PR raises its ugly head once again. Ergo one must smell a . . .
By the by, I stayed at that hotel for what must have been the shortest package holiday on record, arrived Friday afternoon, was back in the UK Sunday evening after receiving news of a katastrophe at home.
"Blue Hackle is a criminal company," he [General Abdul Manan, the head of counter terrorism at Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior] said. "They were trying to smuggle weapons and other military equipment out of Kabul." A spokesman for the intelligence agency said agents seized "15 to 16" military items including weapons and ammunition. Security sources close to the company claimed the items were en route to the airport, destined for an American base.
Certainly different and quiet informative although it briefly paid lip-service to the official 9/11 party line. Whether the briefness of of the lip-service paid was meant to act as a subliminal message, ie: this film isn't here to dissect the party line, lets move on, I'm not really sure.
Mr Karzai accused them of fuelling corruption and running parallel power structures outside his government's control - he wants Afghan police to take over
The police, according to the film, turned into the most corrupt group of all in an already corrupt society. Acting as little more than an armed militia for the war lords.
That's the film, but returning to Mr Raper, Humpty Dumpty? No, I find that a hard one to swallow.
We are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007.
Events 'leading up to' (an unexpected abduction) no less.
Since NSY have consistently confined themselves to 'point zero', i.e. May 3, perhaps we should ask why Gerry McCann seems interested in stretching the point of reference backwards in time.
To Dewi L (if he's looking in): We've been on the money for years - before Operation Grange was but a gleam in McCann's eye.
It further stressed that there also “is a risk of possible connections to our country of old elements from operational structures of separatist or revolutionary terrorist networks, albeit deactivated, namely by using Portugal as a place of retreat for sleeping cells.” On its Foreign Travel Advice website the British Government warns that there is an “underlying threat from terrorism” in Portugal. “Attacks, although unlikely, could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers”, it reads.
“Detectives are reportedly investigating a series of text messages sent and received by Gerry McCann on the night his daughter disappeared.
The consultant cardiologist is alleged to have exchanged up to 14 messages on his mobile phone during dinner with the so-called Tapas Nine on May 3.
Police were said to be interested in discovering with whom Mr McCann was in contact that night, before Madeleine went missing from the family’s holiday apartment.
The claims were contained in a documentary by the Portuguese channel RTP but police have refused to confirm or deny the report.
The McCann’s spokesman Clarence Mitchell yesterday declined to comment on issues directly linked to the investigation.
Portuguese detectives have asked for the mobile phone records of the 39-year-old and his wife Kate, but have not yet received them.
Requests for the McCanns’ mobile phone records are among a series of letters of appeal drawn up by the Portuguese police.
But the public prosecutor Jose Magalhaese Meneses has refused to give his approval for the letters to be sent to British authorities until he sees stronger evidence against the couple.”
Whilst the e-mail story has the ring of 'Chinese whispers', it could be significant nonetheless.
Interpol do not operate with 'agents' on the ground, but co-ordinate collaboration between different national police forces. Hence it cannot have been 'Interpol' per se who got there ahead of time.
However, it could not have been the local PJ either, since they were not alerted, even by boss Alipio Ribeiro, until after the GNR had arrived at the scene.
For Interpol to have passed on a request for assistance to the PJ or anyone else they must first have received that request - but from whom?
Establishing simply THAT someone paid an official visit before 'kick off' would be as meaningful a development as knowing WHO.
Thank you for pointing out the candidates. If the PSP, did they just happen to be passing? And why the involvement of the GNR if Luz is a PSP patrol area? (rhetorical questions).
Richard D Hall discusses the e-mail/incident in question toward the end here:
Unfortunately we don't get to learn quite why the sender should have inferred the involvement of 'Interpol' which, if correct, has numerous repercussions. It would even add credence to the idea that CEOP were 'in the loop'.
On February 24, 2009, the body of Keith Ennis, a drug dealer from Dublin, was found in an Amsterdam canal. He was butchered and his body parts were stuffed in a suitcase before they dumped it in the canal. Detectives believe that Ennis was killed by West Dublin gangland figures.
In an interview with the Isis magazine Dabiq, Abu Oud boasted that he had been able to plot attacks against the west right under the nose of Belgian intelligence agencies, and that he was in Syria in February.
“I was able to leave … despite being chased after by so many intelligence agencies,” he told the magazine. “All this proves that a Muslim should not fear the bloated image of the crusader intelligence.
@metpoliceuk hostile interrogation of the parents would be a good start and then the other tapas 7
Yes, I see your point.
Remember the ‘48 questions’? Nothing 'hostile' therein and still no answers but one, which did not have to be given. Hostile cross-examination would perhaps be a better choice. We must remember that one has ‘the right to remain silent’. Unless this right is relinquished, no meaningful interrogation and/or cross-examination, hostile or not, are/is possible (I take it you were not thinking of waterboarding, popular in some quarters we are told).
Briefly, the situation in the UK as far as I know is as follows:
It is seems reasonable to assume that reliance on ‘the right to remain silent’ will persist.
Consequently, first, it has to be decided that there is enough circumstantial evidence for the case to succeed in court.
Several other formal steps later, court hearings may be held which may culminate in a jury of one’s peers, guided a judge, deciding on the merits of the case before them: ‘guilty’, ‘innocent’, or ‘unable to decide’ in accordance with the directions of the judge.
Please correct me if you think I am wrong. When we are ‘in the mood’, we can choose to go further and attempt to consider the pertinent aspects of jurisdiction and the European Convention on Human Rights.
You're welcome to my hackneyed reasoning on all things Europe and Grange (though I'm not sure it adds up to much)!
1. Portugal must retain primacy. There's no reason to expect PT to be obliged to second hand justice (even if it were to be served "down" from the mighty Ingerrrlannd)! What could otherwise prevent any country from setting up its own "Maddie review" and framing any Tom, Dick or Kiszko? 2. Even if "the old bailey" is contemplated as an alternative, then it can only be in such a way as to satisfy the legal requirements of a Portuguese resolution. 3. Portuguese authorities would therefore need to be "on side" with all things UK. The "old bailey" outcome would be final, and Portuguese Law. I presume there would need to be some international provision for this. 4. Given that the Portuguese authorities would need to be "on side" (regardless of anything else) then why should Operation Grange have taken the form it has?
And therein is the problem that I can never square! The one aspect of European law that I take for granted is that there is ample provision, as a matter of routine course, for law enforcement agencies to pursue their own lines of inquiry should "suspects" flee to some other EU jurisdiction. I don't buy into the mystique of "Pinochet's lawyers". The provision exists for this to be a case driven forward from Portugal, with suspects questioned under the terms of Portguese Law.
In many other cases, the Portuguese judicial system has been amply relied upon, by the UK, as a full and trustworthy partner in International law - not least with the prosecution of RIRA suspects. Why not so with this case?
If the UK government were especially desperate to see justice done, then all that was required (in my opinion!) was for a diplomatic approach requesting that the case be "unshelved", accompanied by the tacit commitment to full cooperation with any line of investigation. Instead of which we got a £10,000,000 "review/investigation" involving x number of statements, y number of documents and z suspects!
The only hope that I have ever managed to retain was that in the midst of all of this chicanery there might have been a shift in momentum. But I am not seeing it; and given recent hypotheses, not expecting it.
It sounds glib to add the usual "I hope I am wrong." But I really do hope to be wrong.
I am cleaning and getting ready to do some baking. I will ‘cogitate’ your offering and reply, most likely after midnight. Meanwhile, may I share with you the proposition I was thinking of when you post caught my eye:
It has never been the seismic events to which I've pinned any hope (changes of government etc), but the internal dynamics of those charged with administrating the "work". Those officers who donated to the gofundme appeal did at least raise a hand of disquiet.
If only more people in authority would pause to draw breath, and just consider the abhorrent scale of this exploitation.
Calum also revealed how Kate checks Gerry's blog before it is emailed to the site. However, Gerry has only posted one message since his return to Britain last week. Calum added: "It has got crazy at times, we've even got people going on in places such as Kurdistan."
Another worker on the site, Rona Eddington, 18, the daughter of a senior police inspector in Ross-shire, said: "We've had people saying in emails we killed her and taken her away' and we hate you.' We don't know if they are genuine, but they are passed to the police, who chase them all up. We've had so many like that and have to filter them. The website is about supporting the family."
Talking of taking advantage of people's generosity and using it for commercial gain rather than charitable purposes, exploiting the generosity of the general population and parasites.
Madeleine's uncle John McCann said: "We are incredibly disappointed that people are taking advantage of people's generosity and using it for commercial gain, rather than charitable purposes.
"It is a shame that people behave like this and they exploit the generosity of the general population."
He continued: "I am loth to use the phrase parasites, but unfortunately that is what it seems like.
"The issue at stake here was, that the flat was broken into, and wee Madeleine was abducted," John McCann told BBC Radio Five Live.
10 May 2007, 16:58
10 May 2007, 21:48
MR 11:35 So the English, I think, you all will agree, Is the queerest language you ever did see.
Oh yes?
A dreadful language? Man alive, I’d mastered it when I was five!
So there you go.
Maren and I discussed language in some depth once upon a time. Prompted I think by The boy with the incredible brain learning Icelandic in a week.
Which, if you ask any Icelander, is a complete impossibility. But nobody told him that.
But I did read at the time, or at sometime prior to our conversation, that their are more language related brain receptors in young children than at any other time in their lives.
That's my excuse anyway, I never received the stimulus when young.
Webster Tarpley is coming along Martin, we are starting to get to the nitty gritty.
Oh and Maren, I paraphrase: Two separate, recently opened flight training schools operated by two Dutchmen at the same airfield, where three out of the four alleged hijackers trained, is one Dutchman too many.
It would appear that there were quite a few Arabs training at these schools who magically disappeared pre and post 9/11.
Bottom line, according to Tarpley, a school for patsies.
Thinking back to that interview in which he discusses the significance of 'Angel is next' in the context of an insider-led threatened 'putsch', who was at the Pentagon while 'W' was playing at being a sitting duck? - Rumsfeld (who as Defence Secretary might be said to have had reasonable cause) and Dick Cheney (VP who seemed to know rather a lot about the validity of certain 'orders' issued that morning). It may be unwarranted supposition on my part but I can't help but refer even further back in time to the assassination of JFK and who, in particular, had most to gain from his removal from office(another VP if you recall).
"But I did read at the time, or at sometime prior to our conversation, that their are more language related brain receptors in young children than at any other time in their lives."
Language - My favourite area of student interest. It's a fascinating topic. My blood boils though when 'educationalists' trained in other areas co-opt commonplace misconceptions about language acquisition and linguistic behaviour to support their particular ideologies. Music education in this country has suffered mightily on account of a belief among the directorate that language and musicianship are similarly acquired. A total fallacy.
As the family waited fearfully for news, they faced the agonising reality of trying to explain to their toddler twins why their big sister was no longer there. "That was terrible for them," says John McCann, Mr McCann's elder brother, who also travelled to Portugal to help search for his niece. "Kate dressed Amelie in her sister's pyjamas and the baby said: 'Maddy's jammies. Where is Maddy?' But she is too young to understand. And how do you explain? All we know is that Madeleine needs her family. She loves us, we love her. It is time for her to come home."
The long-sleeved 'Barbie' ones? Remarkable, no further information, contrary to the McCanns ‘normal’ way of doing details.
Many thanks for the link. I’ve printed it out; it will come in handy.
Finally, which rhymes with enough? Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough? Hiccough has the sound of cup. My advice is — give it up!
Webster's your man alright. Mohamed Atta - pork chop fundamentalist. To say nothing a vodka swilling, cocaine snorting whoremonger. Hardly the fundamental religious idealist to take on a kamakazi gig.
Regarding 9/11 the most iconic and telling photo of that infamous day was Rumsfeld out on the Pentagon lawn carrying bits of drone away. As Secretaries of Defence do.
Throughout the vigil that she and her husband, Gerry, a consultant cardiologist, have endured, she has carried Cuddle Cat constantly. Pinning it to her handbag, twisting it through trembling fingers. "Kate will be able to smell Madeleine on it," says Susan Healy, her mother, "that is why she cannot put it down". Every photograph of the young mother shows her clutching the toy, drawing comfort from the only tangible contact she has left with her little girl, whose face, her big blue eyes and tiny milk teeth just visible between her baby-like lips, has now become so familiar.
"It is believed the entire Portuguese case rests on DNA evidence from body fluids which allegedly suggests that Madeleine's corpse was carried in the boot of the McCanns' hired Renault Scenic.
But the McCanns say the fluids probably came from Madeleine's unwashed pyjamas and sandals which were carried in the boot when the family was moving apartments.
"But the McCanns say the fluids probably came from Madeleine's unwashed pyjamas and sandals which were carried in the boot when the family was moving apartments."
Really? Didn't Kate McCann wash her daughter's Eeyore pyjama top on the Thursday morning? Perhaps they are suggesting here that stray DNA might therefore have originated with the trousers. But both top and bottom disappeared with Madeleine (or so we were led to believe).
So what pair of unwashed pyjamas could these possibly have been? Madeleine wasn't around to wear any after 3 May. They must have been worn earlier - and left in the laundry basket for a month! (before eventually being thrown, unwashed, into the back of the Renault).
"The combined weight of such evidence is enough, the McCanns believe, to expose the prosecution case as hopelessly flawed."
Weight of evidence my eye! If that's a measure of the McCanns' deductive powers it's no wonder Kate's patients had a habit of dying on her!
'It reminded me of John McCann’s “And how do you explain?”'
A question of some significance when one contemplates release by the PJ of an 'official photograph' they did not take.
However sensitive police investigators might be to the feelings of parents whose children are the victims of crime, whenever have you heard of an investigation being virtually directed by those parents?
Well there is one case that we know of...But why did the Portuguese stand for it? And from a couple of holiday-makers?
"The family has moved apartments at the Portuguese resort and Madeleine’s pyjamas have been unpacked, ready for her for when she comes back, they said."
“The only other unexplained detail I remember from that morning was a large, brown stain I noticed on Madeleine’s pink Eeyore pyjama top. I couldn’t recall seeing it the night before and I had no idea how it might have got there. It looked like a tea stain. Gerry and I do drink quite a bit of tea, and Madeleine, too, would have the odd small cup. So at the time I just assumed it was a drink spillage that had escaped our attention, and that might well be all it was. But now, of course, we can no longer make assumptions about anything that can’t be accounted for.”
Of course.
A medicine stain perhaps?
“Ever have your child spit a mouthful of medicine back out, creating a medicine stain on their clothes. Stain Solver will remove medicine stains from their clothes, as well as carpet stains.”
