Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hackgate: Piers Morgan CNN Denies

Well, they would wouldn't they?

CNN statement denies Piers Morgan connection to phone hacking
28 July 2011

Chatshow host made remarks about tabloid journalism practices on Desert Island Discs and in 2007 interview Guardian blah blah

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Piers Morgan Knew Award Winning Scoop Was Hacked
July 12th, 2011

Last week Trinity Mirror Group were forced to issue a statement denying that they had sourced a British Press Award-winning 2002 scoop from phone-hacking. They claim “Trinity Mirror’s position is clear. Our journalists work within the criminal law and the PCC code of conduct.” That’s not what their former journalists say though. more, Order Order

Lots more at Guido's Piers Morgan tag

Yesterday, All Piers Morgans' Troubles Seemed So Far Away...
by James Wolcott
July 27, 2011, 11:57 AM it looks as though they're here to stay.

Like Paul Revere at Valley Forge, I tried to alert the nation to the menace of this bumptious British invader, who fancies himself a cheeky chippy chappie or some other such s--t* and somehow managed to usurp the host chair of America's most beloved pterodactyl, Larry King.

In a previous installment of his harlequin career, Morgan was the editor of the Daily Mirror and has insisted his chariot-reined hands were clean of the corruption of the phone-hacking clusterphuck that has convulsed Britain.

The cracks in Morgan's denials seem to have opened the way for a deluge. Now comes a damning bombshell from the blogger Guido Fawkes, who has been on Morgan's case with bloodhound zeal: more Vanity Fair

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