Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be Careful If Big Brother Doesn’t ‘Like’ Your Post

Be Careful If Big Brother Doesn’t ‘Like’ Your Post
by Sam Rolley
February 17, 2012

It is becoming increasingly likely that posting comments critical of the Federal government on your social networking site or blog will give law enforcement officials reason to believe that you are a terrorist.

A document released online by the FBI details a new plan to develop an app that will “rapidly assemble critical open source information and intelligence … to quickly vet, identify, and geo-locate breaking events, incidents and emerging threats.” In other words, the FBI wants to know where you are, who you are and how many of you there are if the agency determines that you may be a threat to Federal tyranny. The FBI’s new app will be similar to a recent Department of Homeland Security initiative of mining social networking sites for potential thoughtcriminals.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center has been critical of the DHS social networking spy policy and launched a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Federal Agency in late December. Among the documents obtained by the suit were guidelines from DHS instructing outside contractors to monitor the Web for media reports and comments that “reflect adversely” on the agency or the Federal government. personalliberty
H/T ElleryMitten

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