Thursday, July 14, 2011

Religious America is Fuckin' Nuts

What's that you say, tell you something that you don't know? But stroll on kiddywinks, these religious whackjobs really do take the biscuit.

I have featured previously, the clip of Rick Perry's mind-boggling call to prayer to save America, but now, courtesy of Right Wing Watch, we have the same clip interspaced with the hate-filled homophobic rantings of Perry's 'top-billed invitees' to the upcoming prayer-fast for Jesus.

I think before moving on down I should say a word about European culture/politics. The reason I rail so much about all these pious pols, apart from the obvious, the batshit crazy of it all, is that any mention of God, by any political wannabe or pol seeking re/election, then it's game over for that pol and his/her political aspirations. Rightly so.

Included in the clip, among those that speak for God, we have Pastor John Hagee, he of Christians United for Israel fame. If you are unfamiliar with Pastor Hagee, you can find him, along with all the other batshit crazies, in this short but must watch film by young film maker Max Blumenthal. Rapture Ready: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour

What it is that Pastor Hagee has to say, I shall leave you to experience for yourselves, other than to say, his use of Hitler, so common in all of his ilk, doesn't disappoint. Normally invoked when attacking Darwinism, Hagee's Hitler reference on this occasion is something to behold.

I only mention it, because Adolf pops up again in the second clip, where we are treated to more batshit from the Christian Right, courtesy of Rachel Maddow. Now, if having watched Hagee speak for God and His working in mysterious ways, as his is wont. If having watched Hagee's insane and repugnant interpretation of events past, if you consider that slightly over the top, well you ain't seen nutin yet.

For that experience however, it has to be the Rachel Maddow clip. I don't really know how to describe it, suffice to say Hitler gets a mention, or more precisely Hitler's soldiers. Seemingly Adolf had a bit of a problem with the SS, them being pussy cats n'all, so his solution, despite the historical record, was to draw on another section of society to get the job done.

Now I know I might be a tad biassed when it comes to these nutjobs and their rantings, but if it were in any other walk of life, these whackos would be carted off by men in white coats, if not men in blue uniforms, to answer charges of hate speech.

I shall add one or two other things below, more batshit things of course, making this a big, but only the one, batshit post for today.

Meet the Nutjobs and Bigots Headlining Rick Perry's Prayer Event: No Room for Gays, Jews, Even Oprah

It's bad enough that Texas Governor Rick Perry believes talking to Jesus will solve things like, oh, a drought. Personal beliefs that reflect a distrust of human endeavor are one thing, but he also demonstrates a sincere conviction that prayer trumps policy, and that's why he's involved in the massive upcoming pray-a-thon known as "The Response."

The People for the American Way/Right Wing Watch have put together a mash-up youtube video just showing Perry's political oily smoothness contrasted with the hate-spewing nuttery of his top-billed invitees, including those who think Oprah--yes, Oprah--is a harbinger of doom.

As Brian Tashman of Right Wing Watch wrote yesterday:

Texas Governor Rick Perry is working a number of radical preachers to plan his upcoming Christians-only prayer rally. Perry's partners in the event include extremists who believe that tolerance for homosexuality caused the September 11th attacks, Oprah Winfrey is the harbinger of the Antichrist, the deadly Japanese earthquake was caused by the country’s Emperor having sex with a demon, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell caused bird deaths in Arkansas and violence should be considered to overthrow President Obama, among many other extreme beliefs.

Want more on this motley crew of fire and brimstone? Here's Rachel Maddow's segment on the same from last night:

Source Alternet.

Next up, Queen of the batshit crazies, concerned vagina for America, Michele Bachmann.

This from a woman who aspires to be President of a bankrupt police state that is currently involved in countless ''wars'' around the world that result in the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of innocents every week. A country that is coming apart at the seams, that is financially, politically and morally bankrupt. A country where the only justice to be found, is that what it has coming to it, and Bachmann's priorities? gays and lesbians.

