Monday, September 05, 2011

Teacher Complains She’s a ‘Warden for Future Criminals’

I can just imagine how she feels, probably deserves a medal not the sack.

White First-Grade Teacher Complains on Facebook that She’s a ‘Warden for Future Criminals’

Jennifer O’Brien, a first grade teacher in Paterson, N.J., posted remarks on Facebook that her class that’s made up of mostly black and Latino students were “future criminals.”

The post, intended for O’Brien’s 333 friends on Facebook read, “i’m not a teacher - i’m a warden for future criminals,” reports

“They had a scared straight program in school—why couldn’t i bring 1st graders?” she went on to say in a post six hours later. O’Brien was referencing a school event that took place earlier that day that allowed sixth graders to talk to prison inmates about the consequences of crimes. more

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