Thursday, March 10, 2016

Oh Mister Redwood Whatever Have You Done?

 Methinks you should be explaining, in court number one.

Do read

1. Was the 'man carrying a child' really a red herring?

On the night Maddy went missing, one of the McCann's holiday companions said she saw a man carrying a child near the Ocean Club apartment block at around 9.15pm.

Jane Tanner said the child was barefoot and wearing light-coloured pink pyjamas with a floral pattern and cuffs on the legs, a description that matched the pyjamas Maddy had been wearing.

But Scotland Yard said last year they believe the man Ms Tanner saw was another British holidaymaker carrying his child.

Officers took photos of the man wearing similar clothes and standing in a similar posed.

DCI Redwood said his officers were "almost certain" that this sighting was not related to the abduction.

Now read again

1. Was the 'man carrying a child' really a red herring?

On the night Maddy went missing, one of the McCann's holiday companions said she saw a man carrying a child near the Ocean Club apartment block at around 9.15pm.

Jane Tanner said the child was barefoot and wearing light-coloured pink pyjamas with a floral pattern and cuffs on the legs, a description that matched the pyjamas Maddy had been wearing.

But Scotland Yard said last year they believe the man Ms Tanner saw was another British holidaymaker carrying his child.

Officers took photos of the man wearing similar clothes and standing in a similar posed.

DCI Redwood said his officers were "almost certain" that this sighting was not related to the abduction. Source

Just the one question then, who supplied the clothes?

I mean a set of clothes, it's not exactly gun-shot residue is it?

Previous:  Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood an Open Letter


  1. Talking of clothes, that also means that Crechedad's daughter was wearing the SAME pyjamas as Maddie.

    That's a coincidence (too far).


  2. Just keeping to the facts, are sufficient to make your eyes water

    In the Crimewatch programme, Redwood said ''COULD BE'' ... well was it or was it not creche-dad. And who said he was carrying a daughter??

    The very fact that all concerning creche-dad, his child, his timing and direction from Op. Grange is strange.

    Let us look at another souce, that of Jane Tanner, from her Roggie interview:

    ''about half way:

    4078 “Go on to tell me about that then as slowly as you can?”
    Reply “Yes, erm, I was, I think I was nearing the top of the road, it’s a bit of a, I’m trying to think how, but I can’t really remember how much of a hill it is, but it is definitely a hill going up there, and just as I got to the top somebody did walk across. And the thing that really struck me was the, erm, the bare feet. And the thought that came into my head was, I’ll say when we’re in Leicester, our children were quite adaptable, and what we used to do is, we used to walk round to Dave and Fi’s house for, erm, the kids, for tea with the kids, the kids would play, we’d put them in a travel cot there and we’d sometimes stay a bit later and then carry the kids home, because it’s only, it’s like the next road. And we’d wrap them in a blanket or whatever, but you could always, their feet would fall, their feet would fall out the bottom and you’d think ‘Oh they’re going to get cold feet’ because they’d always wriggle. So one thing I thought was ‘Oh a bit of a bad parent like us, you know, that kid’s obviously being taken home’ or whatever. And I think that’s all, you know, that’s sort of, erm, I think that’s where the sort of I thought ‘Oh’, and that was the only reason I really clocked it I think. Because at that point I thought it’s a person taking their child either back from the crèche or, you know, just some father carrying their own child, so it didn’t really, you know, and that didn’t. I’m making it sound like it really registered at the time, but it didn’t, that is literally, I thought ‘Oh’”.
    4078 “That moment in time?”
    Reply “Yeah, I just thought that”.


    4078 “Yes, us Brits abroad like to try and brave, if we’re on holiday we like to have, wear holiday clothes, don’t we?”
    Reply “Well”.
    4078 (inaudible)
    Reply “Yeah, and I think it was just that factor was, it just didn’t look quite, you know, it just didn’t look quite like a tourist on holiday or somebody you would imagine on a MARK WARNER holiday carrying their kid home. As I say, this is all in hindsight”.
    4078 “I know, yeah. And also you said that, you know, your immediate assumption or not probably even thought about it that much at the time, but you thought he might have been carrying a child home from the crèche?”
    Reply “Yeah, well I think you did see people, I mean, not that late at night, and, again, that should have made me think more, but especially sort of, you know, earlier on you’d see them carrying children in pyjamas to the, the crèche where you can leave them at night and then pick them up again”. ''

  3. Part 2


    '' 4078 “Would that fit in with the direction he had come from?”
    Reply “Well, again, no. Well, it would have been, I mean, at that time, you would of more expected him to be going the other way, coming back from the crèche maybe. But he could have gone, if he’d have gone that way and then cut down, there is a way you could have cut down to the crèche, going that way, so”.
    4078 “Okay”.
    Reply “So really, you know, at the time, I thought. And I think I did actually think ‘Oh a bit odd’, but never in a million years would I have thought ‘That’s Madeleine’. And I think, well Gerry was standing on the bloomin’ road, so I thought he’d, not thought, he’d just, he had just checked, you know, I thought he’d just checked”.
    4078 “If you had have thought that was Madeleine at the time you would have said?” ''

    Creche-dad cleared up the cluster f*** outside 5A at the time of Bermuda Triangle, aka G MC, JW and JT - which make it impossible for the alleged abduction to have taken place. But Op. Grange still hasn't cleared up

    The time & direction!

    of creche-dad.

  4. If Creche dad is real then let them prove it by releasing his name so that people can check if he was really present in PDL at the time of Maddie's disappearance.

    Otherwise, until then he's an OM--Official Myth.


  5. Hi whodunnit,

    (It's been like Groundhog Day around here hasn't it?!)

    It's the "big reveal" of crèchedad that has always worried me. How does the prosecuting service of any country deal with such a fiction? As Nuala says it is a coincidence too far. And just look at how he is supposed to be carrying his child...on a chilly night.

    Redwood's appeal re: supposed sexual assaults on the Algarve was the single most pernicious statement that I've ever seen from a police force. It was sickeningly disingenuous.

    I just hope that the political sands can shift. But the chances seem to be diminishing don't they.

    Glad to "see" you,



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