Or some other kind of stain?
Just to show some options.
On the other hand, as Kate is telling us in her account of the truth, we can no longer make assumptions about anything that can’t be accounted for. The ‘abducted’ Eeyore pyjamas, for example? So, maybe there was no stain at all, but only mentioned to focus attention on Madeleine wearing Eeyore’s. The Eeyore’s that has pyjama bottoms with a frill at the end, matching Jane Tanner’s sighting. After all, Tanner could only see the child’s feet and the bottom of the pyjamas with a turn-up.
At least they didn’t have to buy another one for their European tour. Coincidentally, Amelie had an Eeyore’s, too.
"The Eeyore’s that has pyjama bottoms with a frill at the end, matching Jane Tanner’s sighting. After all, Tanner could only see the child’s feet and the bottom of the pyjamas with a turn-up."
And yet she didn't report seeing the large roundel at the bottom of the right leg, which would have placed the identity of said pyjamas beyond doubt.
"At least they didn’t have to buy another one for their European tour. Coincidentally, Amelie had an Eeyore’s, too."
You've noticed. Fortuitous was it not? (M&S had already closed all their Portuguese outlets well before then).
Do you think Gerry picked them up during his first return trip to the UK?
I happen to know he did not - and that leads to some very awkward questions indeed...
Both McCann parents have blue eyes, as do the twins, the result of an absence of pigmentation. So what gave rise to the hazel pigmentation in Madeleine's left eye? Genetically speaking, unlike mathematics, two minuses do not sum to a 'plus'.
"News broke last week that U.S. intelligence officials believe the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has grown into one of the wealthiest terrorist groups in history. According to recent estimates, the militants are making as much as $3 million a day, most of it through the illegal oil trade. U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria this week targeted some of the ISIS-controlled oil installations in an effort to curtail the militants' revenue stream."
US intelligence officials are also responsible for believing in Iraqi WMD. I dare say one or more even believe the story of Jonah and the Whale.
Just watch the world price of oil go up after Christmas on account of the reduction of ISIS supplies to its home market!
It's not oil or money that's killing people in the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter, it's weaponry.
"Salah Abdeslam was stopped by French police near the Belgian border on the day after the terrorist attacks, in which 130 people were killed, but he was not detained."
Having been correctly flagged to Interpol well beforehand.
(Was this the incident of a terrorist car being forced to stop and the two occupants allowed to run away?)
Smart. For me the ultimate futility of religion is encapsulated in Easter Island, where the inhabitants literally burnt their boats (i.e. all the trees) then carved totems from stone to appeal for help!
Thank you also for the link to BJ's 'Christmas in Fallujah'. Written in the same spirit as his other tearjerker, 'Goodnight Saigon'.
A church service was held for missing woman Claudia Lawrence today
Joanna Morris / Sunday 6 December 2015 / News
"Another prayer came from Kate McCann, mother of missing Madeleine McCann".
She said: “God, please help us to find Claudia and Madeleine. Let those who have them stay calm and treat them well and give them a way out.”
'Give them a way out'!? WTF! Even now she insists on putting herself first! And what's with 'help us to find'? Surely a deity of such omnipotence could deliver up, no questions asked. Or isn't that how they work? Perhaps God's got a bit too much on his plate at this time of year, eh?
Kate and Gerry McCann As Far Away From God As You Can Get
God Gaol and Kate McCann
Gerry added: “She looks like Kate, thank goodness for that, but in terms of personality trait, she’s more like my side of the family I think.
She doesn't look like Kate, she looks like a McCann. Only my opinion of course. That aside, what is the purpose of this detailed information, considering the 'situation Madeleine finds herself in'? M
HiDeHo Today at 3:13 am at
“It takes a REAL person to acknowledge the efforts of an adversary and it's heartwarming to have seen that happen. It's THAT time of year”
Following my comment which has not yet appeared on this blog for reasons as yet unknown to me, may I say “it’s THAT time of the year” at any moment! Particularly so when the person whose efforts are acknowledged is not an adversary as far as I know.
Please, could someone of greater knowledge correct me on this if I’m wrong.
rtgr There are no comments in the spam box, so it is no more. Your comment, like the parrot, is deceased.
I often wonder why there is so much animosity between members of different groups and forums, but I would imagine it would be difficult to expect everyone to have the same thoughts and opinions and we all come to this with our own baggage. Personally I have one deciding factor, if I have time for someone or not...
You only lie to me personally ONCE
You only break my trust ONCE.
Never a truer word and the only thing of note in article I can only describe as a wank-fest. You know what a wank-fest is?
If Bennett had, to borrow a phrase, the courage of his convictions, we might not be here today. Bennett didn't stumble at the first hurdle, he refused it. He capitulated. And by capitulating he threw away, and now lost forever, the one opportunity to get the McCanns in open court.
That he went on with his attention seeking blah blah and that he subsequently ended up in court for contempt, was nobody's fault but his own. It was not a noble act, it was one of sheer stupidity that tainted us all, but more importantly did severe damage to the cause.
As did his attempt at a private prosecution of the McCanns for neglect. One of a history attempts at private prosecutions I add, and all doomed to failure.
Bennett is also a thief and a liar. Google law society application 8788/2003 Tony Bennett
I have put my foot in it, haven’t I? “Leave and learn” once again.
I am most grateful for the information you have provided. I know of several occasions when the person in question dangerously faulted, but some points in your post are new to me and I will investigate these for myself The last court matter was a detrimental cock-up, I can say that much.
I am happy to do as you wish. I will abridge my ‘unfortunate’ post accordingly before attempting to post it again, most of it relates to ‘unproblematic’ matters I hope. I am sorry for the disturbance I have caused.
Bennett abused me just because I told him where the body is, his ego in conjunction with the bullying gangster Gamble has made me severely ill.
The fake Brenda death was completely staged, she works at Bury Art Museum, they are the epitome of evil. They sent observers to my door and two Sundays ago I collapsed, I'm 53 and have had a stroke, I blame Gamble and Sky News 100% for their psychological torment.
I am not desiring pity, but people need to know what they do, I have been left in hospital and am now homeless ... they know how to play with weak minds.
I'm trying to let as many open-minded people know as possible, but thinking and writing is so hard, I'm sorry. In case they succeed in killing me this time I must speak out publicly.
Ros has my phone number and Murdoch needs to be challenged on this. Please don't forget what they've done if I die.
Kate & Gerry are just pawns in this sick media hoax and hidden in plain sight child death.
Gamble is the real, live and physically manifest personification of evil, he should be sent down for a very long time, ditto for some of his media, CEOP and Leicester cop mates.
Kate said: “When we first came back, you know I didn’t cook a meal just couldn’t do it. All the every day things that have to be done, you know there were times in the early days where things like that, I found I resented things like that because it was taking me away from Madeleine you know. How can I hang up washing when my daughter’s not here?"
She didn't cook a meal indeed, but she can hang up washing.
Julie, you are welcome to comment here, but you must stop these Brenda Leyland claims. Please I beg you, whatever you might think about it, I don't want it here.
"She doesn't look like Kate, she looks like a McCann"
Ah, but which one?
If you can find a clip of Ernie Allen's guided tour of his centre's original effort at an 'age progressed' photograph, just watch what happens when he goes through the check list of M's female facial characteristics then finally says to Gerry McCann, 'she's got your nose' (at least I think it was 'nose'). But no matter. What matters is GM's crestfallen reaction to the observation.
I'd supply the link if I could find it myself, although I vividly remember the scene.
"How can I hang up washing when my daughter’s not here?"
'She didn't cook a meal indeed, but she can hang up washing.'
Nor could she bear to take pictures after that last photograph of Madeleine (or so she told Olga Craig of the Telegraph). Why not? the holiday had 36 hours or thereabouts left to run and Madeleine had yet to disappear (unexpectedly).
For different reasons this 'on the record' statement is very significant.
Well done you for remembering where to find the clip! Thank you.
It's a revealing moment - comparable to the 'We're not going to comment on that' and look away in response to Sandra Felgueiras' question: "Did you know Robert Murat?"
Thank you, Himself, it’s kind of you, I appreciate it.
I straggled for a while yesterday late evening with the already mentioned HTML tags, but to no avail. The message I get from the blogger’s software refers to the maximum allowed number of characters (4096) contained within the tags when the whole of the text referred to has fewer characters by far. There are no ‘unpaired or incorrectly ‘paired’ tags in the text (easy to check). The opening and closing tags are all in place.
I will of course persevere out of curiosity and let you know the result. I’m not a novice at debugging, but not HTML. Meanwhile, I will take all the tags out and post as soon as I get a moment, it is something long-promised to Agnos, nothing important since its coming from me, just a few thoughts.
Charles Baudelaire Le Voyage, Les Fleurs du mal (Although somewhat ‘politically incorrect’ today, Le Voyage would not be out of place on many a bedside table. rtgr)
“One day I tell you, one day the shit is going to hit the fan like the shit has never hit the fan before.”
Himself in Kate and Gerry McCann As Far Away From God As You Can Get and in ”The Corruption of Innocence”
(The “One day…” statement above, evangelical in form and prescience, is profound and moving. rtgr)
Agnos 20 November 2015 at 11:21
Greetings, Agnos
I am begging your pardon for such a delay in replying to your post: I had and still have to deal with various pressing problems which need my almost continuous attention.
In my 19 November 2015 at 15:32 post, I was considering a message I chanced upon of one Les Lewis @icecubeinhell to the Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk).
I had previously come across messages expressing a wish for (hostile) questioning of the parents and their friends, hence I attempted to point out that in the UK the outcome of such questioning would depend, firstly, on the co-operation (not taking ‘the Fifth’) of those questioned, and, secondly, on the stance of the UK investigating and/or prosecuting authorities with regard to the likelihood of a jury to be convinced by the available (converging) corroborative evidence.
It has been alleged that Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited, of which Madeleine’s parents are directors, has been operating in breach, criminal if true, of the applicable governing rules and regulations. This allegation can and should be the point of departure for an investigation in the UK. A fortiori, such an investigation would be justified because (a) the alleged disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been the subject of unprecedented international interest and publicity (a statement along these lines was made by the UK government in justification of setting up Operation Grange and the unprecedented expenditure that followed) and (b) many UK citizens have been detrimentally affected (conned?) in consequence of said breach. The question of jurisdiction would not arise.
Furthermore. I am under the impression that the laws of negligence towards children are more stringent in Portugal than in the UK, as is the attitude of the Portuguese public towards such negligence. That in mind together with parental negligence in this case being ‘a given’ and the Portuguese investigation now ‘unshelved’, a European Arrest Warrant may be issued by the Portuguese forcing the parents (maybe not their friends and acquaintances, though they may be deemed to have been co-conspirators) to attend a reconstruction of the alleged incident to enable the investigation to ascertain the veracity of their (McCanns’ et al) statements and reconsider all pertinent information in the light of the reconstruction findings.
There remains the question of discretion the UK authorities have in considering such a Warrant, but I recall being led to understand that they would, in their turn, also ‘leave no stone unturned’. As is ‘strongly’ believed, the authorities’ word is their bond.
(Am I already hearing you singing “Dream ,dream, dream,,,” along with The Everly Brothers? And yawning? I wouldn’t blame you…)
There can be no doubt that Madeleine McCann’s human rights have been violated. The absence in the UK media of (explicit) publicity of this violation, paired with the apparent failure of the UK authorities in their ‘duty of care’ owed to Madeleine McCann, leaves one with the unsettling realisation that the UK parents can go to Portugal with their child, return with the news that the child disappeared there while in their care and no ‘hurtful’ to the parents questions as to the child’s whereabouts and wellbeing will be asked (for lack of jurisdiction?)! “But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas” and I am Pai Natal! (“” The R Stones)
It is irrefutable that the parents, their friends and acquaintances have made many (self)contradictory statements, and even on this bases alone the only reasonable conclusion one can arrive at is that they are either lying or delusional (as to the medics, both British Medical Association and rtgr are satisfied that the latter is not the case).
It has been my experience over the years that everything the parents have ever said and did ‘on camera’ and nearly everything in writing has sounded counter-intuitive, unnatural, scripted and lacking credence. Martin has pointed this out very succinctly in one of his essays which I do not have to hand to cite.
In conclusion. with reference to the McCann case, I unreservedly accept the precedence of your kind self, Martin’s and many others’. I am not a jurist, I am always glad to be corrected.
Madeline is always in my thoughts. I care about Madeleine and stand by her for better or for worse.
And I (we) remain hopeful against the odds that “one day the shit is going to hit the fan like the shit has never hit the fan before”.
And what ‘holiday’ circumstances would necessitate “bathing” of one’s children by anyone outside one’s family (at this juncture, rtgr, brought up in a relaxed and liberal tradition, shudders uncontrollably at the thought and straggles to contain involuntary puking)? rtgr would rather let the kids go un’bathed’, wouldn’t you? Or is rtgr the odd one out?
Mention to your GP (if she is not Kate Healy mind you, or the couple I will speak of in the following paragraph) in passing that you let your ‘friends’ “bathe” your kids, and you will have Social Services banging on your door (or perhaps breaking your window shatters to ‘woosh’ your kids from your care). Or is rtgr once again the odd one out?
I would also refer you to the Gaspar’s statements of 16 May 2007 ( wherein the two seemingly well-meaning GPs reveal their attitudes towards children which make me cringe. Moreover, both, I would argue, describe their failure in the duty of care they owe their little daughter. This makes me wonder if rtgr is indeed the odd one out.
Good wishes, kind Agnos, even if you are not reading this.
Thanks for your comments. I think you state the case perfectly. The concerns that you express, at the very end, are mine too. I find it impossible to believe that such a propensity for exploitation of a child's Being could become manifest "over night" (as it were in concert with the "disappearance"). No.
A propensity is habitual. And it casts a shadow across this entire affair.
I think you summarise the legal realities far better than I managed. The EAW system - yes. That has always been my hope, and it still is (a dream shared then)! I haven't abandoned that hope, only my expectation has been levelled ; anger unquenched.
But the possible is an horizon that precludes absolute despair! Why else comment (though hurriedly ATM)!
How good it is to see (as in 'remote viewing') you again, Agnos!
I am in the middle of discharging my daily duties and will be enjoying your post later. Be sure I will enjoy every letter, space, return and punctuation mark.
The longer life, the more offence. The more offence, the greater pain. The greater pain, the less defence. The less defence, the lesser gain.
I've been chewing on this from youth, and the more I, chew the more I love it (both the chewing and the verse actually). Can't goggle it now to check the original. Delegating is the answer: while I boogie in the kitchen, you will do the googling. One, two, three, GO!