Michele Bachmann in Her Own Words: ‘Gays Are Part of Satan’
July 13, 2011

We know where Michele Bachmann stands on heterosexuality: She's very for it! At least according to the binding contract she recently signed with Jesus, in which marriage was explicitly defined as being "between one man and one woman." We also know where her husband, Marcus Bachmann, falls on the topic of homosexuality: He's firmly against it! So against, in fact, that he runs a small gay exorcism business, despite he himself being seemingly possessed by the demonic spirit of an off-duty drag queen named Big Mama. But where does Mrs. Bachmann stand on homosexuality?

Well, thanks to a lecture she delivered to the National Education Leadership Conference back in 2004 that's currently making the rounds, we now know exactly what her thoughts are on The Gays.

Some highlights:

Michele on Satan's involvement in homosexuality:

"We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It's not funny, it's sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle-we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It's a very sad life. It's part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It's anything but gay."

Michele on gay bondage and enslavement (but not in the fun way):

"It leads to the personal enslavement of individuals. Because if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. Personal bondage, personal despair, and personal enslavement. And that's why this is so dangerous."

Michele on the good old days when a gay on TV was there for you to laugh at:

"[Gay activists want to] make gays look good, because [the media] didn't always. If you'll recall television maybe 15, 20 years ago, if you'd see something about gays it would be an outlandish kind of an outfit, it would be a kind of tittering, making fun. But that's different now. Now gays are made to look good."

Michele on Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps:

"I almost think that the gay community has hired this guy, or created this guy, to do what he does. He is their best friend."

Michele on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and double standards:

"This has really become a mainstream show. It's very popular with the make-over theme. They take style-challenged straight men who need the help of a fashionably superior gay man, in some sort of a cross between This Old House meets a pre-incarcerated Martha Stewart. [...] But tell a gay man that he should change and that is considered homophobic blasphemy."

Michele on Matthew Shepard coverage and double standards:

"Have you noticed that the media is very selective in its compassion? At the very same time that Matthew Shepherd was tragically killed, there was a case of another young boy-you may have heard about him. His name was Jesse Dirkheisen [sic] -that little boy, he was 12 years old. He was kidnapped, he was brutally raped, he was murdered by two gay men. This occurred the same week as Matthew Shepherd. We heard a lot about Matthew Shepherd. We heard almost nothing about littleJesse Dirkheisen [sic]. Why? Because Jesse did not serve the purpose of those sympathetic to homosexuality." [The 12-year-old's name was Jesse Dirkhising.]

Well, let's just hope her views are evolving. [ via Towleroad - Source Gawker

Given the bigotry of Bachmann and husband, Dr. Marcus Bachmann, and the controversy surrounding Bachmann's state funded Reparative Therapy Clinic, something of interest might be a previous post I put together featuring another religious limelight seeking, sexually repressed nutjob. The Knave Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks

Worthy of a read in its own right I suppose, but at the very bottom of the page is a video where ex-ex-gay, no typo, Michael Bussee talks about his experiences as a former co-founder of EXIT and EXODUS, both pray away the gay organisations, and his subsequent relationship with the church. Bussee can also be found here, where he writes an apology to all those gay people that he considers he may have harmed as a (very tortured) pray away the gay therapist. Statement of Apology by Former Exodus Leaders

I must be careful what I say here, so I shall leave it rather ambiguous, suffice to say it would involve the flat of my hand, a cheek, a certain satisfaction and this sanctimonious cunt.

New York clerk quits job to avoid issuing marriage licenses to gay couples
By Kaili Joy Gray
July 13, 2011

It's hard out there for a bigot:

A rural New York town clerk has resigned her post rather than grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

“I would be compromising my moral conscience by participating in licensing same-sex couples,” Laura Fotusky, the clerk of the Town of Barker, told POLITICO. “I had to choose between my job and my god.”

Poor, poor Laura Fotusky. Why, she's just like Job, singled out by God to choose between a paycheck and her deeply held, religion-based hatred of gay people. It's tragic, really. But as she explained in her resignation letter:

“I believe that there is a higher law than the law of the land. It is the law of God in the Bible. In Acts 5:29, it states, ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.’”

“The Bible clearly teaches that God created marriage between male and female as a divine gift that preserves families and cultures. Since I love and follow Him, I cannot put my signature on something that is against God. Deuteronomy 10:12 says, ‘…What does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.’”

