Saturday, September 03, 2011

The Planet Is Fucked Gulf of Mexico Edition

Jeebus! wait until you see the size of this bugger.

New evidence of a massive oil slick near Deepwater Horizon site
By David Edwards

A California nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of wildlife has discovered what seems to be a massive oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico near the area of the original Deepwater Horizon spill.

In a flight over the Gulf Tuesday, founder and pilot Dr. Bonny Schumaker spotted an oil slick that stretched for nearly 10 miles.

Last week, two Louisiana State University men took a boat into the Gulf and returned with video evidence of large blooms of crude oil swelling up to the water’s surface where the doomed oil rig once hovered.

BP had firmly denied that the well is continuing to leak.

“None of this is true,” they said in a statement.

Watch this video from, uploaded Aug. 30, 2011.

Raw Story

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