir of families whose loved ones went missing for a charity single launched on the ninth anniversary of the disappearance of Rothley girl Madeleine McCann."
"The song will be released on Friday, May 20 to mark International Missing Children’s Day on May 25 with all profits going to the charity Missing People’s Find Every Child campaign."
No wonder SY can't identify an abductor for the night of May 3. They've obviously got the wrong date. (Well we knew that didn't we?)
He doesn't comment too often, but when he does...
ReplyDeleteMike Spudgun @spudgun01 · 2m2 minutes ago
The biggest scandal in the case is NOT what happened to Madeleine #McCann, but the brainwashing of a NATION into believing she was abducted.
M R 3 May 2016 at 11:13
ReplyDeleteAye lad
M R 3 May 2016 at 12:44
ReplyDeletePurely academic.
Was that before or after I RTd it?
All with the tacit agreement of dot Gov, the Home Office and of course the inimitably corrupt Metropolitan Police Service.
Himself @13:08
ReplyDelete"Was that before or after I RTd it?"
Not sure. I lifted it straight from #McCann and didn't discover you'd RT'd it until after I lodged the comment, but it came as no surprise that you had.
Just my roundabout way of saying, we're on the same page.
ReplyDeleteHimself @13:46
ReplyDeleteIndeed. Gerry McCann was right though (corpses have a hard time getting off the bed never mind opening doors).
09 May 2011
From comment mrsashville:
“The insistence by the parents, that there was no way Madeleine could have left the room on her own accord, without actually telling us why. If pressed they simply say because they know their daughter and she could not have. They are never pressed further.
No journalist has ever ask them why, if she could not have left on her own accord, did they say that they left the patio door open so that she could come and find them or in case of a fire.
To my mind, the parents and their friends appear to be holding back information and know more about possible reasons for her disappearance. I hope we are still allowed to have opinions."
ReplyDeleteWTF is he on about?
Himself @18:38
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult to know whether the sentiments expressed by the author are genuinely his own, but I get the impression he's at last waking up to the questionable legitimacy of Operation Grange. Having previously slagged off Bennett and CMOMM, three paragraphs from the end he poses the very questions that others have entertained for years already!
He closes:
"It’s almost as though the Yard don’t really feel that they have failed as badly as they say, that come the end of the investigation, excuses won’t be needed - nor resignations. That “seeing it through the parents’ eyes” was a vital and justified first step. And that, despite extraordinary difficulties, they and the CPS won't be accused of failing at all.
"Now why on earth might they feel that?"
Why on earth d'ya think. Next week it will dawn on him that the Wayback date of 30 April was, to coin his own phrase, 'weird' also.
M.R. @15:59
ReplyDeleteA living child in the kitchen cupboard or a wardrobe?
Kate McCann (in ‘madeleine’):
“Refusing to acknowledge what I already knew, and perhaps automatically going into a well-practised medical-emergency mode, I quickly scoured the apartment to exclude all other possibilities, mentally ticking boxes that I knew, deep down, were already ticked. I checked the wardrobe in the children’s room. I ran into the kitchen, throwing open all the cupboard doors, into our bedroom, searching the wardrobes, in and out of the bathroom, all within about fifteen seconds, before hurtling out through the patio doors and down towards Gerry and our friends.”
To exclude all other possibilities? What about the possibility of ‘out through the patio doors’ or ‘hiding behind the sofa’? Did Kate look behind the sofa, found nothing, panicked and opened the window in the children’s bedroom?
M R 3 May 2016 at 19:23
ReplyDeleteI think it has already dawned on him he has shot his bolt and is now trying to recover credibility.
Mark my words, watch his blog posts disappear sometime in the future. (as they have previously)
I used to have so much time for Blacksmith, but now? Not a bit.
Funny isn't it, how they are all coming out of the woodwork, post Amaral decision.
ReplyDeleteHimself @19:36
ReplyDeleteIt's a funny old world.
ReplyDeleteA letter to Madeleine who isn’t able to respond. How insane is that. M
M @19:28
ReplyDeleteThinking back to when I was very, very young, I recollect installing myself once, uncomfortably, in a wardrobe (not to escape from tyranny I should add). There and underneath a large dining table. I guess a (small) child might zero-in on an empty kitchen cupboard, but you're right about KM not looking in more obvious places, i.e. behind the sofa (I visited that 'cubby hole' too as I recall).