Thank you for the verse. I had never taken the time to read Mr Wyatt...although I have known his face! What drawings these are: the immortal Tudor court.
I am “cogitating” your post of 10 December 2015 at 20:32 in the quiet of the hour.
“What drawings these are: the immortal Tudor court.”
'Drawings', 'immortal' and 'court' I would like to say something about and will do so later, Himself permitting :)
The drawing at your link is ‘It’. Immediately thought it was a Holbein and a quick ‘google’ confirmed this. I probably have seen it before, but am not sure. Thank you, Agnos, you’ve made my day!
I would like at a mutually convenient moment to let you have a look at some drawings of similar quality done much later in very different circumstances, likely with a similar purpose in the draughtsman’s mind (I’ve once noticed your interest in art in your post to Maren, I think). And here pops up another long story I am desperate to tell, but common sense prevails, duty calls and I shut up on this for now.
Let’s go and get the (insert an expletive of you choice) ‘worms’!
the fucking cops are fucking keen to fucking keep it fucking clean
John Cooper Clarke (whose live performance rtgr is fortunate to have attended)
That is some bizarre behaviour Maren, nobody behaves like that. It's like a scene from a psychological thriller where you know who the psychopath is. He's one on his own is that one.
But failed to ask: "Have you seen anyone leave the apartment with a little girl?"
Kate McCann in ‘madeleine’:
“Then a lady appeared on a balcony – I’m fairly certain this was about 11pm, before the police arrived – and, in a plummy voice, inquired, ‘Can someone tell me what all the noise is about?’ I explained as clearly as I was able, given the state I was in, that my little girl had been stolen from her bed, to which she casually responded, ‘Oh, I see', almost as if she’d just been told that a can of beans had fallen off a kitchen shelf. I remember feeling both shocked and angry at this woefully inadequate and apparently unconcerned reaction. I recollect that in our outrage, Fiona and I shouted back something rather short and to the point.”
Kate McCann was able to explain that her little girl had been stolen from her bed, and was also able to shout back something rather short and to the point, but she was not able to tell the client support manager what clothes Madeleine was wearing when she disappeared.
"I was told who the missing girl was and at the beginning of the procedure went to the McCann's apartment to obtain the girl's description and of the clothes she was wearing when she disappeared. When I arrived at the apartment, there was a lady on the terrace, whom I now know to be Kate McCann, accompanied by the wife of one of her friends, David Payne. Kate could not say a word, looked very upset and about to cry. It was Mrs Payne who provided me with the details that I needed.”
Alas, no information on the details Mrs Payne provided. Where are those details when you need them?
But failed to ask: "Have you seen anyone leave the apartment with a little girl?"
"During the day nothing unusual happened, until almost 22.30 when, being alone again, she heard the hysterical shouts from a female person, calling out 'we have let her down' which she repeated several times, quite upset. Mrs Fenn then saw that it was the mother of little Madeleine who was shouting furiously. Upon leaning over the terrace, after having seen the mother, Mrs Fenn asked the father, Gerry, what was happening to which he replied that a small girl had been abducted. When asked, she replied that she did not leave her apartment, just spoke to Gerry from her balcony, which had a view over the terrace of the floor below. She found it strange that Gerry when said that a girl had been abducted, he did not mention that it was his daughter and that he did not mention any other scenarios. At that moment she offered Gerry help, saying that he could use her phone to contact the authorities, to which he replied that this had already been done. It was just after 22.30."
'Kate McCann was able to explain that her little girl had been stolen from her bed, and was also able to shout back something rather short and to the point, but she was not able to tell the client support manager what clothes Madeleine was wearing when she disappeared.'
I think we both know what she wasn't wearing!
"It was Mrs Payne who provided me with the details that I needed.”
'Alas, no information on the details Mrs Payne provided. Where are those details when you need them?'
"Predominantly white" according to Mr Payne, as I recall.
White was the predominant err colour, said David Payne when asked about what the children were wearing on May 3, at about 6:30pm, when he went into 5A through the patio door, after Gerry had asked him to pop in.
White pyjamas, said the newspapers the next day.
But Jane Tanner described it you know differently you know to what the press had, said David Payne. Tanner told Payne about her pyjamas sighting before she'd even seen Kate so you know, the strength of that argument is just absolutely overwhelming.
But Gerry was standing by the bedroom door on May 4, at about 3.00am when Jane told the GNR police what she had seen, and Gerry did see Kate. They even went out for a walk on May 4, at about 6:00am. In Kate McCann's own words The most striking and horrific thing about it all was that we were completely alone. Nobody else, it seemed was out looking for Madeleine. Just us, her parents.
'Just us, her parents', being alone without being listened to.
4078 “Okay. Well tell me about that part then, how did you come to go into Gerry and Kate’s apartment?”
Reply “Well when the GNR people came, so the first lot of Police, the local Police came, erm, I spoke to them and I think that was through the translator, which was, I think she’s called Sylvie, she’s the Head of Housekeeping or something, she was doing the translating at that point. So I’d spoken to the GNR Police and then when the PJ came, they came to get me to talk to them to say, to say what, what I’d seen. And then I can remember the same GNR person saying to me later on in the night ‘Oh have you spoken to the PJ’ and I had by that stage, so”.
4078 “So when you went into Gerry and Kate’s apartment who else was there?”
Reply “Erm, I think there was Russ, I think Russell came with me and there was Sylvie who was the translator. I can’t remember which, there was some, there was a PJ chap was sitting on the, by the table. And there was Gerry who was standing by the, the bedroom door”.
"Only about 01h00 on 4 May 2007 did he learn through RUSSELL that his companion, JANE, at 21h10, could have seen an individual crossing the top of the road with a child in his arms, that may or may not have been his daughter MADELEINE. Asked, he relates that he does not recall to have described exactly the type of pyjamas (colour, designs, etc.) that MADELEINE had worn at the time she disappeared."
How very strange. His daughter dissappeared, and he didn't describe exactly what his daughter was wearing?
"But Jane Tanner described it you know differently you know to what the press had, said David Payne. Tanner told Payne about her pyjamas sighting before she'd even seen Kate so you know, the strength of that argument is just absolutely overwhelming."
just - absolutely - overwhelming eh?
Doesn't it make you glad he's not your doctor?
If you're familiar with the game 'stone, paper, scissors' you'll know that overwhelming evidence (paper) beats overwhelming argument(stone).
Christmas is near and I've got wrapping paper to spare.
"How very strange. His daughter disappeared, and he didn't describe exactly what his daughter was wearing?"
Afterthoughts are impossible to predict (that's why they're not forethoughts). Kate could have described them though. They were exactly like Amelie's after all, and pretty as a picture.
"That 'something rather short and to the point' wasn't 'Eeyore' I'll bet."
And you'd be right.
Himself's 'cause and effect' argument is magnificent in its simplicity and directness. The strength of it would be 'just absolutely overwhelming' were one to demonstrate that Madeleine's Eeyore pyjamas, unlike Elvis, never left the building.
"The Portuguese results by pathologist Dr de Silva Roubaco suggested that Chloe died of a "severe head injury" after they found bruising on the back of her head.
"But consultant paediatric pathologist Dr Samantha Holden from Southampton said she did not find sufficient evidence of this and "was not convinced" because if Chloe had hit her head it would have been the front of the brain which would have been bruised."
A 'supposition' concerning trajectory cannot negate 'evidence' of injury.
"She looked lovely," said Mrs McCann, recalling the moment Madeleine was pictured with her father beside a swimming pool.
"She was wearing a new outfit, a pink [peach-coloured in 'madeleine'] smock. That picture sums up her week. Every minute of every day she was enjoying herself. She went to bed exhausted. I haven't been able to use the camera since I took that last photograph of her."
It reads as though at that moment she knew that this would be the last photograph of Madeleine. Language barrier?
I haven't been able to use the camera since I took that last photograph of her.
"Kate went to Lagos marina, a few miles along the coast from Praia da Luz where her daughter vanished on May 3, 2007, and photographed the boat and the man on board, a hand-written note in police files reveals."
I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart, I have never read so much fucking drivel in all my life.
I have touched on Kate McCann's "religiosity" numerous times in the past, (post + links) but this!
I spoke to Kate McCann on Tuesday 8th of May 07. She told me that a friend of her Aunt & Uncle from Leicester had a friend that had a strong vision that Madeleine was on a boat with a man in the Marina in Lagos.
It leaves me agog. It shouldn't do, should it Clarence?
But it surely do, even though it was all part of the game plan. Somewhere kicking about is reference to Gerry McCann inundating the PJ, via Leicester plod I add, with "leads" supplied by psychics, clairvoyants, and alchemists in general.
But back to a "friend of a friend" who had a vision, I'm going to have a Bill Maher moment here, and say: Imagine the balls it takes, to stand in front of another human being and tell them that? (90 secs)
It wasn't just the death of Madeleine that came to pass in PDL, reality as we knew it suffered mortal injury. Nothing is real anymore, it's all gone, unlike the abductor, out the window. And should anybody doubt me, I have just two words: Operation Grange.
14 May 2007
Two baby dolls.
Cuddlecat seen snogging the darker one,
22 May 2007
“9-9.15am We take Sean and Amelie to Kids' Club. They really enjoy it and run in. They know the staff well and the staff are all excellent. Both love the domestic corner and Amelie particularly likes to look after "babies". We use Kids' Club a bit like nursery at home but we think Sean and Amelie still think they are on holiday!”
My daughter once had a rabbit. She was told by the pet farm it was a doe, but it behaved otherwise. Anything with fur and four legs....The poor guinea pig was not safe!
Just a few more than 100 sleeps before Animal Farm (Operation Grange) sells its last turkey!
Bonne annee (you'll have to imagine the missing accent - it's been abducted from my keyboard. Ok so it hasn't really, but I still can't seem to find it).
It seems that your problem which you‘ve mentioned more than once is solvable. Depending on your operating system, google as appropriate Windows, Linux, Apple Character Map.
I hope your problem will thereafter be no more.
Very briefly, Merry Christmas to all in case I expire before posting a more comprehensive ‘Merry Christmas’ message.
We did a homemade Tapas Nine, I kid you not (daughter’s idea, not McCann related). Every half hour or so, another dish. Some were baking, some were sitting around in the kitchen chairs and some were chatting on the couch. We also played Yahtzee by the Christmas tree. It felt like I was in my own back garden.
Two weeks ago Maddie’s parents Kate and Gerry publically thanked Operation Grange, the police inquiry set up into their daughter’s disappearance on PM David Cameron ’s orders, in May 2011.
But the couple from Rothley, Leics, couldn’t resist a dig at cops for failing to do “as much” quickly enough in an online festive message.
It was not clear if the McCanns were aware G4S, whose reputation has been scarred after a string of blunders, had been brought on board.
The couple from Rothley, Leics, couldn’t resist a dig. You couldn't make it up.
In the event that this entire sorry farce should prove to be something other than a conspiracy of silence, or, worse yet, an international accord to overlook the true fate of Madeleine McCann, it would indicate proliferation of the most crass, ongoing stupidity ever displayed among so-called 'decision makers.'
"One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognise a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there. In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.
Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation."
Tony Blair again. Mr Nice Guy (NOT). You'd think with his tongue so far up George Bush that 'W' would actually have said something coherent every now and then.
"Everybody needs to make that decision on their own,” Bowerman said about donating money. “But they need to know that mom and dad are being less than truthful, and they can make a decision on whether to donate based on that."
Kate McCann in 'madeleine'
Gerry has always believed that everyone possesses God-given talents which we should use to the best of our ability, he recognizes the benefits of the church community and he continues to insist that something good has to come out of this whole experience.
I assume she's RM's spokeswoman, but how could she possibly have known that?
JM: “I definitely would have known if he’d gone out.”
It seems unlikely that she stayed up all night.
Comment Freddie Wright My uncle is in the police and all of his colleagues were talking about this and they thought that it might have been the parents....
In reply to your comment, I think so, too. RM needed an alibi for the hour 10.00 - 11.00 p.m. Maybe he was at home, maybe he was not, but for some reason he needed to distance himself from the ‘abduction’ scene, especially at 10.00 p.m., the time of the alleged discovery of the disappearance.
Personally, I think he was involved in some other shady business at that time. Coincidence or very convenient for some people?
Mother passed away peacefully this afternoon, my sister and I were bedside. Quite broken up as you might imagine, she has been my mum for an awful long time, bless her.
It cannot be compared, but I just got back home from a condolence visit. My garden friend passed away. His botanical gifts (by barter), they now have special value.
May your mother rest in peace, and warmest regards to you. You're awesome.
I have been on the brink of posting this elsewhere but thought it a little OT - concerning metaphor, theory and these machines. The question that launched 1000 research grants was postulated on a series of sublime metaphor, beginning with a piano string (in full - Turing):
Let us return for a moment to Lady Lovelace's objection, which stated that the machine can only do what we tell it to do. One could say that a man can “inject” an idea into the machine, and that it will respond to a certain extent and then drop into quiescence, like a piano string struck by a hammer. Another simile would be an atomic pile of less than critical size: an injected idea is to correspond to a neutron entering the pile from without. Each such neutron will cause a certain disturbance which eventually dies away. If, however, the size of the pile is sufficiently increased, the disturbance caused by such an incoming neutron will very likely go on and on increasing until the whole pile is destroyed. Is there a corresponding phenomenon for minds, and is there one for machines? There does seem to be one for the human mind. The majority of them seem to be “sub-critical,” i.e. to correspond in this analogy to piles of sub-critical size. An idea presented to such a mind will on average give rise to less than one idea in reply. A smallish proportion are super-critical. An idea presented to such a mind may give rise to a whole “theory” consisting of secondary, tertiary and more remote ideas. Animals minds seem to be very definitely sub-critical. Adhering to this analogy we ask, “Can a machine be made to be super- critical?” (Computing Machinery)
As regards that other machine, I haven't budged an inch.
I don't feel I can post without echoing what Maren has said above. This medium hardly suffices - but - I'm sure you know. Thoughts and condolences are with you.
“Can a machine be made to be super- critical?” (Computing Machinery)
Now there's a thought indeed. Reminds me immediately of that iconic scene from Kubrik's 2001 - the ape toying with bones until 'the penny drops'.
Ironically, I have been conjuring with a metaphor or two myself of late, one of which concerns my on-going discussion with Maren of certain of the Murats' statements.
In a recent TV programme, it was explained that a wartime decoding at Bletchley Park, even more remarkable than work on 'Enigma', was made possible by the fortuitous (from the allies point of view) sending of the same message, with slight amends., twice - but without alteration of the rotor positions in-between. Hence decryption could proceed with greater certainty.
