Saturday, October 08, 2011

Music and Poetry For The Weekend: Rod McKuen


  1. Rod McKuen's got a unique style, matched by charisma; only in America :) Thanks. V

  2. You're welcome m'dear.

    It is for his poetry that I admire him the most, how else could he be my favourite contemporary poet?


    I wanted so
    To bend the bough
    But never once
    To break the branch.

    I hoped
    That I might see
    The blossoms
    Fall intact
    Without the petals
    Coming loose
    Or even once detached.

    What I wanted most
    Was love
    In a straight
    Straightforward way.

    I wanted you
    Not as you could be
    Had I made you up
    But the way I found you
    No different from
    The way you really are.

    I thought by now
    We might have earned
    A chance to come down close
    And lie against the earth.

    But I’m convinced
    The earth will not allow
    Even its truest lover
    To belong to it
    Now or straight away.

    I cannot care
    A little for you
    I love only just enough
    To love you all the way.

    Rod McKuen.
    Coming close to earth.


  3. poet among the landscape painters


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