M @20:37
ReplyDelete"How insane is that?"
Completely. (I think a clue is in the blog title - 'a glass half-full').
The author might at least have reassured Madeleine that the trolls were not 'coming soon to a bridge near you'.
Comments of course.
Maren 3 May 2016 at 20:37
ReplyDeleteNauseating self indulgent tripe.
Himself @20:56
ReplyDeleteWasn't it David Payne who said, "We have a PACT"?
Re: Brenda Leyland
ReplyDeleteThe very last series of comments is worth reading:
Wow, I didn't expect that. Somebody seemingly far more driven than the rest of us. Too late to go looking, was there follow up?
ReplyDeleteM.R. @23:26
ReplyDeleteImpressive research. M
NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE was produced in court (no photo, no description of colour) and NO TEST for helium was carried out at autopsy.
An inquest is there to provide answers, this inquest raised more questions than it ever gave answers.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea whether the author conducted any further research into the matter of the Brenda Leyland inquest. There might be something among the comments to subsequent essays by Ros. I'll have a look see later.
At the very least it bears out our own suspicions. Suicide is still a crime, so for there to have been 'No physical evidence' produced of the portable method supposedly employed, and for the 'scene' to have been described as matching what was 'on the computer', which was not produced either, indicates that there was something seriously wrong with the inquest, if not events prior.
Hello Team
ReplyDeleteJust noticed - those comments on the Leyland inquest are only a day or two old!
Himself 3.5 @19:35
ReplyDelete"Mark my words, watch his blog posts disappear sometime in the future. (as they have previously)"
'Blacksmith' appears to have deleted the post in question already.
Talk about burying the evidence!
Blacksmith today:
ReplyDelete"They did it their way - gone"
"No, not deleted by the Yard but lost by Blogger's terrible software. We couldn't be bothered getting it back but you can no doubt find it saved somewhere."
Ah, bless. Don't think I'll be bothering though. If it don't matter to him then it don't matter to me either.
Nor me old love.
ReplyDeleteI have just left a rare comment on Pat Brown's latest.
We may not agree on much, but we agree on OG.
Another (foreign) reader.
Thank you Ma'm.
ReplyDeleteNatasha Donn, bless her.
ReplyDeleteWhat has changed - markedly in Portugal - is public discussion suggesting Madeleine’s disappearance may not have been an abduction at all but that, for ‘political reasons’, Metropolitan police orchestrating Operation Grange are simply not at liberty to think outside the box.
Follow the link to CMoMM. Good article, good research.
ReplyDeleteNot all incest is in the home.
ReplyDeleteOh ar
Himself @17:37
ReplyDeleteCarlos Anjos: "It was never their main goal to find Madeleine McCann. The main objective of the English authorities was to exonerate the parents of Madeleine McCann."
For how long have we known that already...?
Add the quote from Natasha Donn and I think that about sums it all up.
ReplyDeleteWhich post has Blacksmith deleted, Martin?
Himself @15:24
ReplyDelete"I have just left a rare comment on Pat Brown's latest."
To which she has responded.
Himself @18:13
ReplyDeletePlease see comment up-thread @15:00
it's down to 'Blogger' apparently.
ReplyDeleteI have just released two comments from the spam box.
If your comment disappears, please notify me with a brief comment. I don't check the spam box as a matter of course.
ReplyDeleteNow I've got you after visiting the blog.
Software huh?
ReplyDeleteThere is a curious fact, the only suspect that was an arguido, Robert Murat, who right or wrong was considered initially as the main suspect, the English discarded him immediately, maybe because he is also English, but that one didn't matter for this scenario. We couldn't see a line of reasoning in there.
Rightly or wrongly? M
M @20:51
ReplyDeleteA curious fact alright. Is it not also the case that 'arguido' status affords the individual greater legal protection?
Catherine Mason should have been eliminated from all channels of democtacy after the first warning, they didn't. They allowed her to languish and luxuriate in straw blonde privelege.