RM and his mother each tell the same story about hearing a siren a little differently...
I plan to send 'H' my interpretation of that piece of mischief in due course, i.e. when he's better placed to resume dealing with such things. In the meantime I can only express the same sympathies as others here, and which I have done personally elsewhere.
Agnos, to quote 'rtgr', your expansions are 'nourishing'
“All I can say,” says Murat, “is that I am innocent. There is no way I was at the resort that night. Full stop. I was in my mother’s kitchen until one a.m. Yes, we are a kitchen kind of family. I spent the night at the house.” As an arguido he cannot reveal more. But he does drive me around and point out the major landmarks of the case. “That’s the apartment from which Madeleine vanished,” he says. “That’s my mother’s villa.” The police ransacked the place four months ago and came up with nothing."
"About 19h50 she went to the "Batista" supermarket to buy bread. Then she went back to the house where she arrived more or less at the same time as Robert. Later they sat in the kitchen where they were talking for some time, having also eaten. She recalls that they were talking until close to midnight about Robert's project, related to the property and called 'Romigen.Com". Finally they went to their bedrooms to pass the night."
"The police ransacked the place four months ago and came up with nothing."
Suggestive in itself. An more appropriate complaining statement from a disgruntled citizen would be that the police 'searched the house for nothing'. That they found ('came up with') nothing implies that there might have been something of interest on the property but they just did not find it.
I've just passed to Himself a discussion of the discrepancies twixt the statements of Jenny and Robert Murat and here you go introducing yet another one! Perhaps I should ask 'H' not to go to press before we add this to the mix.
The case for the two of them collaborating in a lie here just got stronger.
“I have been on the brink of posting this elsewhere…”
Would you be so kind as to post a link to “elsewhere ”.
“The question that launched 1000 research grants…”
Aren’t most of those who have been financing 1000s of grants of the same ilk as those who have been hard at propping up the so far unbreached McCann dam?
Please disambiguate “As regards that other machine, I haven't budged an inch”.
The reference to "elsewhere" was a discussion (arising more than once) on this blog that concerned the use of metaphor as a principle of explanation and perhaps too as a basis from which to suggest an original idea cf. Martin's comment - 24 January 2016 at 12:00 on this thread.
The reference to "research grants" was just a light one. I don't think that those responsible for distributing academic monies have any concern for the McCann case. The point that I was making was a general one re: Turing's famous paper. The paper is particularly rich with metaphor, and has inspired many people to research questions of machine/mind and their possible interrelation.
Anon @06:38 had posted this link - hence the discussion.
In the comment above my reference to Turing, Martin has said:
Meanwhile, expert users of Microsoft Office would have us believe that the Wayback Machine couldn't tell the time of day!
(And the Pope's not Catholic).
When I said "As regards that other machine, I haven't budged an inch" I was simply agreeing with the implied thrust of Martin's comment re WBM - "ambiguous" only to the extent that I am sure Martin would have known how I might reply to that issue!
Interesting. Thank you. There is quite a lively 'discussion' of R. Murat taking place on another site 'currently. A number of people would have us believe he was merely a 'patsy'.
Strangely I'm reminded of a moment from the film 'Braveheart', when King Edward tells his right-hand man to order the archers to fire. When he protests that they'll hit their own men, the King nonchalantly adds: 'yes but we'll hit theirs as well'.
I notice too that the data sheet pictured in the link provided was prepared by CEOP.
“She says further that it was her daughter, Samantha, residing in England in the city of Exeter, who telephoned her to give her the news because by the morning our news was already running in the press of that country.”
“On Friday, 04/05, woke around 09:00, took a bath, went to the kitchen to his mother, the latter told him that something terrible had happened, because a child had disappeared in Praia da Luz, according to 'Sky News' that she had been watching.“
As it happens I knew about the daughter vs. Sky News already. Yet another entry on the debit side of the ledger.
It's very odd also that when Jenny Murray gives her daughter's UK 'phone number to the police IT'S WRONG (not just a digit transposition).
Her demeanour as recorded by TV gives no impression that she is anything like as senile as her witness statements make her appear.
Although the record of computer usage you turned up would suggest that the owner was at home until 11.40, we can't be absolutely certain who was pushing the buttons (literally).
One thing has emerged from the back-biting over at Cristobell's: Robert Murat's UK - Portugal flight was confirmed to him by e-mail in the (very) early hours of 30 April.
Now where have we seen that date before (and it's not Kate's diary - none of them want to talk about Monday 30th. Not even Jim Gamble in response to the 'Wayback' question.
(We can tell it's the same computer from common points of reference e.g., 'forest', 'mail live inbox' etc.).
The user from power up (10.00 p.m.) was JENNY MURAT until 22.39. Her last recorded access that night was a look at her mailbox (23.17). As the CEOP synopsis records, the device was not utilised on 4 May at all.
Questions arising:
1. Where are the corresponding records of a minute's access for the Romigen website (22.50/51), and the subsequent 'gaming' at 22.52, as referred to by CEOP?
2. Where is the indication of 'end of activity' at 23.40 as described by CEOP?
Computer on at 10.00 p.m. and used by JM until 22.39 (22.40 - 1).
Now when did RM say they heard the sirens?
"Questioned he says that when he heard the sound of a siren he was with his mother in the kitchen, still talking, it would be about 22:00/22:30" ('or a little later' he says elsewhere).
Me again. Those records of computer usage we share definitely derive from the same machine (identified by the CEOP people as 'Jenny'). Their assessment of another device ('Robert') shows no usage before midnight on the night of May 3.
Safe to say therefore that we can exclude RM logging in as 'Jenny', since he operated a different machine. The utilisation records for both offer no support for the claim that he was at home between 10.00 and 10.40. He might have been, but the data here do not confirm that.
Jenny Murat appears to have had a reasonably lengthy computer session on the afternoon of 2 May (the day GM received his mystery texts) when she read and deleted a number of e-mails. She did nothing of the kind on 3/4/5 May.
ReplyDelete14 October 2015
October 08, 2015
Good morning dearheart.
ReplyDeletePR raises its ugly head once again. Ergo one must smell a . . .
By the by, I stayed at that hotel for what must have been the shortest package holiday on record, arrived Friday afternoon, was back in the UK Sunday evening after receiving news of a katastrophe at home.
ReplyDeleteWe can't find the page:
We can:
31 August 2010
ReplyDelete"Blue Hackle is a criminal company," he [General Abdul Manan, the head of counter terrorism at Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior] said. "They were trying to smuggle weapons and other military equipment out of Kabul." A spokesman for the intelligence agency said agents seized "15 to 16" military items including weapons and ammunition. Security sources close to the company claimed the items were en route to the airport, destined for an American base.
A seriously connected (Kroll et al)serious player who just happened to fall off a wall. I don't believe in coincidences, do you?
ReplyDeleteThe only coincidence I will concede, is that I watched this epic film on a modern history of Afghanistan/Middle East only last night.
Certainly different and quiet informative although it briefly paid lip-service to the official 9/11 party line. Whether the briefness of of the lip-service paid was meant to act as a subliminal message, ie: this film isn't here to dissect the party line, lets move on, I'm not really sure.
Mr Karzai accused them of fuelling corruption and running parallel power structures outside his government's control - he wants Afghan police to take over
The police, according to the film, turned into the most corrupt group of all in an already corrupt society. Acting as little more than an armed militia for the war lords.
That's the film, but returning to Mr Raper, Humpty Dumpty? No, I find that a hard one to swallow.
“Whilst we do not know what happened to Madeleine, we remain hopeful that she may still be found given the ongoing lines of enquiry.”
They do know what happened to Madeleine, don't they, and I think she will never be found. M
"Mr and Mrs McCann" also said:
ReplyDeleteWe are reassured that the investigation to find Madeleine has been significantly progressed and the MPS has a much clearer picture of the events in Praia da Luz leading up to Madeleine's abduction in 2007.
The events in Praia da Luz?
Anonymous 28.10 @18:39
ReplyDelete"The events in Praia da Luz?"
Events 'leading up to' (an unexpected abduction) no less.
Since NSY have consistently confined themselves to 'point zero', i.e. May 3, perhaps we should ask why Gerry McCann seems interested in stretching the point of reference backwards in time.
To Dewi L (if he's looking in): We've been on the money for years - before Operation Grange was but a gleam in McCann's eye.
August 26, 2007
Possibly utter nonsense, but I cannot help thinking Operation Grange has little do with Madeleine McCann. Is/was she the cover-up?
ReplyDeleteIt further stressed that there also “is a risk of possible connections to our country of old elements from operational structures of separatist or revolutionary terrorist networks, albeit deactivated, namely by using Portugal as a place of retreat for sleeping cells.”
On its Foreign Travel Advice website the British Government warns that there is an “underlying threat from terrorism” in Portugal.
“Attacks, although unlikely, could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers”, it reads.
Anonymous (M) @ 7:52
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ @8:42
Ref. ""
See article: Metaphoric Comprehension Revisited (18.9, this page).
Neither 'Lager louts' nor dipsomaniac doctors abroad represent threats to national security - at least not normally.
Indeed H, excellent comments from David Duckworth, and as he says:
Furthermore I would like to extend my extreme gratitude to the Evening Times for allowing the "entirely factual" comments that I have posted...
ReplyDelete"Home for Christmas"'s/kate-mccann-arrives-for-the-home-for-christmas-nieuwsfotos/495859060
Good morning H
ReplyDeleteI was reading about those 14 text messages. Quite confusing.
14 text messages on May 3, and 10 texts on May 2 + four messages on May 4.
7 Nov 2007
“Detectives are reportedly investigating a series of text messages sent and received by Gerry McCann on the night his daughter disappeared.
The consultant cardiologist is alleged to have exchanged up to 14 messages on his mobile phone during dinner with the so-called Tapas Nine on May 3.
Police were said to be interested in discovering with whom Mr McCann was in contact that night, before Madeleine went missing from the family’s holiday apartment.
The claims were contained in a documentary by the Portuguese channel RTP but police have refused to confirm or deny the report.
The McCann’s spokesman Clarence Mitchell yesterday declined to comment on issues directly linked to the investigation.
Portuguese detectives have asked for the mobile phone records of the 39-year-old and his wife Kate, but have not yet received them.
Requests for the McCanns’ mobile phone records are among a series of letters of appeal drawn up by the Portuguese police.
But the public prosecutor Jose Magalhaese Meneses has refused to give his approval for the letters to be sent to British authorities until he sees stronger evidence against the couple.”
Also in the Daily Mail, 7 Nov 2007
"Riddle of 14 text messages sent and received by Gerry McCann just before Madeleine vanished"
29 MAY 2008 UPDATED 02:27, 4 FEB 2012
"Gerry and Kate McCann's fury after 14 texts slur
Gerry McCann reacted angrily yesterday to claims he received a string of mystery texts the day before his daughter vanished.
Police applied to Portugal's supreme court to seize his phone records after learning of the alleged messages.
They claim Gerry was sent 10 texts from an unknown number 24 hours before Madeleine disappeared.
And detectives say four messages arrived from the same mystery number the day after she went missing, according to court documents."
14 messages on his mobile phone during dinner on May 3?
M.R.’s “May 2 falling just the wrong side of the judicial timeline (or the right side, depending on one's point of view).” springs to mind.
ReplyDeleteOf course probably the biggest and most valuable resource we have in our search for Madeleine is the eyes, ears and minds of the general public.
Don't you just love irony?
"the minds of the general public"
You couldn't make it up...oh wait.
By the by, Redwood's Crechedad is now called "a guest at the Ocean Club".
The general public doesn't quite so easy accept an in the wrong direction walking Crecheman. What would the "innocent British father" say?
Maren 12 Nov. @ 13:59
ReplyDeleteWhilst the e-mail story has the ring of 'Chinese whispers', it could be significant nonetheless.
Interpol do not operate with 'agents' on the ground, but co-ordinate collaboration between different national police forces. Hence it cannot have been 'Interpol' per se who got there ahead of time.
However, it could not have been the local PJ either, since they were not alerted, even by boss Alipio Ribeiro, until after the GNR had arrived at the scene.
For Interpol to have passed on a request for assistance to the PJ or anyone else they must first have received that request - but from whom?
Establishing simply THAT someone paid an official visit before 'kick off' would be as meaningful a development as knowing WHO.
Martin R.
Martin R. @13:07
ReplyDeleteCould it have been PSP?
Maren @07:34
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @08:05
Thank you for pointing out the candidates. If the PSP, did they just happen to be passing? And why the involvement of the GNR if Luz is a PSP patrol area? (rhetorical questions).
Richard D Hall discusses the e-mail/incident in question toward the end here:
Unfortunately we don't get to learn quite why the sender should have inferred the involvement of 'Interpol' which, if correct, has numerous repercussions. It would even add credence to the idea that CEOP were 'in the loop'.
Martin R.
Martin R. @11:03
ReplyDeleteThank you for the link to Richard D. Hall's video; well worth watching.
I googled ("Google is now a verb" - RDH; chuckle) and now I am reading.
February 15, 2011
On February 24, 2009, the body of Keith Ennis, a drug dealer from Dublin, was found in an Amsterdam canal. He was butchered and his body parts were stuffed in a suitcase before they dumped it in the canal. Detectives believe that Ennis was killed by West Dublin gangland figures.
November 3, 2015
In an interview with the Isis magazine Dabiq, Abu Oud boasted that he had been able to plot attacks against the west right under the nose of Belgian intelligence agencies, and that he was in Syria in February.
“I was able to leave … despite being chased after by so many intelligence agencies,” he told the magazine. “All this proves that a Muslim should not fear the bloated image of the crusader intelligence.
2 aug. 2012
Oct. 16, 2015
Anonymous 29 October 2015 at 11:41
Les Lewis @icecubeinhell
@metpoliceuk hostile interrogation of the parents would be a good start and then the other tapas 7
Yes, I see your point.
Remember the ‘48 questions’? Nothing 'hostile' therein and still no answers but one, which did not have to be given. Hostile cross-examination would perhaps be a better choice. We must remember that one has ‘the right to remain silent’. Unless this right is relinquished, no meaningful interrogation and/or cross-examination, hostile or not, are/is possible (I take it you were not thinking of waterboarding, popular in some quarters we are told).
Briefly, the situation in the UK as far as I know is as follows:
It is seems reasonable to assume that reliance on ‘the right to remain silent’ will persist.
Consequently, first, it has to be decided that there is enough circumstantial evidence for the case to succeed in court.
