Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fukushima Can Happen Anywhere

I'm heading out the gap for a short while, so I am posting this video sight unseen. So look upon this intro as a supposition not fact. Even without viewing the thing, I think I can safely assume that the risks involved won't be unique to the US, rather anywhere in the world where there is a GE reactor.

Update: I watched this thing through eventually. First of all, make that all reactors, not just those designed and built by GE. The presentation is quite long and technical, so I will just give you my take on the bottom line.

By virtue of it being a complex piece of kit, and the safety measures that are in place, in most cases, interdependent on one another but specifically reliant on electricity, every nuclear installation in the world is right on the edge and invariably overseen by chancers.

Have a nice day.

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

The well-known safety flaws of Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactors have gained significant attention in the wake of the four reactor accidents at Fukushima, but a more insidious danger lurks. In this video nuclear engineers Arnie Gundersen and David Lochbaum discuss how the US regulators and regulatory process have left Americans unprotected. They walk, step-by-step, through the events of the Japanese meltdowns and consider how the knowledge gained from Fukushima applies to the nuclear industry worldwide. They discuss "points of vulnerability" in American plants, some of which have been unaddressed by the NRC for three decades. Finally, they concluded that an accident with the consequences of Fukushima could happen in the US.

With more radioactive Cesium in the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant's spent fuel pool than was released by Fukushima, Chernobyl, and all nuclear bomb testing combined, Gundersen and Lockbaum ask why there is not a single procedure in place to deal with a crisis in the fuel pool? These and more safety questions are discussed in this forum presented by the C-10 Foundation at the Boston Public Library. Special thanks to Herb Moyer for the excellent video and Geoff Sutton for the frame-by-frame graphics of the Unit 3 explosion.
Courtesy of Fairewinds asoc.

Much more here.


  1. http://www.straitstimes.com/

  2. There is a rake of stuff here Maren.


  3. Authorities in Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture have asked farmers in the region to stop selling meat over new radiation fears.


  4. Fukushima farmers ''urged''

    You couldn't make it up!

  5. Nuclear power plant shut down after incident Brokdorf, Germany.



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