Saturday, July 02, 2011

UK Gov Complicit in Playing Down Fukushima Disaster

Whodathunkit? Let's see how this little bombshell plays out, will it get the coverage it deserves.

I still have no time for the UK media, including the Guardian that hosts this story. For anyone who has been following this story in any detail, it became apparent from the earliest of days just how complicit the UK media (western media) was in playing down this global disaster. Shame on the lot of you.

Call for Chris Huhne to resign over Fukushima emails

Former party chief executive in Scotland says Huhne must go over 'conspiracy' to protect nuclear industry
Rob Edwards
1 July 2011

A prominent Liberal Democrat has called for Chris Huhne to resign immediately as energy and climate change secretary after emails were released detailing his officials' efforts to co-ordinate a PR response to the Fukushima disaster with the nuclear industry. Civil servants in the energy and business departments were apparently trying to minimise the impact of the disaster on public support for nuclear power.

Andy Myles, the party's former chief executive in Scotland, said: "This deliberate and (sadly) very effective attempt to 'calm' the reporting of the true story of Fukushima is a terrible betrayal of liberal values. In my view it is not acceptable that a Liberal Democrat cabinet minister presides over a department deeply involved in a blatant conspiracy designed to manipulate the truth in order to protect corporate interests".

The leader of the Lib Dems in the European parliament, Fiona Hall, said nuclear plans should be put on hold.

"These emails corroborate my own impression that there has been a strange silence in the UK following the Fukushima disaster ... in the UK, new nuclear sites have been announced before the results of the Europe-wide review of nuclear safety has been completed. Today's news strengthens the case for the government to halt new nuclear plans until an independent and transparent review has been conducted." guardian

Read the rest of the emails here,PDF


  1. LibDem Chris Huhne on crime and punishment (2008)

  2. I think that went down rather well in the twittersphere.

    Thank you.


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