Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pastor Faces Execution in Tehran for Apostasy

I think you really have to be an atheist to truly appreciate the futility of what this jesoid is prepared to die for.

But you don't have to be an atheist to appreciate what an evil bunch of backward fucktards the members of the Iranian regime really are. And people I suppose, I wasn't going to include them in this statement, but there will be more than enough, equally backward bunch of evil fucktards clamouring for him to be strung up.

Pastor Faces Execution in Tehran for Apostasy
By Martin Fletcher & Ruth Gledhill
29 September 2011

The Foreign Secretary and the Archbishop of Canterbury intervened last night to try to save a Christian pastor in Iran who has refused to renounce his faith to escape a death sentence.

An Iranian court gave Youcef Nadarkhani, 34, a third and final chance to avoid hanging, but he replied: “I am resolute in my faith and Christianity and have no wish to recant.”

The panel of five judges will decide within a week whether to confirm his execution for apostasy, Mohammed Ali Dadkhah, his lawyer, told The Times.

William Hague said he “deplored” Pastor Nadarkhani’s plight, and a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office diplomat telephoned the Iranian chargé d’affaires in London to protest.

“This demonstrates the Iranian regime’s continued unwillingness to abide by its constitutional and international obligations to respect religious freedom,” Mr Hague said. “I pay tribute to the courage shown by Pastor Nadarkhani, who has no case to answer, and call on the Iranian authorities to overturn his sentence.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, broke his silence to express “deep concern” at the sentence faced by Pastor Nadarkhani, and at the persecution of religious minorities in Iran generally.

Sources said that Christian clerics and advisers had been working hard behind the scenes to save the pastor’s life, but had sought to avoid “megaphone diplomacy” in case it did more harm than good.

The US Department of State has also condemned the Iranian judiciary for demanding that Pastor Nadarkhani renounce his faith or face execution.

“While Iran’s leaders hypocritically claim to promote tolerance, they continue to detain, imprison, harass and abuse those who simply wish to worship the faith of their choosing,” it said. more RDF

Here's another fine example of delusional, watch her performance and listen to what she has to say, starting 30s mark.

Constantly friendly, caring, loving and trustworthy. You couldn't make this stuff up if you lived to be as old as Noah. Was he eight, or nine hundred years old, I forget off hand?

Persia, Persia, where's Persia?

If it wasn't for the philosophy of this constantly friendly caring loving trustworthy genocidal paedo bandit, early day L Ron Hubbard, I wouldn't be writing this story, none it would have arisen, and this delusion idiot wouldn't be preparing himself to die for something, that anybody with two neurons bolted together, already knows, doesn't exist.

If I remember rightly, somewhere in the archives, I have the quintessential cartoon for this occasion, let me go and have a root around.

Voila! here you go. Purrrfect.


  1. Polygamy in Islam: A Safety Net For Society.

    A safety net or an excuse?

    "about 50% of marriages end in divorce due to infidelity, primarily on the male's part" (Lisa Killinger)

    How Lisa Killinger, an hysterical misandrist finds her soulmate.

  2. I have just been having a look through some of her other words of wisdom. What a pathetic creature.

    I have absolutely no proof for what I say, but I could easily see her situation, in any walk of life, as someone with PVS, that's persistent victim syndrome, not other acronyms.

    Never happier than when on the receiving end of her husbands fist.

    But all in all, what a shameful betrayal of her sisters, sisters of all ilks that is.

  3. @29 September 2011 10:09

    How Lisa Killinger, an hysterical misandrist finds her soulmate.

  4. Received a rather strange DM.

    And no, I haven't a clue what she's talking about.

    Meltem Arıkan

    for security reason I have to unfollow my sis and bro.When I'll be safe I'll back:)
    10:22 PM - 06 Jun 13

  5. I haven't a clue either.

    I’m guilty! By questioning the things you had taught me again and again, I’m giving up on socialization, from my family, from my beliefs.


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