Several other formal steps later, court hearings may be held which may culminate in a jury of one’s peers, guided a judge, deciding on the merits of the case before them: ‘guilty’, ‘innocent’, or ‘unable to decide’ in accordance with the directions of the judge.
Please correct me if you think I am wrong. When we are ‘in the mood’, we can choose to go further and attempt to consider the pertinent aspects of jurisdiction and the European Convention on Human Rights.
Kind regards.
Hi rtgr,
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome to my hackneyed reasoning on all things Europe and Grange (though I'm not sure it adds up to much)!
1. Portugal must retain primacy. There's no reason to expect PT to be obliged to second hand justice (even if it were to be served "down" from the mighty Ingerrrlannd)! What could otherwise prevent any country from setting up its own "Maddie review" and framing any Tom, Dick or Kiszko?
2. Even if "the old bailey" is contemplated as an alternative, then it can only be in such a way as to satisfy the legal requirements of a Portuguese resolution.
3. Portuguese authorities would therefore need to be "on side" with all things UK. The "old bailey" outcome would be final, and Portuguese Law. I presume there would need to be some international provision for this.
4. Given that the Portuguese authorities would need to be "on side" (regardless of anything else) then why should Operation Grange have taken the form it has?
And therein is the problem that I can never square! The one aspect of European law that I take for granted is that there is ample provision, as a matter of routine course, for law enforcement agencies to pursue their own lines of inquiry should "suspects" flee to some other EU jurisdiction. I don't buy into the mystique of "Pinochet's lawyers". The provision exists for this to be a case driven forward from Portugal, with suspects questioned under the terms of Portguese Law.
In many other cases, the Portuguese judicial system has been amply relied upon, by the UK, as a full and trustworthy partner in International law - not least with the prosecution of RIRA suspects. Why not so with this case?
If the UK government were especially desperate to see justice done, then all that was required (in my opinion!) was for a diplomatic approach requesting that the case be "unshelved", accompanied by the tacit commitment to full cooperation with any line of investigation. Instead of which we got a £10,000,000 "review/investigation" involving x number of statements, y number of documents and z suspects!
The only hope that I have ever managed to retain was that in the midst of all of this chicanery there might have been a shift in momentum. But I am not seeing it; and given recent hypotheses, not expecting it.
It sounds glib to add the usual "I hope I am wrong." But I really do hope to be wrong.
Cheers for now!
Agnos 20 November 2015 at 11:21
ReplyDeleteKind Agnos
I am cleaning and getting ready to do some baking. I will ‘cogitate’ your offering and reply, most likely after midnight. Meanwhile, may I share with you the proposition I was thinking of when you post caught my eye:
“Great acts are made up of small deeds.”
ReplyDelete“Great acts are made up of small deeds.”
Ha! Laotse knew all about momentum!
It has never been the seismic events to which I've pinned any hope (changes of government etc), but the internal dynamics of those charged with administrating the "work". Those officers who donated to the gofundme appeal did at least raise a hand of disquiet.
If only more people in authority would pause to draw breath, and just consider the abhorrent scale of this exploitation.
ReplyDelete15 September 2007
Calum also revealed how Kate checks Gerry's blog before it is emailed to the site. However, Gerry has only posted one message since his return to Britain last week. Calum added: "It has got crazy at times, we've even got people going on in places such as Kurdistan."
Another worker on the site, Rona Eddington, 18, the daughter of a senior police inspector in Ross-shire, said: "We've had people saying in emails we killed her and taken her away' and we hate you.' We don't know if they are genuine, but they are passed to the police, who chase them all up. We've had so many like that and have to filter them. The website is about supporting the family."
Talking of taking advantage of people's generosity and using it for commercial gain rather than charitable purposes, exploiting the generosity of the general population and parasites.
ReplyDelete19 May 2007
Madeleine's uncle John McCann said: "We are incredibly disappointed that people are taking advantage of people's generosity and using it for commercial gain, rather than charitable purposes.
"It is a shame that people behave like this and they exploit the generosity of the general population."
He continued: "I am loth to use the phrase parasites, but unfortunately that is what it seems like.
"The issue at stake here was, that the flat was broken into, and wee Madeleine was abducted," John McCann told BBC Radio Five Live.
10 May 2007, 16:58
10 May 2007, 21:48
On a lighter note, I just learned that loth is a variant spelling of loath.
Good morning! Back to the grind.
Maren @09:22
"The issue at stake here was, that the flat was broken into, and wee Madeleine was abducted," John McCann told BBC Radio Five Live.
'The flat was broken into...', or so the parents said.
10 May 2007, 21:48
"Madeleine was wearing pink Eeyore pyjamas when she disappeared" Or so the parents said.
On a lighter note - you might enjoy these:
MR 11:35
ReplyDeleteSo the English, I think, you all will agree,
Is the queerest language you ever did see.
Oh yes?
A dreadful language? Man alive,
I’d mastered it when I was five!
So there you go.
Maren and I discussed language in some depth once upon a time. Prompted I think by The boy with the incredible brain learning Icelandic in a week.
Which, if you ask any Icelander, is a complete impossibility. But nobody told him that.
But I did read at the time, or at sometime prior to our conversation, that their are more language related brain receptors in young children than at any other time in their lives.
That's my excuse anyway, I never received the stimulus when young.
Webster Tarpley is coming along Martin, we are starting to get to the nitty gritty.
Oh and Maren, I paraphrase: Two separate, recently opened flight training schools operated by two Dutchmen at the same airfield, where three out of the four alleged hijackers trained, is one Dutchman too many.
It would appear that there were quite a few Arabs training at these schools who magically disappeared pre and post 9/11.
Bottom line, according to Tarpley, a school for patsies.
Himself @ 12.20
ReplyDeleteWebster's 'yer man'.
Thinking back to that interview in which he discusses the significance of 'Angel is next' in the context of an insider-led threatened 'putsch', who was at the Pentagon while 'W' was playing at being a sitting duck? - Rumsfeld (who as Defence Secretary might be said to have had reasonable cause) and Dick Cheney (VP who seemed to know rather a lot about the validity of certain 'orders' issued that morning). It may be unwarranted supposition on my part but I can't help but refer even further back in time to the assassination of JFK and who, in particular, had most to gain from his removal from office(another VP if you recall).
"But I did read at the time, or at sometime prior to our conversation, that their are more language related brain receptors in young children than at any other time in their lives."
Language - My favourite area of student interest. It's a fascinating topic. My blood boils though when 'educationalists' trained in other areas co-opt commonplace misconceptions about language acquisition and linguistic behaviour to support their particular ideologies. Music education in this country has suffered mightily on account of a belief among the directorate that language and musicianship are similarly acquired. A total fallacy.
Martin R. @11:35
ReplyDelete"Madeleine was wearing pink Eeyore pyjamas when she disappeared" Or so the parents said.
It reminded me of John McCann’s “And how do you explain?”
13 May 2007
As the family waited fearfully for news, they faced the agonising reality of trying to explain to their toddler twins why their big sister was no longer there. "That was terrible for them," says John McCann, Mr McCann's elder brother, who also travelled to Portugal to help search for his niece. "Kate dressed Amelie in her sister's pyjamas and the baby said: 'Maddy's jammies. Where is Maddy?' But she is too young to understand. And how do you explain? All we know is that Madeleine needs her family. She loves us, we love her. It is time for her to come home."
The long-sleeved 'Barbie' ones? Remarkable, no further information, contrary to the McCanns ‘normal’ way of doing details.
Many thanks for the link. I’ve printed it out; it will come in handy.
Finally, which rhymes with enough?
Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough?
Hiccough has the sound of cup.
My advice is — give it up!
I won’t.
Kind regards
March 6, 2013
MR 14:06
ReplyDeleteWebster's your man alright. Mohamed Atta - pork chop fundamentalist.
To say nothing a vodka swilling, cocaine snorting whoremonger. Hardly the fundamental religious idealist to take on a kamakazi gig.
Regarding 9/11 the most iconic and telling photo of that infamous day was Rumsfeld out on the Pentagon lawn carrying bits of drone away. As Secretaries of Defence do.
M.R. @11:16
ReplyDelete"For effect no doubt."
Throughout the vigil that she and her husband, Gerry, a consultant cardiologist, have endured, she has carried Cuddle Cat constantly. Pinning it to her handbag, twisting it through trembling fingers. "Kate will be able to smell Madeleine on it," says Susan Healy, her mother, "that is why she cannot put it down". Every photograph of the young mother shows her clutching the toy, drawing comfort from the only tangible contact she has left with her little girl, whose face, her big blue eyes and tiny milk teeth just visible between her baby-like lips, has now become so familiar.
Blue eyed little girl:
ReplyDeleteThe long-sleeved 'Barbie' ones?
Or Madeleine's unwashed pyjamas?
19 SEP 2007
"It is believed the entire Portuguese case rests on DNA evidence from body fluids which allegedly suggests that Madeleine's corpse was carried in the boot of the McCanns' hired Renault Scenic.
But the McCanns say the fluids probably came from Madeleine's unwashed pyjamas and sandals which were carried in the boot when the family was moving apartments.
Anonymous @12:39
ReplyDelete"But the McCanns say the fluids probably came from Madeleine's unwashed pyjamas and sandals which were carried in the boot when the family was moving apartments."
Really? Didn't Kate McCann wash her daughter's Eeyore pyjama top on the Thursday morning? Perhaps they are suggesting here that stray DNA might therefore have originated with the trousers. But both top and bottom disappeared with Madeleine (or so we were led to believe).
So what pair of unwashed pyjamas could these possibly have been? Madeleine wasn't around to wear any after 3 May. They must have been worn earlier - and left in the laundry basket for a month! (before eventually being thrown, unwashed, into the back of the Renault).
"The combined weight of such evidence is enough, the McCanns believe, to expose the prosecution case as hopelessly flawed."
Weight of evidence my eye! If that's a measure of the McCanns' deductive powers it's no wonder Kate's patients had a habit of dying on her!
26 May 2007
ReplyDeleteThe family has moved apartments at the Portuguese resort and Madeleine’s pyjamas have been unpacked, ready for her for when she comes back, they said.
Maren 23.11 @ 21:42
ReplyDelete'It reminded me of John McCann’s “And how do you explain?”'
A question of some significance when one contemplates release by the PJ of an 'official photograph' they did not take.
However sensitive police investigators might be to the feelings of parents whose children are the victims of crime, whenever have you heard of an investigation being virtually directed by those parents?
Well there is one case that we know of...But why did the Portuguese stand for it? And from a couple of holiday-makers?
I expect Clarence has the answer.
Kind regards
Anonymous @13:08
ReplyDelete"The family has moved apartments at the Portuguese resort and Madeleine’s pyjamas have been unpacked, ready for her for when she comes back, they said."
Do we suspect DNA transfer from 'packed' pyjamas?
I don't think so, do you?
ReplyDeleteIn “Madeleine” by Kate McCann:
“The only other unexplained detail I remember from that morning was a large, brown stain I noticed on Madeleine’s pink Eeyore pyjama top. I couldn’t recall seeing it the night before and I had no idea how it might have got there. It looked like a tea stain. Gerry and I do drink quite a bit of tea, and Madeleine, too, would have the odd small cup. So at the time I just assumed it was a drink spillage that had escaped our attention, and that might well be all it was. But now, of course, we can no longer make assumptions about anything that can’t be accounted for.”
Of course.
A medicine stain perhaps?
“Ever have your child spit a mouthful of medicine back out, creating a medicine stain on their clothes. Stain Solver will remove medicine stains from their clothes, as well as carpet stains.”
Or some other kind of stain?
Just to show some options.
On the other hand, as Kate is telling us in her account of the truth, we can no longer make assumptions about anything that can’t be accounted for. The ‘abducted’ Eeyore pyjamas, for example? So, maybe there was no stain at all, but only mentioned to focus attention on Madeleine wearing Eeyore’s. The Eeyore’s that has pyjama bottoms with a frill at the end, matching Jane Tanner’s sighting. After all, Tanner could only see the child’s feet and the bottom of the pyjamas with a turn-up.
At least they didn’t have to buy another one for their European tour. Coincidentally, Amelie had an Eeyore’s, too.
1:43 “These are Amelie’s...”
Anonymous (M) @19:42
ReplyDelete"The Eeyore’s that has pyjama bottoms with a frill at the end, matching Jane Tanner’s sighting. After all, Tanner could only see the child’s feet and the bottom of the pyjamas with a turn-up."
And yet she didn't report seeing the large roundel at the bottom of the right leg, which would have placed the identity of said pyjamas beyond doubt.
"At least they didn’t have to buy another one for their European tour. Coincidentally, Amelie had an Eeyore’s, too."
You've noticed. Fortuitous was it not? (M&S had already closed all their Portuguese outlets well before then).
Do you think Gerry picked them up during his first return trip to the UK?
I happen to know he did not - and that leads to some very awkward questions indeed...
ReplyDelete‘In the Netherlands, we ask citizens to help each other and to support each other if necessary,’ it states.
Anonymous 24.11 @10:23
ReplyDelete"Blue eyed little girl"
Both McCann parents have blue eyes, as do the twins, the result of an absence of pigmentation. So what gave rise to the hazel pigmentation in Madeleine's left eye? Genetically speaking, unlike mathematics, two minuses do not sum to a 'plus'.
Martin R.
Anon 19:11
ReplyDeletesaid Chafee, who was a Republican at the time and the only Republican senator to vote against the war.
All very noble, shame about signing the Patriot Act.
Maren 09:35
ReplyDeleteAh yes values, we know all about values don't we?
Peter Jukes: "Call any suicide victim a nonentity is crass in my book. But some people's standards vary."
ReplyDeleteWhat was it he said about "McCann trolls"? That they are an infestation. After a verdict of gas inhalation.
A slick operation?
"News broke last week that U.S. intelligence officials believe the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has grown into one of the wealthiest terrorist groups in history. According to recent estimates, the militants are making as much as $3 million a day, most of it through the illegal oil trade. U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria this week targeted some of the ISIS-controlled oil installations in an effort to curtail the militants' revenue stream."
US intelligence officials are also responsible for believing in Iraqi WMD. I dare say one or more even believe the story of Jonah and the Whale.
Just watch the world price of oil go up after Christmas on account of the reduction of ISIS supplies to its home market!
It's not oil or money that's killing people in the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter, it's weaponry.
Now I wonder where that comes from?
Anonymous @15:50
"Salah Abdeslam was stopped by French police near the Belgian border on the day after the terrorist attacks, in which 130 people were killed, but he was not detained."
Having been correctly flagged to Interpol well beforehand.
(Was this the incident of a terrorist car being forced to stop and the two occupants allowed to run away?)