ReplyDeleteThat deliberate act of arrogance resulted in my not being able to remember how to pick up a cup on Sunday, I have tried to be fair, but the hustlers wished my DEATH.
Well, they are just going to have to kill me, aren't they? Kate and Gerry, you too have been used and abused, and it's not good enough.
Henry (Integrity Harry) Harrison's granddaughter 💔
ReplyDelete“The deep/dark web also makes ‘trolling’ easier. Although sites such as Reddit, 4Chan, Ask FM and to a lesser-extent Twitter are home to many people who hide their identity to antagonise others, the dark web gives them an extra cloak of protection. This is partly the reason that I feel that there should be a ‘masquerading’ law, to prevent people from assuming false or anonymous identities.” – JG
Jim Gamble
Gr8 work by @skymartinbrunt those who hide behind what they think is the anonymity of the net 2harrass victims must face the #consequences
@JimGamble_INEQE @skymartinbrunt ~ we congratulate you both for your sterling work at outing the #McCann abusers. Thank you both.
tweets ‘Jencalo Amoral’, a false and an anonymous identity.
“Looking beyond the scaremongering, however, the dark web actually has promise. In essence, it’s the World Wide Web as it was originally envisioned: a space beyond the control of individual states, where ideas can be exchanged freely without fear of being censored. As countries continue to crack down on the web, its dark counterpart is only going to become more relevant as a place to discuss and connect with each other. We shouldn’t let the myth of the dark web ruin that potential.”
Martin, from Maren.
‘Speedy’ looks great H, design as well as colour.
ReplyDeleteTalk about ‘colour’, (http://bit.ly/1sWKTuq) that image has been manipulated (colour editing, not make-up). Giving the impression of a ‘pugnacious’ girl and therefore ‘still alive’, and perhaps some hidden message for Gamble’s, McCann’s and god knows whose 'specific people'.
For me it’s just another sign that they know Madeleine is dead. No parent would publish that ‘photo’ if they think their daughter is still alive and will come home. M
Tony Bennett: We may be misisng (sic) an important point here. I take your point and, like yourself, neither know nor want to know how paedophiles get their kicks, but, yes, I have read that some like young girls to be dressed up and made up - very distasteful subject I know, and I don't really want to see it discussed further on this forum.
ReplyDeleteHowever, . . . .
But Bennett doesn't come anywhere close to his BBF retired cop Peter Mac. Two sick puppies in the same dog's home.
PeterMac on Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:15 am
re That Photo
Another very upsetting thought.
How does one take a photo like that. The camera man has to be either lying or crouching down on the floor, looking up at M, or lying supine with M actually sitting astride him. Is there any evidence of clothing in the original ? Is it a still from a longer sequence ? (I shall stop there before we all start feeling ill.)
Is it in fact already on the internet ? And is that why they released it after the "theft and miraculous return" of the wallet ?
As you say Cristobell, as you say.
Sick Puppy http://diaryofamadperson.blogspot.com/2011/03/sick-puppy.html
The Corruption of Innocence http://goodqualitywristbands.blogspot.com/2010/05/corruption-of-innocence.html
I don't know who manipulated the image, but as we know it is nothing like the original.
Unhealthy Preoccupation http://diaryofamadperson.blogspot.com/2011/10/unhealthy-preoccupation.html
In my view the ‘photo’ discussion is totally irrelevant with respect to Madeleine’s fate. I never thought she was an abused child. I’ve always wondered about her health though. Why the secrecy surrounding Madeleine's medical records? M
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. M
Thanks Maren, interesting update.
ReplyDeletePoor Brenda, which ever way she met her death.
ReplyDeleteWell said!
The Dutch and British prime ministers have a lot to talk about.
ReplyDeleteApril 18, 2016
Below is my response to the criticism you are receiving on my Brenda Leyland blog Ted: Kind wishes.
ReplyDeleteNot an art lover then 22:08? I don't happen to find Teddy's artworks 'disgusting' - they are hilarious and provocative in the same way as political cartoons have amused and tantalised the masses for centuries. Not much of a politics or history lover either, by the looks of it. Look up political cartoons through the ages, you might just learn something.
