Friday, August 26, 2011

US Army: If You Wannabe in Our Gang Keep It Shut

Is Guantanamo still open, I thought Obama promised to close it? Shurely shome mishtake?

Army Reservist Told He's Barred From Re-Enlistment for Speaking to Truthout About Guantanamo
by Jason Leopold
25 August 2011

The US Army has told a reservist who has spent half his life in the military that he is barred from re-enlisting, asserting he "leaked" classified information to this reporter during an interview in which he spoke candidly about his experiences working as a guard at Guantanamo Bay eight years ago. more

And here's another broken promise, not that it comes as a surprise to anyone.

A pair of vitally important news reports were lost recently amid a blizzard of stories about the gyrating stock market and a rogue East Coast earthquake. The first came from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who announced that a deal had been struck to keep US forces in Iraq beyond the oft-publicized December 31st withdrawal deadline and into 2012, contrary to Mr. Obama's promises. Not long after, a spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki came forward to say hold on, wait a minute, nothing along these lines has been agreed upon as yet, and negotiations are still ongoing.

War: Too Big to Fail

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