So that's why they bombed the place on 9/11!
Anonymous @9:06/9:40
ReplyDeleteSmart. For me the ultimate futility of religion is encapsulated in Easter Island, where the inhabitants literally burnt their boats (i.e. all the trees) then carved totems from stone to appeal for help!
Thank you also for the link to BJ's 'Christmas in Fallujah'. Written in the same spirit as his other tearjerker, 'Goodnight Saigon'.
Kind regards
ReplyDeleteA church service was held for missing woman Claudia Lawrence today
Joanna Morris / Sunday 6 December 2015 / News
"Another prayer came from Kate McCann, mother of missing Madeleine McCann".
She said: “God, please help us to find Claudia and Madeleine. Let those who have them stay calm and treat them well and give them a way out.”
'Give them a way out'!? WTF! Even now she insists on putting herself first! And what's with 'help us to find'? Surely a deity of such omnipotence could deliver up, no questions asked. Or isn't that how they work? Perhaps God's got a bit too much on his plate at this time of year, eh?
Kate and Gerry McCann As Far Away From God As You Can Get
God Gaol and Kate McCann
30th April 2008
Gerry added: “She looks like Kate, thank goodness for that, but in terms of personality trait, she’s more like my side of the family I think.
She doesn't look like Kate, she looks like a McCann. Only my opinion of course. That aside, what is the purpose of this detailed information, considering the 'situation Madeleine finds herself in'? M
HiDeHo Today at 3:13 am at
ReplyDelete“It takes a REAL person to acknowledge the efforts of an adversary and it's heartwarming to have seen that happen. It's THAT time of year”
Following my comment which has not yet appeared on this blog for reasons as yet unknown to me, may I say “it’s THAT time of the year” at any moment! Particularly so when the person whose efforts are acknowledged is not an adversary as far as I know.
Please, could someone of greater knowledge correct me on this if I’m wrong.
ReplyDeleteThere are no comments in the spam box, so it is no more. Your comment, like the parrot, is deceased.
I often wonder why there is so much animosity between members of different groups and forums, but I would imagine it would be difficult to expect everyone to have the same thoughts and opinions and we all come to this with our own baggage. Personally I have one deciding factor, if I have time for someone or not...
You only lie to me personally ONCE
You only break my trust ONCE.
Never a truer word and the only thing of note in article I can only describe as a wank-fest. You know what a wank-fest is?
If Bennett had, to borrow a phrase, the courage of his convictions, we might not be here today. Bennett didn't stumble at the first hurdle, he refused it. He capitulated. And by capitulating he threw away, and now lost forever, the one opportunity to get the McCanns in open court.
That he went on with his attention seeking blah blah and that he subsequently ended up in court for contempt, was nobody's fault but his own. It was not a noble act, it was one of sheer stupidity that tainted us all, but more importantly did severe damage to the cause.
As did his attempt at a private prosecution of the McCanns for neglect. One of a history attempts at private prosecutions I add, and all doomed to failure.
Bennett is also a thief and a liar. Google law society application 8788/2003 Tony Bennett
I will thank you not bring Bennett to this blog.
Himself 9 December 2015 at 15:29
ReplyDeleteDear Himself
I have put my foot in it, haven’t I? “Leave and learn” once again.
I am most grateful for the information you have provided. I know of several occasions when the person in question dangerously faulted, but some points in your post are new to me and I will investigate these for myself The last court matter was a detrimental cock-up, I can say that much.
I am happy to do as you wish. I will abridge my ‘unfortunate’ post accordingly before attempting to post it again, most of it relates to ‘unproblematic’ matters I hope. I am sorry for the disturbance I have caused.
No hard feelings?
Kind regards and thank you once again.
Bennett abused me just because I told him where the body is, his ego in conjunction with the bullying gangster Gamble has made me severely ill.
ReplyDeleteThe fake Brenda death was completely staged, she works at Bury Art Museum, they are the epitome of evil. They sent observers to my door and two Sundays ago I collapsed, I'm 53 and have had a stroke, I blame Gamble and Sky News 100% for their psychological torment.
I am not desiring pity, but people need to know what they do, I have been left in hospital and am now homeless ... they know how to play with weak minds.
I'm trying to let as many open-minded people know as possible, but thinking and writing is so hard, I'm sorry. In case they succeed in killing me this time I must speak out publicly.
Ros has my phone number and Murdoch needs to be challenged on this. Please don't forget what they've done if I die.
Kate & Gerry are just pawns in this sick media hoax and hidden in plain sight child death.
Gamble is the real, live and physically manifest personification of evil, he should be sent down for a very long time, ditto for some of his media, CEOP and Leicester cop mates.
Thanks for listening, I'm at the end of my rope.
Yours truly, Julie. Had enough, Wigan x
30th April 2008
Kate said: “When we first came back, you know I didn’t cook a meal just couldn’t do it. All the every day things that have to be done, you know there were times in the early days where things like that, I found I resented things like that because it was taking me away from Madeleine you know. How can I hang up washing when my daughter’s not here?"
She didn't cook a meal indeed, but she can hang up washing.
Tell the truth Kate, too much destruction's been caused now.
ReplyDeleteHow can you feel half normal and peaceful living in that trap under those circumstances?
Tell the truth before more deaths are caused. Please Kate, I'll help you, I promise.
Remember, you were directed by CEOP, the twitchy duplicitous media operatives and Leicester faux cop slither slugs.
It was an accident, and it's only embarrassment and your own ego stopping you. Put a stop to it Kate, enough is enough.
You two won't go down, Gamble and co on the other hand? They've asked for it, Gr8 WORK Martin, what a greasy filthy douche that evil moron truly is.
Ditto for psycho Swan and the mendacious Slaughtered Lamb meddlers, aka Black Pudding Land freaks. #CU*TS.
Truth and peace will set you free, Jules x
Julie, you are welcome to comment here, but you must stop these Brenda Leyland claims. Please I beg you, whatever you might think about it, I don't want it here.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous (M) 9.12 @13:22
ReplyDelete"She doesn't look like Kate, she looks like a McCann"
Ah, but which one?
If you can find a clip of Ernie Allen's guided tour of his centre's original effort at an 'age progressed' photograph, just watch what happens when he goes through the check list of M's female facial characteristics then finally says to Gerry McCann, 'she's got your nose' (at least I think it was 'nose'). But no matter. What matters is GM's crestfallen reaction to the observation.
I'd supply the link if I could find it myself, although I vividly remember the scene.
Kind regards
Martin R.
Maren 9.12 @18:59
ReplyDelete"How can I hang up washing when my daughter’s not here?"
'She didn't cook a meal indeed, but she can hang up washing.'
Nor could she bear to take pictures after that last photograph of Madeleine (or so she told Olga Craig of the Telegraph). Why not? the holiday had 36 hours or thereabouts left to run and Madeleine had yet to disappear (unexpectedly).
For different reasons this 'on the record' statement is very significant.
Martin R.
Martin R. @10:25
ReplyDeleteI remember that scene, too.
1:05 "but Gerry she has your nose"
According to Ernie Allen (1:12) "it's a remarkable example of the best of genetics".
Maren @ 11:40
ReplyDeleteWell done you for remembering where to find the clip! Thank you.
It's a revealing moment - comparable to the 'We're not going to comment on that' and look away in response to Sandra Felgueiras' question: "Did you know Robert Murat?"
Martin R.
Himself 10 December 2015 at 11:59
ReplyDeleteThank you, Himself, it’s kind of you, I appreciate it.
I straggled for a while yesterday late evening with the already mentioned HTML tags, but to no avail. The message I get from the blogger’s software refers to the maximum allowed number of characters (4096) contained within the tags when the whole of the text referred to has fewer characters by far. There are no ‘unpaired or incorrectly ‘paired’ tags in the text (easy to check). The opening and closing tags are all in place.
I will of course persevere out of curiosity and let you know the result. I’m not a novice at debugging, but not HTML. Meanwhile, I will take all the tags out and post as soon as I get a moment, it is something long-promised to Agnos, nothing important since its coming from me, just a few thoughts.
Pour l'enfant, amoureux de cartes et d'estampes,
ReplyDeleteL'univers est égal à son vaste appétit.
Ah! que le monde est grand à la clarté des lampes!
Aux yeux du souvenir que le monde est petit!
Charles Baudelaire Le Voyage, Les Fleurs du mal
(Although somewhat ‘politically incorrect’ today, Le Voyage would not be out of place on many a bedside table. rtgr)
“One day I tell you, one day the shit is going to hit the fan like the shit has never hit the fan before.”
Himself in Kate and Gerry McCann As Far Away From God As You Can Get and in ”The Corruption of Innocence”
(The “One day…” statement above, evangelical in form and prescience, is profound and moving. rtgr)
Agnos 20 November 2015 at 11:21
Greetings, Agnos
I am begging your pardon for such a delay in replying to your post: I had and still have to deal with various pressing problems which need my almost continuous attention.
In my 19 November 2015 at 15:32 post, I was considering a message I chanced upon of one Les Lewis @icecubeinhell to the Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk).
I had previously come across messages expressing a wish for (hostile) questioning of the parents and their friends, hence I attempted to point out that in the UK the outcome of such questioning would depend, firstly, on the co-operation (not taking ‘the Fifth’) of those questioned, and, secondly, on the stance of the UK investigating and/or prosecuting authorities with regard to the likelihood of a jury to be convinced by the available (converging) corroborative evidence.
It has been alleged that Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited, of which Madeleine’s parents are directors, has been operating in breach, criminal if true, of the applicable governing rules and regulations. This allegation can and should be the point of departure for an investigation in the UK. A fortiori, such an investigation would be justified because (a) the alleged disappearance of Madeleine McCann has been the subject of unprecedented international interest and publicity (a statement along these lines was made by the UK government in justification of setting up Operation Grange and the unprecedented expenditure that followed) and (b) many UK citizens have been detrimentally affected (conned?) in consequence of said breach. The question of jurisdiction would not arise.
Continued below... rtgr
Continued from my previous post... rtgr
ReplyDeleteFurthermore. I am under the impression that the laws of negligence towards children are more stringent in Portugal than in the UK, as is the attitude of the Portuguese public towards such negligence. That in mind together with parental negligence in this case being ‘a given’ and the Portuguese investigation now ‘unshelved’, a European Arrest Warrant may be issued by the Portuguese forcing the parents (maybe not their friends and acquaintances, though they may be deemed to have been co-conspirators) to attend a reconstruction of the alleged incident to enable the investigation to ascertain the veracity of their (McCanns’ et al) statements and reconsider all pertinent information in the light of the reconstruction findings.
There remains the question of discretion the UK authorities have in considering such a Warrant, but I recall being led to understand that they would, in their turn, also ‘leave no stone unturned’. As is ‘strongly’ believed, the authorities’ word is their bond.
(Am I already hearing you singing “Dream ,dream, dream,,,” along with The Everly Brothers? And yawning? I wouldn’t blame you…)
There can be no doubt that Madeleine McCann’s human rights have been violated. The absence in the UK media of (explicit) publicity of this violation, paired with the apparent failure of the UK authorities in their ‘duty of care’ owed to Madeleine McCann, leaves one with the unsettling realisation that the UK parents can go to Portugal with their child, return with the news that the child disappeared there while in their care and no ‘hurtful’ to the parents questions as to the child’s whereabouts and wellbeing will be asked (for lack of jurisdiction?)!
“But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas” and I am Pai Natal! (“” The R Stones)
It is irrefutable that the parents, their friends and acquaintances have made many (self)contradictory statements, and even on this bases alone the only reasonable conclusion one can arrive at is that they are either lying or delusional (as to the medics, both British Medical Association and rtgr are satisfied that the latter is not the case).
It has been my experience over the years that everything the parents have ever said and did ‘on camera’ and nearly everything in writing has sounded counter-intuitive, unnatural, scripted and lacking credence. Martin has pointed this out very succinctly in one of his essays which I do not have to hand to cite.
In conclusion. with reference to the McCann case, I unreservedly accept the precedence of your kind self, Martin’s and many others’. I am not a jurist, I am always glad to be corrected.
Madeline is always in my thoughts. I care about Madeleine and stand by her for better or for worse.
And I (we) remain hopeful against the odds that “one day the shit is going to hit the fan like the shit has never hit the fan before”.
Let peace embrace us all.
Continued below... rtgr
Continued from my previous post... rtgr
And what ‘holiday’ circumstances would necessitate “bathing” of one’s children by anyone outside one’s family (at this juncture, rtgr, brought up in a relaxed and liberal tradition, shudders uncontrollably at the thought and straggles to contain involuntary puking)? rtgr would rather let the kids go un’bathed’, wouldn’t you? Or is rtgr the odd one out?
Mention to your GP (if she is not Kate Healy mind you, or the couple I will speak of in the following paragraph) in passing that you let your ‘friends’ “bathe” your kids, and you will have Social Services banging on your door (or perhaps breaking your window shatters to ‘woosh’ your kids from your care). Or is rtgr once again the odd one out?
I would also refer you to the Gaspar’s statements of 16 May 2007 ( wherein the two seemingly well-meaning GPs reveal their attitudes towards children which make me cringe. Moreover, both, I would argue, describe their failure in the duty of care they owe their little daughter. This makes me wonder if rtgr is indeed the odd one out.
Good wishes, kind Agnos, even if you are not reading this.
Hello rtgr,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. I think you state the case perfectly. The concerns that you express, at the very end, are mine too. I find it impossible to believe that such a propensity for exploitation of a child's Being could become manifest "over night" (as it were in concert with the "disappearance"). No.
A propensity is habitual. And it casts a shadow across this entire affair.
I think you summarise the legal realities far better than I managed. The EAW system - yes. That has always been my hope, and it still is (a dream shared then)! I haven't abandoned that hope, only my expectation has been levelled ; anger unquenched.
But the possible is an horizon that precludes absolute despair! Why else comment (though hurriedly ATM)!
Many thanks again,
Agnos 10 December 2015 at 20:32
ReplyDeleteHow good it is to see (as in 'remote viewing') you again, Agnos!
I am in the middle of discharging my daily duties and will be enjoying your post later. Be sure I will enjoy every letter, space, return and punctuation mark.
The longer life, the more offence.
The more offence, the greater pain.
The greater pain, the less defence.
The less defence, the lesser gain.
I've been chewing on this from youth, and the more I, chew the more I love it (both the chewing and the verse actually). Can't goggle it now to check the original. Delegating is the answer: while I boogie in the kitchen, you will do the googling. One, two, three, GO!
Good wishes.
Thank you for the verse. I had never taken the time to read Mr Wyatt...although I have known his face! What drawings these are: the immortal Tudor court.