I see you are also opposed to scientific experiments and the discussion of academic thesis. Again, my sympathy, but you do not have the power to stop other people from following their interests. Most of the greatest inventions and discoveries have begun in the kitchens and workshops of enthusiastic amateurs. Imagine someone telling Marie Curie she was not allowed to play with fire and hot molten metals in case she burned herself.
Whilst I agree some of Teddy's images are outrageous and shocking, I happen to think that's what art should be all about. If it doesn't make you think, what's the point?
Teddy is using his talent to draw attention to the injustices in this world, and that's OK by me.
November 25, 2015
Sir Brian himself has always refused to speak about how that experience affected him. Particularly when vociferous sections of the media castigated him for what many regarded as a naïve approach and an unnecessarily harsh crackdown on an already regulated industry tarred by a handful of malign individuals and, at best, incompetent managers.
Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees, this family, especially the eldest sister (a magistrate) does seem quite unworldly or naive to say the least.
She cries several times during our conversation and she has to hold herself together, her voice regularly trembling, when she talks about how proud she is of Sir Brian’s achievements. “I am very proud of him,” she says. “Clive and I have been 100 per cent supportive of everything he has done.”
The JC; talk about tabloids. M
ReplyDeleteThe inquest heard that Ms Leyland had been "researching how to take her own life" from September 30 until October 2 on her laptop and iPad.
The inquest heard.
Who researched BL's laptop and iPad?
Oct 12, 2014
"In tragic irony, the hate messages directed at lonely divorcee Brenda Leyland were tweeted by someone who aggressively defended the McCanns on the internet.
The Sunday Express has passed on the five disgraceful messages to Leicestershire Police who are preparing a report for the coroner over the unexplained death of mother-of-two Ms Leyland, 63.
They were sent on Friday, October 3, from someone calling themselves Rainne and addressed directly to Ms Leyland’s Twitter account, @sweepyface.
The following day her body was found at the Marriott Hotel in Leicester where she had fled to after being identified as the sender of tweets expressing her views on the Madeleine mystery."
17 FEB 2008
ReplyDeleteUPDATED 10 FEB 2013
“Last night Kate's mum Susan Healey, 61, said her daughter has no intention of returning to work as a GP. She said: "It is definite now. One of her main goals in life is to work with children and assist with child safety."
Kate McCann to work with children and assist with child safety?
“Children go missing everywhere in Europe. Children running away from or pushed out of home represented the majority of missing children cases in 2015. While children abducted by a parent make up the second largest group of missing children. Another worrying group of vulnerable children include unaccompanied migrant children who go missing. Europol has confirmed reports of at least 10000 missing accompanied migrant children.”
0:43 Our ideas might sometimes just be more intelligent.
@6 June 2016 at 15:44
PF heard a child crying on the evening of May 1.
Well said.
ReplyDeleteHis widow, Lady Freud, has apologised to his victims, saying she is “shocked, deeply saddened and profoundly sorry” for what her husband of 58 years did to them.
The McCanns are said to be “horrified” by the discovery that Freud was a paedophile.
and ITV Exposure's Julie Etchingham...
ReplyDeleteKate McCann (in ‘madeleine’):
ReplyDelete“Clement Freud returned to Praia da Luz on 31 August and called Gerry that day. ‘Is it true, Gerry?’ he said, without preamble.
‘What’s that, Clement?’
‘That you’re close to a breakdown and needing medication?’
Very funny.
‘I have a lot of empathy with the Express though, you know,’ he went on.
For a split second Gerry thought he was serious. ‘Why’s that?’
‘Well, you see, we both suffer from poor circulation.’
Thank God for people like Clement who kept us smiling.”
April 16, 2009
24 April 2010
The church was filled with forget-me-nots – the only flowers about which my father had ever had an emotion.
I wish he'd known it too. Rather than being an Austrian Jewish outsider, an intellectual maverick continually proving that he was still in the game, it turned out that he was enjoyed, liked, treasured, and respected. The problem was, he died the day before that all became clear.
The problem is, he died the day before that all became clear.
Maren 14 June 2016 at 22:46
ReplyDeleteHis family, who include the PR executive Matthew Freud, have said that Freud was not in Portugal at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance and that they have not been contacted by police.
