Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How White Supremacists Are Trying to Make an American Town a Model for Right-Wing Extremism

I'm rather glad I dropped on this story, of which I shall leave some few lines and a link.

The main reason for running with this is the mention of the the extremely photogenic twins, Lamb and Lynx Gaede, former darlings of the Neo Nazis and white supremacists, perhaps more easily recognised as the singing duo, Prussian Blue.

It was always obvious to me how these two munchkins were being manipulated and used by the adults that surrounded them to further their own hate filled agenda. But it was perhaps just a couple of years past that I saw when they interviewed just how uncomfortable the had become with themselves and their past.

Seemingly now though, they have both renounced their (mothers) previous doctrine and have now adopted one of tolerance. Good for them I say, they were far too lovely to have their lives fucked up those that should know better.

Unfortunately there is another younger sister, that on the face of it is being subjected to similar abuse as that experienced by her older sisters.

Story link below, which includes this link to two video reports on the current situation.

How White Supremacists Are Trying to Make an American Town a Model for Right-Wing Extremism

A recent influx of white supremacists and Patriot group members to the town of Kalispell, Montana, is causing alarm.
By David Holthouse
November 22, 2011

At first glance the Pioneer Little Europe website seems like it could be the work of the Montana Office of Tourism. Photographs depict the rugged beauty of the Flathead Valley region near Glacier National Park in northwest Montana.

One image shows a young blond-haired girl playing in a meadow overlooking Kalispell, the largest town in the area, with a population around 20,000.

The site also features short news items about the Northwest Montana State Fair and a wildflower beautification program along with Kalispell job postings.

But then there's this: A scan of a full-page advertisement in a recent edition of the Flathead Beacon, the local paper, with photographs of 47 babies newly delivered in the Kalispell Regional Medical Center. All but one are fair-skinned with light-colored hair. "Wonderful white babies being born in Kalispell," the website reads. "What do the babies look like being born in your town?" Another item on the Pioneer Little Europe site depicts white families relaxing on the shore of a lake. A caption reads,"This is how white our beaches are, and I'm not talking about sand."

And that little girl in the meadow? Her name is Dresden Hale. That's Dresden for the German city firebombed by the Allied forces in World War II, and Hale for the 1990s leader of the neo-Nazi group World Church of the Creator, Matt Hale, who's doing 40 years in prison for soliciting the murder of a federal judge.

Dresden Hale is the youngest daughter of Kalispell resident and neo-Nazi activist April Gaede, the public face of the Pioneer Little Europe (PLE) movement. Launched in 2008, PLE invites "racially conscious" white Americans to relocate to the Flathead Valley to help create a heavily-armed Aryan homeland.

(Gaede's other two daughters, Lynx and Lamb, are identical twins who gained widespread media attention by performing neo-Nazi folk ballads as the musical act Prussian Blue. They have since renounced white supremacism.) more

The bad old days.

This Be The Verse

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.

Philip Larkin


  1. "Seemingly now though, they have both renounced their (mothers) previous doctrine and have now adopted one of tolerance."


    "Yet despite the evolution of opinion that the twins have demonstrated, it is still possible to identify elements of their white nationalist education within their worldview. The Daily points to their continued denial of the Holocaust; when asked if genocide has occurred, Lynx responded, "I think certain things happened. I think a lot of the stories got misconstrued. I mean—yeah—Hitler wasn’t the best, but Stalin wasn’t, Churchill wasn’t. I disagree with everybody at that time." Lamb agreed with her sister, expressing frustration with what she perceives as a societal obsession with the events of WWII. "I just think everyone needs to frickin’ get over it," she argued. "That’s what I think."

    That is what she thinks?

  2. Given that both kids were weaned on right wing hatred, I'm surprised that they aren't fucked up more than they already are.

  3. link above

    The same disgusting creatures raping a song on Overnight spam from comment

    Hatred is their only guide.

  4. I have had this link for a few years now, but I don't normally flash it about. What you will see there is far from pretty.

    Not only is it not pretty, it's quite difficult to get your head around the abject ignorance and hate depicted there. Read at your peril.

    God bless the First Amendment.

    God bless America.


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