In addition to 9 December 2015 at 13:22
ReplyDeleteShe looks like her grandmother
Agnos 11 December 2015 at 07:43
ReplyDeleteMorning, Agnos
What worm are you after today?
I am “cogitating” your post of 10 December 2015 at 20:32 in the quiet of the hour.
“What drawings these are: the immortal Tudor court.”
'Drawings', 'immortal' and 'court' I would like to say something about and will do so later, Himself permitting :)
The drawing at your link is ‘It’. Immediately thought it was a Holbein and a quick ‘google’ confirmed this. I probably have seen it before, but am not sure. Thank you, Agnos, you’ve made my day!
I would like at a mutually convenient moment to let you have a look at some drawings of similar quality done much later in very different circumstances, likely with a similar purpose in the draughtsman’s mind (I’ve once noticed your interest in art in your post to Maren, I think). And here pops up another long story I am desperate to tell, but common sense prevails, duty calls and I shut up on this for now.
Let’s go and get the (insert an expletive of you choice) ‘worms’!
the fucking cops are fucking keen
to fucking keep it fucking clean
John Cooper Clarke (whose live performance rtgr is fortunate to have attended)
Good luck and see you later.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 11 December 2015 at 13:16
ReplyDeleteHave just managed to have a glance at the link, looks promising.
Many thanks and good wishes.
Bonjour kiddywinks
ReplyDeleteI have thinned the comments out a tad, we are good to go for some while longer.
Mari's quote is from Paulo Pereira Cristóvão's book I think, but I couldn't agree more with your tweet:
It reminded me of Graham MacKenzie's statement.
I had looked up by now and we actually made eye contact, his conversation did not change at all when he realised that I was there.
Odd that, most odd. M
That is some bizarre behaviour Maren, nobody behaves like that. It's like a scene from a psychological thriller where you know who the psychopath is. He's one on his own is that one.
ReplyDeleteBut failed to ask: "Have you seen anyone leave the apartment with a little girl?"
ReplyDeleteKate McCann in ‘madeleine’:
“Then a lady appeared on a balcony – I’m fairly certain this was about 11pm, before the police arrived – and, in a plummy voice, inquired, ‘Can someone tell me what all the noise is about?’ I explained as clearly as I was able, given the state I was in, that my little girl had been stolen from her bed, to which she casually responded, ‘Oh, I see', almost as if she’d just been told that a can of beans had fallen off a kitchen shelf. I remember feeling both shocked and angry at this woefully inadequate and apparently unconcerned reaction. I recollect that in our outrage, Fiona and I shouted back something rather short and to the point.”
Kate McCann was able to explain that her little girl had been stolen from her bed, and was also able to shout back something rather short and to the point, but she was not able to tell the client support manager what clothes Madeleine was wearing when she disappeared.
"I was told who the missing girl was and at the beginning of the procedure went to the McCann's apartment to obtain the girl's description and of the clothes she was wearing when she disappeared. When I arrived at the apartment, there was a lady on the terrace, whom I now know to be Kate McCann, accompanied by the wife of one of her friends, David Payne. Kate could not say a word, looked very upset and about to cry. It was Mrs Payne who provided me with the details that I needed.”
Alas, no information on the details Mrs Payne provided. Where are those details when you need them?
But failed to ask: "Have you seen anyone leave the apartment with a little girl?"
"During the day nothing unusual happened, until almost 22.30 when, being alone again, she heard the hysterical shouts from a female person, calling out 'we have let her down' which she repeated several times, quite upset. Mrs Fenn then saw that it was the mother of little Madeleine who was shouting furiously. Upon leaning over the terrace, after having seen the mother, Mrs Fenn asked the father, Gerry, what was happening to which he replied that a small girl had been abducted. When asked, she replied that she did not leave her apartment, just spoke to Gerry from her balcony, which had a view over the terrace of the floor below. She found it strange that Gerry when said that a girl had been abducted, he did not mention that it was his daughter and that he did not mention any other scenarios. At that moment she offered Gerry help, saying that he could use her phone to contact the authorities, to which he replied that this had already been done. It was just after 22.30."
Maren 12.12 @22:14
ReplyDelete'Kate McCann was able to explain that her little girl had been stolen from her bed, and was also able to shout back something rather short and to the point, but she was not able to tell the client support manager what clothes Madeleine was wearing when she disappeared.'
I think we both know what she wasn't wearing!
"It was Mrs Payne who provided me with the details that I needed.”
'Alas, no information on the details Mrs Payne provided. Where are those details when you need them?'
"Predominantly white" according to Mr Payne, as I recall.
M.R. 13.12 @14:22
ReplyDeleteWhite was the predominant err colour, said David Payne when asked about what the children were wearing on May 3, at about 6:30pm, when he went into 5A through the patio door, after Gerry had asked him to pop in.
White pyjamas, said the newspapers the next day.
But Jane Tanner described it you know differently you know to what the press had, said David Payne. Tanner told Payne about her pyjamas sighting before she'd even seen Kate so you know, the strength of that argument is just absolutely overwhelming.
But Gerry was standing by the bedroom door on May 4, at about 3.00am when Jane told the GNR police what she had seen, and Gerry did see Kate. They even went out for a walk on May 4, at about 6:00am. In Kate McCann's own words The most striking and horrific thing about it all was that we were completely alone. Nobody else, it seemed was out looking for Madeleine. Just us, her parents.
'Just us, her parents', being alone without being listened to.
ReplyDelete4078 “Okay. Well tell me about that part then, how did you come to go into Gerry and Kate’s apartment?”
Reply “Well when the GNR people came, so the first lot of Police, the local Police came, erm, I spoke to them and I think that was through the translator, which was, I think she’s called Sylvie, she’s the Head of Housekeeping or something, she was doing the translating at that point. So I’d spoken to the GNR Police and then when the PJ came, they came to get me to talk to them to say, to say what, what I’d seen. And then I can remember the same GNR person saying to me later on in the night ‘Oh have you spoken to the PJ’ and I had by that stage, so”.
4078 “So when you went into Gerry and Kate’s apartment who else was there?”
Reply “Erm, I think there was Russ, I think Russell came with me and there was Sylvie who was the translator. I can’t remember which, there was some, there was a PJ chap was sitting on the, by the table. And there was Gerry who was standing by the, the bedroom door”.
ReplyDelete"Only about 01h00 on 4 May 2007 did he learn through RUSSELL that his companion, JANE, at 21h10, could have seen an individual crossing the top of the road with a child in his arms, that may or may not have been his daughter MADELEINE. Asked, he relates that he does not recall to have described exactly the type of pyjamas (colour, designs, etc.) that MADELEINE had worn at the time she disappeared."
How very strange. His daughter dissappeared, and he didn't describe exactly what his daughter was wearing?
Kate McCann recollects that in our outrage, Fiona and I shouted back something rather short and to the point.
ReplyDeleteThat 'something rather short and to the point' wasn't 'Eeyore' I'll bet. Mx
M @ 09:48
ReplyDelete"But Jane Tanner described it you know differently you know to what the press had, said David Payne. Tanner told Payne about her pyjamas sighting before she'd even seen Kate so you know, the strength of that argument is just absolutely overwhelming."
just - absolutely - overwhelming eh?
Doesn't it make you glad he's not your doctor?
If you're familiar with the game 'stone, paper, scissors' you'll know that overwhelming evidence (paper) beats overwhelming argument(stone).
Christmas is near and I've got wrapping paper to spare.
"How very strange. His daughter disappeared, and he didn't describe exactly what his daughter was wearing?"
Afterthoughts are impossible to predict (that's why they're not forethoughts). Kate could have described them though. They were exactly like Amelie's after all, and pretty as a picture.
Maren @ 11:16
ReplyDelete"That 'something rather short and to the point' wasn't 'Eeyore' I'll bet."
And you'd be right.
Himself's 'cause and effect' argument is magnificent in its simplicity and directness. The strength of it would be 'just absolutely overwhelming' were one to demonstrate that Madeleine's Eeyore pyjamas, unlike Elvis, never left the building.
Maren, tha's a comedian lass, a true oop norther. If not eeyore, then?
ReplyDelete"The Portuguese results by pathologist Dr de Silva Roubaco suggested that Chloe died of a "severe head injury" after they found bruising on the back of her head.
"But consultant paediatric pathologist Dr Samantha Holden from Southampton said she did not find sufficient evidence of this and "was not convinced" because if Chloe had hit her head it would have been the front of the brain which would have been bruised."
A 'supposition' concerning trajectory cannot negate 'evidence' of injury.
Largely for the benefit of those who think we're all stargazers here, and with grateful thanks to Himself who brought it to my attention:
ReplyDeleteFull interview.
ReplyDeleteMartin R. 10.12 @10:36
"She looked lovely," said Mrs McCann, recalling the moment Madeleine was pictured with her father beside a swimming pool.
"She was wearing a new outfit, a pink [peach-coloured in 'madeleine'] smock. That picture sums up her week. Every minute of every day she was enjoying herself. She went to bed exhausted. I haven't been able to use the camera since I took that last photograph of her."
It reads as though at that moment she knew that this would be the last photograph of Madeleine. Language barrier?
I haven't been able to use the camera since I took that last photograph of her.
"Kate went to Lagos marina, a few miles along the coast from Praia da Luz where her daughter vanished on May 3, 2007, and photographed the boat and the man on board, a hand-written note in police files reveals."
ReplyDeleteMaren @08:13
ReplyDelete"I haven't been able to use the camera since I took that last photograph of her."
Language barrier? Hardly
See: ('A Tense Situation' - second item from top)
That statement alone could well prove her undoing. DM 'H' (unless you have my address) for the ultimate significance of Kate's claim to photophobia.
Martin R.
Anonymous @09:37
ReplyDelete'Don't bother us with missing children reports just now, we're rather busy'
(See: 'Metaphoric Comprehension Revisited' - this page).
ReplyDeleteWhy is cuddlecat seen snogging a baby doll? 'When in Rome..', perhaps.
Martin R. 21 December 2015 at 10:15
ReplyDeleteAs ever Martin, an astute observation.
As for the rest of it?
I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart, I have never read so much fucking drivel in all my life.
I have touched on Kate McCann's "religiosity" numerous times in the past, (post + links) but this!
I spoke to Kate McCann on Tuesday 8th of May 07. She told me that a friend of her Aunt & Uncle from Leicester had a friend that had a strong vision that Madeleine was on a boat with a man in the Marina in Lagos.
It leaves me agog. It shouldn't do, should it Clarence?
But it surely do, even though it was all part of the game plan. Somewhere kicking about is reference to Gerry McCann inundating the PJ, via Leicester plod I add, with "leads" supplied by psychics, clairvoyants, and alchemists in general.
But back to a "friend of a friend" who had a vision, I'm going to have a Bill Maher moment here, and say: Imagine the balls it takes, to stand in front of another human being and tell them that? (90 secs)
It wasn't just the death of Madeleine that came to pass in PDL, reality as we knew it suffered mortal injury. Nothing is real anymore, it's all gone, unlike the abductor, out the window. And should anybody doubt me, I have just two words: Operation Grange.
"cuddlecat seen snogging a baby doll"
ReplyDelete14 May 2007
Two baby dolls.
Cuddlecat seen snogging the darker one,
22 May 2007
and Gerry seen holding a small bible.
23 May 2007's/kate-and-gerry-mccann-walk-by-the-portuguese-shrine-of-nieuwsfotos/74225451
More strange doll imagery :
Are there any pictures of the dolls after May 2007?
ReplyDeletePR disaster?
20 May 2007
“9-9.15am We take Sean and Amelie to Kids' Club. They really enjoy it and run in. They know the staff well and the staff are all excellent. Both love the domestic corner and Amelie particularly likes to look after "babies". We use Kids' Club a bit like nursery at home but we think Sean and Amelie still think they are on holiday!”
M 21.12 @21:41
ReplyDelete'Cuddlecat' = a euphemism for promiscuous?
My daughter once had a rabbit. She was told by the pet farm it was a doe, but it behaved otherwise. Anything with fur and four legs....The poor guinea pig was not safe!
Is that why cuddlecat's got a permanent smile?
Anonymous @ 06:28
ReplyDeleteNow that really IS strange!
Whose zip-up Jersey is Amelie wearing btw? It's at least a size too large.
Maren @08:51
ReplyDeleteYour link:
"Our twins...continued to be photographed and we wanted that stopped".
Yeah, right.
'Just choose a doll for the nice photographer, Amelie.... How about the black one for a change?'
M.R. @09:06
ReplyDeleteHave you seen this video?
from the 4:30 mark,
at the 5:18 McCanns kissing the baby (as ordered).
Poor child.
M @ 09:31
ReplyDeleteFrom the video:
"They wanted someone who understood politics"
As you do when concerned about a missing child.
Happy Yuletide one and all.
ReplyDeleteJust a few more than 100 sleeps before Animal Farm (Operation Grange) sells its last turkey!
Bonne annee (you'll have to imagine the missing accent - it's been abducted from my keyboard. Ok so it hasn't really, but I still can't seem to find it).
Martin Roberts 24 December 2015 at 09:52
ReplyDeleteGreetings, Martin, and thank you.
It seems that your problem which you‘ve mentioned more than once is solvable. Depending on your operating system, google as appropriate Windows, Linux, Apple Character Map.
I hope your problem will thereafter be no more.
Very briefly, Merry Christmas to all in case I expire before posting a more comprehensive ‘Merry Christmas’ message.
Kind regards.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 11, 1999
Good story Maren?
ReplyDeleteMight I ask where you picked it up before I run with it?
Thanks H
Hi H.
ReplyDeleteI read:
and, as RDH says, Google is now a verb.
Kind regards,
Age-progressed to 18 years.
Her yellow blanket is also missing.
I daren't open the link yet, I have a feeling it will destroy my composure.
ReplyDeleteAfter I have posted then.
'Tis gorn Chuck, it's away with the faeries. I don't suppose you saved the graphic perchance?
ReplyDeleteDo you mean this link?
It opens for me now Maren thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw Age-progressed to 18 years. I feared the worst, as you do.
Trust you had a good Christmas m'darlin'?
Hello H
ReplyDeleteWe did a homemade Tapas Nine, I kid you not (daughter’s idea, not McCann related). Every half hour or so, another dish. Some were baking, some were sitting around in the kitchen chairs and some were chatting on the couch. We also played Yahtzee by the Christmas tree. It felt like I was in my own back garden.
I hope you haven’t been affected.
M @ 09.31 23 December 2015
ReplyDeleteMore kissy-kissy of other peoples' small girls from Gerry :
Amelie's rosary-clad doll gets some Gerry-loving too :
Happy New Year and thank you for the good reads.