Ray Wyre Exposed
Somebody more cynical than I, might think there is a pattern emerging here.
How many sins of others are hiding under the umbrella of PR?
Or does that actually stand for paedophile relationships?
Maren 15 June 2016 at 06:37
ReplyDeleteThis apart, which tells you exactly where he stands, It might be of interest to know the geographic location of said villa.
Didn't G McCann overshoot PDL on his return from America, destination unknown? And one other occasion springs to mind when they fell off the radar. (Huelva trip?)
Clement Freud assured Kate McCann she had nothing to fear from the cadaver dogs giving a positive response inside the McCann’s hire car, hired after Madeleine “disappeared”. They had no evidential value. “So what are they going to do? One bark for yes, two barks for no?” asked Freud.
9 September 2007
"Police don't want a murder in Portugal and all the publicity about them not having paedophile laws here, so they're blaming us." - KM
ReplyDeleteWho else supports us in keeping some common sense on this turbulent continent of ours?
Best wishes,
your neighbours
Kate McCann (in ‘madeleine’ and ‘the continuing search for her’):
ReplyDelete...”Clement had this way of making everything seem a little less terrible. When he heard about the dogs, he remarked laconically, ‘So what are they going to do? Put them on the stand? One bark for yes, two for no?’ He was right, of course; it was ridiculous.
A couple of hours later, fortified by our brandies (it was my first-ever taste of the stuff), some useful snippets of advice and several amusing anecdotes, we left our friend feeling quite a bit better than we had when we’d arrived. The shock of that day, and of what we were now facing, on top of the trauma of Madeleine’s absence, never left us for a second, but it was interludes like this that gave us just enough strength to carry on.”
Some useful snippets of advice?
Ask the dogs Sandra?
'He [Clement Freud] was right, of course; it was ridiculous.' says Kate McCann.
Some useful snippets of advice?
ReplyDeleteAsk the dogs Sandra?
LOL What children we might have had?
Scroll down to second pic. The OC is within sight from Freud's villa.
ReplyDeleteIt might have been more interesting if it had been located S-SW of the OC.
ReplyDeleteSo could Freud have been a member of British Secret Services. His house used as a headquarters for brining in ceop manuals,crime scene cleaning equipment.. and then removal of the soiled equipment after cleaning,etc,etc? A thought too far? Maybe the Macs favourite tweeter and biggest supporter could help?
ReplyDeleteBoth Mitchell and Freud decline to comment.
Blacksmith on Mitchell/MSM
ReplyDeleteIf he has yet recognized the threat that the current smear campaign by the UK press on the couple poses or presages he shows no sign of it.
What bleedin' smear campaign?
As you say H.
ReplyDeleteThe wish is father to JB’s thought?
Not a cloud in the sky, it seems (http://bit.ly/21r7rOD)
Personally, I do not believe the McCanns themselves were (or are) of particular importance. - MR
Nor do I.
It seems I've been all alone at the other address while the party's been going on here. Talk about knocking on the wrong door! Mea Culpa.
ReplyDeleteConcerning Sir CF: One swallow does not Ann Summers make. The available detail (so far) of 'Clay's' naughtiness does not even hint at his playing any historical part in the fate of Madeleine McCann.
Do listen to the embedded video here of Vicky Haynes denouncing the man ("I don't know if it would be called rape..."):
If the victim alleging a crime doesn't know if a crime was actually committed...
Martin R. @09:21
ReplyDeleteVicky ‘being in bed with a gorilla’ Haynes didn’t do herself and her (at least apparently) more genuine ‘colleagues’ any favours.
The 'third' woman, as it happens.
It was her husband who contacted ITN News. ‘Chris said, “We need to sort this out once and for all.”’ (lol)
‘But this isn’t about me,’ she says, pulling herself together again. ‘This is about Madeleine McCann.’
Vicky was just 17 years old and a virgin when paedophile Freud forced himself on her...
This isn’t about Madeleine McCann. Vicky, you see, reported the abuse to police only four years ago when she read Kate McCann’s book ‘madeleine’.
Kind regards,
Maren @11:43
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad a female can see through this (it spares me from being seen as an ageing misogynist).
