Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jennifer Carroll Putting the Mental in Fundamental: Theocratic Madness in Florida

See what happens to you when you relinquish rational thought and take up the cross, you call on people, to show their faith and help bring about a “righteous government.”

A “righteous government.”

A “righteous government.”

A “righteous government.”

“These are very sad times''

Yes, quite.

Theocratic Madness in Florida

That video is about 2 minutes long. It shows Florida’s lieutenant governor, Jennifer Carroll, speaking a couple of days ago at something called the Faith and Freedom Coalition rally. That outfit was founded by Ralph Reed.

Here’s an article about it in Florida Today, a newspaper serving. Brevard County, Florida, in which Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, and Titusville are located. The article is Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll denounces news media attack on Christians. A few brief excerpts:

“These are very sad times when we allow the minority to poison the minds of the majority,” Carroll said and then added: “This is exactly what dictators and socialist rulers did.”


She was one of a long list of people, including GOP presidential candidates Gov. Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, who spoke to a crowd of several hundred people at the coalition rally.

Several of the speakers mentioned God and the Bible, but Carroll in her remarks challenged those in attendance to show their faith and help bring about a “righteous government.”

Your Curmudgeon is thrilled. No matter which party wins the 2012 election, America will be Number One. Conclusion and links.

h/t Maren

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