“I would be compromising my moral conscience if I participated in the licensing procedure. Therefore, I will be resigning as of July 21. I wanted you to know my position as I understand the marriage law goes into effect on July 24.”

See, it's not that she's a total fucking bigot. It's just that hating gay people, even if it means quitting her job, is what her God wants her to do.

Well, Ms. Fotusky, we certainly wouldn't want you to compromise your morals by loving your neighbors. Lord knows there's nothing in the Bible about that. Daily Kos

Below, another fucker, sick bag essential.

Tim Pawlenty Wants You To Know That He Is A Christian
by Kyle Mantyla
July 13, 2011

Tim Pawlenty's presidential campaign has released a six-minute video dedicated entirely to Pawlenty and his wife Mary talking about the importance of their Christian faith, criticizing the separation of church and state, and highlighting their opposition to abortion and marriage equality: RWW

And to round off I have a confession to make.

I hope it's fairly obvious by now, that on matters of life style and sexuality they don't come any more tolerant than myself. As a metrosexual male, I'm comfortable within myself, I have no problem with other peoples sexuality whatever it my entail, the obvious apart of course.

But there was something that always used to stick with me, and that something was the word marriage when it came to two blokes. Civil partnerships fine, equal rights for same sex partners as those that are enjoyed by heterosexual couples, most definitely. One only has to read of life partners, either gay or lesbian, being turned away from visiting their dying partner in hospitals to realise how cruel a situation that can be.

Perhaps it's an age thing, though it shouldn't be, I still have a very young head on me and basically I'm still the wild child that ever I was. I passed the same opinion a few years ago on this very blog, although as part of a comment and not as editorial content as it were. A reader at the time, a lesbian from one of the flat land states, in reply said: Where would that leave me, getting down on one knee and asking if someone would join me in becoming my 'civil partner?'

Put like that, I didn't have much of an argument, but underneath it all I suppose the marriage word still stuck. I guess I softened somewhat over the years, but it wasn't until I saw the heartbreak caused to the couple, featured in this trailer of the film, 8 The Mormon Proposition, that I finally altered my way of thinking.

I don't need to say anything about the documentary, it speaks for itself. I shall leave the first part below the trailer if you're interested, the rest you can follow up on Youtube. Sorry, copyright comes into the equation.


  1. "Today we are making history in California by ensuring that our textbooks and instructional materials no longer exclude the contributions of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Americans," Sen. Leno said in a statement.

  2. Bachmann & Perry remind me of Barbie & Ken, never aging and anything but timeless. To stand still is to backslide, isn't it. Why do some people want them to be president?

  3. Because they got Jesus.

    More's the point, why do they want to be President, that in itself should be enough to disqualify them.

  4. I always worry when someone says '' We know we're right because God tells us so.'' I do have to say that there are some awful people masquerading under the banner of Christianity in certain parts of America and I sense them to be a manifestation of evil. Quite what to do about it other than to show by example, I don't know. However one thing I can say, is, that seeing their treatment of the Gay community shocked me so much I have been moved to renounce my belief in Christianity. I have thrown out the Bible, and I want nothing to do with those that espouse it or the God it represents, and they have the privilege of having precipitated that action. From now on I am against them tooth and nail.

  5. This is not a sermon.

    Welcome to our wonderful, superstition free world. Even though I think your conversion, admirable, I fear it is for the wrong reasons. (The action of "club members")

    Or, as Mister Orwell mused: "As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents."

    Might I though, at this point, ask you to remember the title, "She Sparkled."

    That being just one of the videos that I would like to recommend to you.

    The other, uploaded to this blog only this morning, "Who Would Start a Religion?"

    These and other videos of choice can be found under the tag: Phil Helenes.

    I shall say little more; already having done so under the various relative posts.

    Do enjoy, both Phil, and your new found enlightenment.

    And as such, I hope you can revel in the true "miracle" of this planet, that wonderful diverse world of evolution.

    Never forgetting of course, that this planet was born of the laws of physics, survives by the same, and will ultimately end by those laws. And it is in this world, that superstition, plays no part, and has no part.



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