Without specifically addressing the issue of rape, which, under certain circumstances, can become somewhat contentious, as far as I can determine from recent publicity, three women have come forward to report historical abuse. Two of these were post 16 at the time (17 and 18 respectively by all accounts).
The third (who appears in fact to have been the first complainant) has not so much as mentioned the word 'rape', nor has she chosen to go into any detail regarding the 'ongoing abuse', beyond CF's literally 'tongue in cheek' behaviour toward her as a child.
As I said earlier, 'one swallow...' I don't see a group of old ladies queuing up to get their names in the tabloids at CF's posthumous expense. And I most certainly do not construe any connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, unlike the Haynes. The world is full of 'Vickys' after all.
And before any indignant reader cries 'for shame', let them ponder the fact that a 14 year old of CF's acquaintance told him to 'get lost!' when he suggested she undress, whereas 'Vicky', at 17, did not say 'Go away!' beforehand or 'Get off!' during, but succumbed in recumbent naked silence.
Curiosity killed the cat.
BY ANTONELLA LAZZERI 'legionella' (stolen from Hobs), 18th June 2016
Missing ‘DJ Shifty’...went on run and is still being hunted...
Christian Ridout, 32, whose parents owned the bar and lived next door to Murat, has never been traced.
09 Feb 2008
He said yesterday: "These allegations are ridiculous. At the time of Madeleine McCann's disappearance I was in London. I have not been to Portugal for three years."
10 February 2008
Ridout says he is willing to speak to authorities about the McCann investigation but refuses to go back to Portugal.
0: 13
Dexter Troy?
Anonymous @21:49
ReplyDeleteLazzeri's 'account of the truth' is so corrupt it cannot be accidental. In case it wasn't your good self who posted a most interesting comment concerning her particular brand of 'journalism' on the other thread recently (top of page), I can heartily recommend it to you.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @09:41
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @11:38
ReplyDeleteThat was amusing. This isn't (Scroll down just a couple of 'tweets'):
O/T (just a bit of nonsense)
ReplyDeleteJB ‘we find interactive “internet debate” worthless and repulsive’ comments: http://bit.ly/28J6cXV
Det Ch Insp Redwood said police were working backwards from the moment Madeleine went missing to understand what happened to her.
"It's like peeling back the layers from an onion," he said.
Example is better than precept, isn’t it?
SH: “We’re not going to accept that Maddie is gone from our life altogether."
Has SH read her daughter’s book, I wonder.
Kate (in ‘madeleine’):
“Madeleine would be the first person to correct anyone who makes the mistake of shortening her name. ‘I’m not Maddie, I’m Madeleine!’ And quite right, too. It’s often done inadvertently, or in a good-natured attempt to sound more familiar and friendly, but the press know what her name is and yet to this day they insist on calling her Maddie or Maddy. I find it quite disrespectful. Unfortunately it’s what happens when your name is too long to suit their headlines – and there have been plenty of those.”
The press know what her name is, but her grandmother doesn’t know.
Not to mention her father.
Newly re-opened July 2011. Formerly the Plough and Harrow
Occasional live music and entertainment evenings, see the blackboard outside.
more details soon. photos are still of the Plough and Harrow
OPEN :Daily from 18.00
WHERE :Rua Direita. By the fountain.
Children: are welcome
Anonymous @12:00
ReplyDeleteSo if it's had a change of identity for 5+ years, how did AL guess at its former nickname/reputation - or was it not a guess?
ReplyDeleteTV: TV is on but in one section of the restaurant only and we only show major events such as World Cups etc.
Also TV on in (formely) The Plough and Harrow?
Jane's 'Kate was moaning that you'd been gone a long time watching the football' comment springs to mind.
Just a thought. M
“Great pub, great staff”
5 of 5 stars
Reviewed yesterday NEW
A week in Burgau with friends and all had a great night at the bbq and band night. My fav pub in the village A cheerier happier landlord I've yet to meet and what excellent coffee he makes! Cheers rotten always good to see you and the team, catch you soon I hope"
ReplyDeletePromising to cook for us ..................
It had crossed my mind that CF fancied a romp with KM, i.e. to make her better. She is, after all, very childlike and presents herself as a naive little girl.
