Friday, February 24, 2012

Freeway Blogger Back in Town

In my inbox.

Hello Everyone,
Sorry I've been out of touch for so long. With Bush and Cheney finally
gone I decided to take a break for a bit, but when the Occupy movement
kicked in I felt it was time to dust off the overhead projector and
hit the freeways again.
Glad I did too - I'd forgotten how much fun it is.

For my next tour I want to start posting signs about climate change
and so I'm holding
a contest to find the best slogans. Details (and some cool pictures)

Slogans should be short, smart, look good in traffic and make people
think. The winning entry gets a thousand dollars, 2nd and 3rd place
get $500 and $250.
All winning entries will have their work posted alongside freeways up
and down the west coast (and possibly further.)

I'm looking for the best slogans possible, so there's no limit to the
number of submissions you can make, and please pass this along to your
friends. Submissions can be made here or to
Deadline is March 15th.

I'm still convinced that words can change people's behavior and maybe
even save the world - we've just got to find the right ones. In the
meantime, if you've got something you want to say to a lot of people,
roadside signposting is the way to do it, and here's 100 reasons why:

Yours Truly, Scarlet P.

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