Friday, December 30, 2011

Frankie Hughes American Icon

I have done year end iconic photographs in the past, but it never really crossed my mind to do it again this year, until that is, I woke up to these images this morning.

It wasn't the first image in this series of four that caught my eye and my admiration the way it did, I had to search out that one and the two others. Indeed it was the second one in the group that was first brought to my notice, and that for me, epitomised every thing that makes a photo iconic.

A lone slip of a girl silently protesting, surrounded by the burly troopers of the American Police State. That alone would have been plenty; but the cable ties! Oh what a gift to any photograph of this genre, you couldn't ask for more.

Little wonder her father is proud of her, as I would be too.

Frankie Hughes, fourteen years old, bless you girl, bless you indeed.

Update: Could someone please leave me a linkback to to the facebook site that is running this story. I would be interested in public opinion. Thank you.

Fourteen Year-Old Girl Among Dozen 'Occupy the Caucus' Protesters in Iowa
By Brett Smiley

Police arrested a dozen Occupy the Caucus protesters who blocked the doors to the Iowa Democratic Party headquarters, including 14-year-old Frankie Hughes who wore tape over her mouth and a sandwich sign that identified her as “a child whose voice is not heard." This isn't the girl's first rodeo with police, either. She said she's been arrested three or four times before, once at the State Capitol, according to the Times.

In this case, Frankie joined protesters who voiced concerns about Obama's ties to Wall Street, among other things. She was released to her father who said “I’m actually proud of her for standing up the way she did.” Better a serial protester than a problem child.

Regarding Frankie Hughes being an icon? well, I've just made her mine. Will you join me and give the girl the recognition she so richly deserves? You can do that by clicking any of the share/tweet buttons that are available available immediately below. Thanks.

In fact, I have just given Frankie Hughes her own tag, something tells me this isn't going to be the last we shall hear about this remarkable girl.

h/t YourAnonNews


  1. This girl IS the American spirit that despots (ours & theirs) fear with every fiber of their being. Just tweeted this for you.

  2. Thank you Cletis, she is a lass deserving of everybody's tweet.

    Ask your readers to tweet her, as you say she IS the spirit, and not just of America. She represents us all.

    Gawd bless her!

    All the very best for the new year old lad.

    Yours fraternally,


  3. I saw Cletis' tweet and stopped by. I also have tweeted this and FB.


  5. She's one of my very close friends, and she's probably one of the nicest, smartest, and most outspoken people I know. I love her; she truly is an amazing person who represents the US spirit.

  6. Thank you, it's nice to hear that.

    Has she been involved in any further activism since, that you know of?


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