ReplyDeleteRogue-a-Tory (11:15)
"This whole CF episode demonstrated two things. Firstly TM will manipulate just about anything to add the slightest weight to their assertion of abduction. It also shows quite clearly the circles they moved in and why exactly the OG shouldn't in anyway have begun with the remit of ruling the T9 out of its enquiries."
But they did.
ReplyDelete'He said do you want to go and have some coffee. I was 19 so I thought nothing of it.'...
...'And then he gave me this horrible slobbery kiss with his tongue and literally I had never been kissed by anyone. And I thought it was a really horrible experience in the worst kind of way...
...Ms Rimmer-Clay never reported the incident to Dundee University or the police...
...'I think people should be vetted more carefully. I feel soiled... contaminated. I was so young, just 19. Terrible. He's left a trail of wreckage in people's lives.'...
...Last week the ITV documentary Exposure heard from two other alleged victims of Sir Clement Freud. The Metropolitan Police is assessing the allegations.
The Metropolitan Police is assessing the allegations.
"The world is full of 'Vickys' after all."
Anonymous @22:36
ReplyDelete"Speaking to ITV news, Ms Rimmer-Clay said she met Freud in 1975 and after a Burn's Night supper, he invited her to go for a coffee."
"Ms Rimmer-Clay said the pair went to her flat"
HE invited HER for coffee.
(She was 19 so 'thought nothing of it'. But 'very young for her age and vulnerable'. 19 is such an awkward age isn't it)
SHE took HIM back to HER flat. I see.
(Venez voir mes 'stamps japonaises'?)
Ironically, quite by chance the other night I watched a TV documentary concerning a rape case. The stand out moment for me was the comment of a lady member of the police task force, who, in a brief 'piece to camera', gave the lie to the myth she has so often heard expressed, that men, when aroused, just can't stop.
In her words: "No. You say 'stop'. They stop."
If they don't stop of course then the situation is one of rape.
Returning therefore to the tale told by Vicky ("I don't know whether it would be called rape") Haynes, approximately when in the chain of events, from entering her room to being naked in bed together with CF, does she place the moment she told him to stop?
(Speak up Vicky, I can't hear you)
Unfortunately for such 'victims' they don't realise men are not telepathic until it's too late. And the world is as full of opportunists as it is Vickies. I've known both. (not carnally I should add)
M.R. @01:49
“I would be inclined to wait until the end of the Metropolitan [police] investigation, rather than rushing to judgement, because there may be other people out there who speak up now."
Wait until the end of the Metropolitan [police] investigation?
“Ms Rimmer-Clay, who is a Quaker, showed sympathy towards Freud's family who she said will have suffered since the allegations first emerged last week.
“If it was eventually just renamed the 'Freud' scholarship it would surely be the best solution."
Mais naturellement cela ne peut se réaliser d'un jour à l'autre.
M @ 08:48
ReplyDeleteYou are astute (with a capital 'A')
As you have already said YCNMIU - and it gets worse :
'Rosemary Rimmer-Clay, 62, who was a 19-year-old in her second year at Dundee University where Freud was rector'
“I was a particularly poor student during my time at Dundee" (1975-8 or thereabouts)
“I did a second degree up to 2010"
UP TO 2010?!
She must indeed have been a very poor student. It's not unknown for individuals to take a number of years over a higher degree (I should know) but 30 odd beggars belief.
“I'm a from a religious tradition that seeks to avoid anger and revenge"
The headline, once again:
'Alleged Sir Clement Freud victim in call for St Andrews University to rename scholarship'
'She said that she believes the university should retain the £3000-a-year scholarship fund but consider renaming it.'
Just like Alec Baldwin in his recent TV ad appearance - "I'll keep the 'phone"
So we have the Met 'assessment' that's suddenly morphed into an investigation, the outcome of which should be taken into account by St Andrews on the advice of a 'poor student' at Dundee forty or more years ago.
Meanwhile, we learn that 'St Andrews has conducted inquiries with staff who were at the university at the time of Freud's rectorship and found no evidence of any impropriety.'
A spokesperson for the university said:
"We are not aware that any concerns were ever expressed about his conduct towards students.”
Clearly they were not. So why are all these old dears all coming out of the woodwork now?