February 9, 2011
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks ago Maddie’s parents Kate and Gerry publically thanked Operation Grange, the police inquiry set up into their daughter’s disappearance on PM David Cameron ’s orders, in May 2011.
But the couple from Rothley, Leics, couldn’t resist a dig at cops for failing to do “as much” quickly enough in an online festive message.
It was not clear if the McCanns were aware G4S, whose reputation has been scarred after a string of blunders, had been brought on board.
The couple from Rothley, Leics, couldn’t resist a dig. You couldn't make it up.
Good morning. M
12 January 2015
M @ 07:40
ReplyDeleteIn the event that this entire sorry farce should prove to be something other than a conspiracy of silence, or, worse yet, an international accord to overlook the true fate of Madeleine McCann, it would indicate proliferation of the most crass, ongoing stupidity ever displayed among so-called 'decision makers.'
15 July 2013
The couple from Rothley, Leics, couldn’t resist a dig...
Thanks Maren.
ReplyDeleteMother has had a fall and is now in hospital, (with hospital associated complications) so I ain't around much at the moment.
She is very mercurial, so I don't know what the prognosis is from one day to the next. Will be in touch.
Himself 5 January 2016 at 14:40
ReplyDeleteDear Himself
You have my support and understanding. I wish your family all the best.
And death shall have no dominion.
ReplyDeleteDylan Thomas
RIP Pierre Boulez (1925-2016)
rtgr Thank you.
ReplyDeleteEnid O'Dowd on 2015 accounts
28 May 2008
"One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognise a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there. In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.
Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation."
RIP David Bowie 1947-1916
ReplyDeleteSic transit gloria mundi, David.
I am thinking of you and your family, Himself, and wishing all of you well.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to you and your family H.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @09:43
ReplyDeleteTony Blair again. Mr Nice Guy (NOT). You'd think with his tongue so far up George Bush that 'W' would actually have said something coherent every now and then.
ReplyDelete"Everybody needs to make that decision on their own,” Bowerman said about donating money. “But they need to know that mom and dad are being less than truthful, and they can make a decision on whether to donate based on that."
Kate McCann in 'madeleine'
Gerry has always believed that everyone possesses God-given talents which we should use to the best of our ability, he recognizes the benefits of the church community and he continues to insist that something good has to come out of this whole experience.
No comment. Mx
Mx @10:32
ReplyDeleteThe phrase 'Count your blessings' was never more appropriate than in the McCann case.
ReplyDeletefrom 41:54
SE: "He was not there on that night."
I assume she's RM's spokeswoman, but how could she possibly have known that?
JM: “I definitely would have known if he’d gone out.”
It seems unlikely that she stayed up all night.
Comment Freddie Wright
My uncle is in the police and all of his colleagues were talking about this and they thought that it might have been the parents....
ReplyDeleteIn reply to your comment, I think so, too. RM needed an alibi for the hour 10.00 - 11.00 p.m. Maybe he was at home, maybe he was not, but for some reason he needed to distance himself from the ‘abduction’ scene, especially at 10.00 p.m., the time of the alleged discovery of the disappearance.
Personally, I think he was involved in some other shady business at that time. Coincidence or very convenient for some people?
Just thoughts, as always.
Hello Maren
ReplyDeleteMother passed away peacefully this afternoon, my sister and I were bedside. Quite broken up as you might imagine, she has been my mum for an awful long time, bless her.
Warmest regards
M xx
28 January 2016 at 16:10
Hello H
ReplyDeleteMy sincere sympathy to you and your family.
It cannot be compared, but I just got back home from a condolence visit. My garden friend passed away. His botanical gifts (by barter), they now have special value.
May your mother rest in peace, and warmest regards to you. You're awesome.
Thank you Maren, bless you.
ReplyDeleteI just signed into twitter for a single tweet, this was at the top of my TL.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding me M
Anonymous @06:38
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, expert users of Microsoft Office would have us believe that the Wayback Machine couldn't tell the time of day!
(And the Pope's not Catholic).
Maren, Martin,
ReplyDeleteI have been on the brink of posting this elsewhere but thought it a little OT - concerning metaphor, theory and these machines. The question that launched 1000 research grants was postulated on a series of sublime metaphor, beginning with a piano string (in full - Turing):
Let us return for a moment to Lady Lovelace's objection, which stated that the machine can only do what we tell it to do. One could say that a man can “inject” an idea into the machine, and that it will respond to a certain extent and then drop into quiescence, like a piano string struck by a hammer. Another simile would be an atomic pile of less than critical size: an injected idea is to correspond to a neutron entering the pile from without. Each such neutron will cause a certain disturbance which eventually dies away. If, however, the size of the pile is sufficiently increased, the disturbance caused by such an incoming neutron will very likely go on and on increasing until the whole pile is destroyed. Is there a corresponding phenomenon for minds, and is there one for machines? There does seem to be one for the human mind. The majority of them seem to be “sub-critical,” i.e. to correspond in this analogy to piles of sub-critical size. An idea presented to such a mind will on average give rise to less than one idea in reply. A smallish proportion are super-critical. An idea presented to such a mind may give rise to a whole “theory” consisting of secondary, tertiary and more remote ideas. Animals minds seem to be very definitely sub-critical. Adhering to this analogy we ask, “Can a machine be made to be super- critical?” (Computing Machinery)
As regards that other machine, I haven't budged an inch.
ReplyDeleteI don't feel I can post without echoing what Maren has said above. This medium hardly suffices - but - I'm sure you know. Thoughts and condolences are with you.
Agnos @13:35
ReplyDelete“Can a machine be made to be super- critical?” (Computing Machinery)
Now there's a thought indeed. Reminds me immediately of that iconic scene from Kubrik's 2001 - the ape toying with bones until 'the penny drops'.
Ironically, I have been conjuring with a metaphor or two myself of late, one of which concerns my on-going discussion with Maren of certain of the Murats' statements.
In a recent TV programme, it was explained that a wartime decoding at Bletchley Park, even more remarkable than work on 'Enigma', was made possible by the fortuitous (from the allies point of view) sending of the same message, with slight amends., twice - but without alteration of the rotor positions in-between. Hence decryption could proceed with greater certainty.
RM and his mother each tell the same story about hearing a siren a little differently...
I plan to send 'H' my interpretation of that piece of mischief in due course, i.e. when he's better placed to resume dealing with such things. In the meantime I can only express the same sympathies as others here, and which I have done personally elsewhere.
Agnos, to quote 'rtgr', your expansions are 'nourishing'
28.1 @16:54
“All I can say,” says Murat, “is that I am innocent. There is no way I was at the resort that night. Full stop. I was in my mother’s kitchen until one a.m. Yes, we are a kitchen kind of family. I spent the night at the house.” As an arguido he cannot reveal more. But he does drive me around and point out the major landmarks of the case. “That’s the apartment from which Madeleine vanished,” he says. “That’s my mother’s villa.” The police ransacked the place four months ago and came up with nothing."
"About 19h50 she went to the "Batista" supermarket to buy bread. Then she went back to the house where she arrived more or less at the same time as Robert. Later they sat in the kitchen where they were talking for some time, having also eaten. She recalls that they were talking until close to midnight about Robert's project, related to the property and called 'Romigen.Com". Finally they went to their bedrooms to pass the night."
Anonymous @10:31
ReplyDelete"The police ransacked the place four months ago and came up with nothing."
Suggestive in itself. An more appropriate complaining statement from a disgruntled citizen would be that the police 'searched the house for nothing'. That they found ('came up with') nothing implies that there might have been something of interest on the property but they just did not find it.
I've just passed to Himself a discussion of the discrepancies twixt the statements of Jenny and Robert Murat and here you go introducing yet another one! Perhaps I should ask 'H' not to go to press before we add this to the mix.
The case for the two of them collaborating in a lie here just got stronger.
Kind regards
ReplyDeletePlease don't take any notice of my spelling errors. (They can't be important if I don't notice them either - lol).
There’s some truth in what she says, but it’s an oversimplification of the facts, in my view.
I believe RO, FP and ROB were telling the truth when they stated that they saw RM around midnight.
There’s something not quite right about these two, but I can’t place it.
Not to mention English grammar, sigh...
Kind regards,
Hi Maren
ReplyDeleteI was about to leave a comment to the effect, do you still think that way about Murat? Then I realised it was a contemporary article.
I can't denigrate Rosalind's views on Murat, I was of a similar opinion myself until quite recently. (6 months?)
Who is JJ? (comments)
Hi H. I have no idea who JJ is, but I just read
Too many people believe his research
I doubt it. M
Ag 29.01.16 13:35
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your post.
“I have been on the brink of posting this elsewhere…”
Would you be so kind as to post a link to “elsewhere ”.
“The question that launched 1000 research grants…”
Aren’t most of those who have been financing 1000s of grants of the same ilk as those who have been hard at propping up the so far unbreached McCann dam?
Please disambiguate “As regards that other machine, I haven't budged an inch”.
Anon @1 February 2016 at 14:47,
ReplyDeleteThe reference to "elsewhere" was a discussion (arising more than once) on this blog that concerned the use of metaphor as a principle of explanation and perhaps too as a basis from which to suggest an original idea cf. Martin's comment - 24 January 2016 at 12:00 on this thread.
The reference to "research grants" was just a light one. I don't think that those responsible for distributing academic monies have any concern for the McCann case. The point that I was making was a general one re: Turing's famous paper. The paper is particularly rich with metaphor, and has inspired many people to research questions of machine/mind and their possible interrelation.
Anon @06:38 had posted this link - hence the discussion.
In the comment above my reference to Turing, Martin has said:
Meanwhile, expert users of Microsoft Office would have us believe that the Wayback Machine couldn't tell the time of day!
(And the Pope's not Catholic).
When I said "As regards that other machine, I haven't budged an inch" I was simply agreeing with the implied thrust of Martin's comment re WBM - "ambiguous" only to the extent that I am sure Martin would have known how I might reply to that issue!
Kind Regards,
23:40 End of activity
Anonymous @16:06
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Thank you. There is quite a lively 'discussion' of R. Murat taking place on another site 'currently. A number of people would have us believe he was merely a 'patsy'.
Strangely I'm reminded of a moment from the film 'Braveheart', when King Edward tells his right-hand man to order the archers to fire. When he protests that they'll hit their own men, the King nonchalantly adds: 'yes but we'll hit theirs as well'.
I notice too that the data sheet pictured in the link provided was prepared by CEOP.
ReplyDelete“She says further that it was her daughter, Samantha, residing in England in the city of Exeter, who telephoned her to give her the news because by the morning our news was already running in the press of that country.”
“On Friday, 04/05, woke around 09:00, took a bath, went to the kitchen to his mother, the latter told him that something terrible had happened, because a child had disappeared in Praia da Luz, according to 'Sky News' that she had been watching.“
"quite a lively 'discussion'", lol. Classy! M
Maren @06:44
ReplyDeleteGood morning
As it happens I knew about the daughter vs. Sky News already. Yet another entry on the debit side of the ledger.
It's very odd also that when Jenny Murray gives her daughter's UK 'phone number to the police IT'S WRONG (not just a digit transposition).
Her demeanour as recorded by TV gives no impression that she is anything like as senile as her witness statements make her appear.
Although the record of computer usage you turned up would suggest that the owner was at home until 11.40, we can't be absolutely certain who was pushing the buttons (literally).
One thing has emerged from the back-biting over at Cristobell's: Robert Murat's UK - Portugal flight was confirmed to him by e-mail in the (very) early hours of 30 April.
Now where have we seen that date before (and it's not Kate's diary - none of them want to talk about Monday 30th. Not even Jim Gamble in response to the 'Wayback' question.
Thanks and regards
What a wonderful visual turn of mind you have 'H'.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was a leap year and the day got moved to the end of February (No. Scrub that suggestion. We'd still be one short).
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. Worth a thousand words...and counting!
ReplyDeleteReference your 'end of activity' link
and my subsequent comments:
"I notice too that the data sheet pictured in the link provided was prepared by CEOP."
"we can't be absolutely certain who was pushing the buttons"
I'm struggling to believe what I've just stumbled upon.
A 'per minute' analysis of that same computer usage is on file here:
(We can tell it's the same computer from common points of reference e.g., 'forest', 'mail live inbox' etc.).
The user from power up (10.00 p.m.) was JENNY MURAT until 22.39. Her last recorded access that night was a look at her mailbox (23.17). As the CEOP synopsis records, the device was not utilised on 4 May at all.
Questions arising:
1. Where are the corresponding records of a minute's access for the Romigen website (22.50/51), and the subsequent 'gaming' at 22.52, as referred to by CEOP?
2. Where is the indication of 'end of activity' at 23.40 as described by CEOP?
Computer on at 10.00 p.m. and used by JM until 22.39 (22.40 - 1).
Now when did RM say they heard the sirens?
"Questioned he says that when he heard the sound of a siren he was with his mother in the kitchen, still talking, it would be about 22:00/22:30" ('or a little later' he says elsewhere).
I really don't think he was there.
Kind regards
ReplyDeleteSeconded! (stolen from you). In contrast to a certain senior British Police officer (QPM, #crazy).
Kind regards,
Yes, Himself, divine inspiration (though I understand you are not in touch with the Holy Father)!
ReplyDeleteI am rectangular-numerically lost for adequate words and therefore can do no better than echo Martin and Agnos.
Martin Roberts 2 February 2016 at 14:01
ReplyDeleteSeek and you shall find.
Your dog again, Martin, admit.
ReplyDeleteMe again. Those records of computer usage we share definitely derive from the same machine (identified by the CEOP people as 'Jenny'). Their assessment of another device ('Robert') shows no usage before midnight on the night of May 3.
Safe to say therefore that we can exclude RM logging in as 'Jenny', since he operated a different machine. The utilisation records for both offer no support for the claim that he was at home between 10.00 and 10.40. He might have been, but the data here do not confirm that.
Hi Maren @14.03,
ReplyDeleteLol "it's def some kind of error"...
Maren 2 February 2016 at 14:03
ReplyDeleteAfternoon, Maren
QPM = Queen's Police Medal?
If = is valid, the man can't be wrong, can he?
ReplyDeleteBtw. Can you imagine RM sitting at a table and talking to someone who was constantly using their computer?
I can't.
Another curiosity
ReplyDeleteJenny Murat appears to have had a reasonably lengthy computer session on the afternoon of 2 May (the day GM received his mystery texts) when she read and deleted a number of e-mails. She did nothing of the kind on 3/4/5 May.
Comments full kiddywinks, please go here.