As despicable a story as that one was, it doesn't come anywhere near eclipsing this tale of absolute wickedness.
Correction Corporation of America, a company that is designed for, is fuelled by, and profits from, the misery of man. To say nothing of the misery it spawns for the families of these unfortunate victims.
Not content with acting in such a despicable and shameful manner, that by comparison, would make the robber barons of yore seem like philanthropic benefactors of the highest order.
CCA charges inmates close to $5 a minute to make a phone call. To pay for this inmates work in the facility and earn a whopping $1 a day. 5 days of work gives them enough for a one minute phone call.
CAA, much like California prison guards union, is not content with making a profit from the status quo, but pro-actively campaigns, to the tune of several million dollars, for more draconian anti-immigration laws to fuel its own insatiable greed.
CCA's greed knows no boundaries. In the past few years they have spent $14.8 million lobbying for more anti-immigration laws, like HB87 in Georgia, to ensure they have continuous access to fresh inmates and keep this money racket going.Just how broken and corrupt can a society be?
Immigrants for Sale
Correction Corporation of America's Stewart facility in Lumpkin, Georgia is the largest private detention center in the nation. Stewart currently profits close to $50 million a year. As if that weren't enough, CCA often cuts costs by denying basic services to its inmates and by limiting access to their family members.
CCA charges inmates close to $5 a minute to make a phone call. To pay for this, inmates work in the facility and earn a whopping $1 a day. Five days of hard work gives them just enough time for a one minute phone call.
CCA's greed knows no boundaries. In the past few years they have spent $14.8 million lobbying for anti-immigration laws, like HB87 in Georgia, to ensure they have continuous access to fresh inmates and keep their money racket going. It's time to put an end to it.
This is why on November 18th, Brave New Foundation's Cuéntame is partnering with a coalition of immigrant and civil rights organizations, in a powerful vigil and occupation outside the Stewart facility in Georgia. The demand: Shut down Stewart Detention Center now.
You can join-in too online! Add your demand message and we will read and deliver it at the action event!
Your voice is the most important tool we need to fight back against the private prison greed and abuse.Yours,
Robert Greenwald, Axel Caballero and Brave New Foundation's Cuéntame team.I invite you to join Cuéntame on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
More articles and videos on this issue, but I shall embed the Robert Medina and the Pedro Guzman clips, penultimate and last.
wow immigrants for sale,that is what they want.