ReplyDelete"Freud worked in a Cannes hotel in the late 1940s. In his 2001 autobiography, Ego, which makes no mention of Michele, he recalled a number of liaisons with local women"
So the old lothario has already written a 'tell all'. I wonder if Vicky and the quaker feature in the index?
M.R. @10:40
ReplyDeleteVicky and the Quaker!
Excellent new essay by the way.
M @13:24
ReplyDeleteThanks. Excellent research on your part (Dexter Troy indeed!). He must have been reading Captain Marvel comics in his spare time.
The UK referendum in a sentence (or two):
ReplyDeleteOn 1 Jan. 1973 GB joined the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY along with Ireland and Denmark, bringing the total number of member states to NINE.
The majority of voters participating in yesterday's referendum voted to leave the EUROPEAN UNION, thereby reducing the number of member states to TWENTY-SEVEN.
(Spot the difference)
‘Vicky’ and the quaker in the Mail.
“This could suggest the Met squad hadn’t completely ignored the email sent by Mason Haynes after all.”
“Yet this week, when I asked several key players in the McCann saga what they made of Freud’s decision to place himself at the centre of the circus surrounding Madeleine’s disappearance, they said they found it odd, to say the least.”
“Though McGuinness and Freud had a political affinity, I am assured that the pair had never previously met and she did not fix the meeting.”...
...“Mitchell insisted this was a coincidence.”
Entirely speculative and circumstantial of course.
Anonymous @08:31
ReplyDelete"And so to Madeleine’s disappearance. What evidence is there to suggest Freud might have been involved, however tangentially?"
Sweet Fanny Adams.
ReplyDelete‘My theory is that if you live somewhere for 25 years [the length of time Freud owned his Algarve villa] as a paedophile, you become part of the paedophile ring that exists in that area. You share information and stories; that’s how it works.
‘I think the abduction was carried out by that ring, and Freud knew something about what happened to the child.'
"Mason is nobody’s fool nor a conspiracy theorist"
No. Of course not. Has it been established that CF was more than an alleged paedophile (other than by ITV and the DM)? I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteWell, what can I say?
Nothing at all.
At http://cristobell.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/why-cover-up.html#comment-form
ReplyDeleteRosalinda C H:
“Ps. I'm still too traumatised to comment on yesterday's Brexit result, and ashamed to be British. In WWI, my great, great grandmother from Dundee, had 6 sons on the Western Front, only two of them came home, for the others, she got plaques. Dundee lost an entire generation of young men. Men who fought for freedom alongside their European friends and allies. Now we are the little Englanders who took our ball back so we could play on our own, not having to share with anyone else.”
Having Just read the following comment, thought I recognised you, Martin.
“Anonymous25 June 2016 at 13:39
The irony of your Postscript is clearly lost on you.
You do understand, I presume, that your distant relatives, like millions of others, sacrificed their lives 'fighting for freedom alongside their European friends and allies' whilst fighting other Europeans and their allies - all as a direct consequence of binding treaties; the very mechanism which has shaped the present EU (e.g. Rome, Maastricht, Lisbon)? Do you recall being asked to vote on any of those btw.?
While we ponder the complaint of today's younger voters that they have been 'cheated of their futures', comparing this with the rather more absolute cheating of an entire generation a century ago, let's also consider, shall we, the implication of our own binding treaties once the EU succeeds in the establishment and ratification of an EU army - a proposal which, like that alluded to yesterday by Scotland's first minister, is very much 'on the table'.
To put it bluntly, albeit futuristically, what are you going to say when the shooting starts - I didn't intend for us to be involved in that? Unfortunately, as a fully paid up member of the club we'd have no say in the matter.”
Golly gosh, I ain't never seen the likes of this before. 30secs
Himself at 17:33
ReplyDelete“The wonderful thing about democracy is that it doesn’t give some an extra voting power if they are rich or well-educated. It’s the great leveller. Invented in this country by the Levellers. And things have now been levelled.”
“With Brexit, we have our democracy back.”
Well said.
Best wishes,
your neighbours
Ain't it just, quite amazing. But not as amazing as this little fellow.
ReplyDeletehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO-NI7qbUrM 2mins
Now That's what I call evolution.
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