Friday, June 03, 2011

Pravda on NATO-Libya

Don't you just love it when Ivan takes the high moral ground? Well I don't suppose the writer, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey is all that Russian, but the article is reported nonetheless in Pravda.

For those who support the Libyan "Opposition"

Maybe those who refuse to call the Libyan Opposition terrorists and instead continue to accuse the forces of the Libyan Government of attacking innocent civilians - see the photos accompanying this piece - could answer some of the questions posed in this article. If not, then maybe they could ask themselves why they are supporting Islamist terrorists.

Under which United Nations resolution did NATO get the right to murder civilians? Why did NATO murder Colonel Gaddafi's son if their remit was to impose a no-fly zone to protect civilians? Why did NATO murder three of Colonel Gaddafi's grandchildren? Why has there been no accountability for the murder of innocent children? Why is nobody calling Cameron, Sarkozy or Obama a cold-blooded child murderer?

Why is NATO trying to murder Colonel Gaddafi? Why have the leaders of this act of butchery changed their tune, starting off by declaring that "This is not about removing Gaddafi" (Cameron) to now describing him as a legitimate target? Why is NATO targeting civilian structures, as it did in Iraq, with military hardware?

Why did the Libyan "Revolution" start on the frontiers where Revolutions had already occurred in Tunisia and Egypt and in Misrata where NATO military personnel deployed through the port? Why are NATO personnel on the ground when NATO is not allowed to deploy troops? Why are western mercenaries being deployed inside Libya?

Why is NATO taking sides in a civil war? Does NATO not know that it is illegal to get involved in an internal conflict? Does NATO know that the UNO cannot under any circumstances permit the use of force against a sovereign nation unless it is attacking its neighbours? Why has NATO accused the Libyan government of using cluster bombs against its own population when:

Why are 90% of the Libyan tribes on the side of Colonel Gaddafi? Why are the Benghazi based terrorists called "The Rats" by the population of Libya? Why are they for the most part anonymous? Why did they ask NATO to bomb the building where the records of their corruption were kept?

What is the role of Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi inside the rebellion? Does NATO know he has links to Al-Qaeda? Does NATO know he was arrested for fighting alongside Al-Qaeda against the American and British forces in Afghanistan? Does NATO know that he recruited terrorists to be suicide bombers in Iraq? Does NATO know where most of the suicide bombers in Iraq came from? Answer: Benghazi.

Why are French lawyers preparing to launch a case against Sarkozy for crimes against humanity?

Who was the first international leader to issue an arrest warrant for Osama bin laden and Al-Qaeda? Answer: Muammar al-Qathafi. Who was the African leader who financed African satellites so that Africans would not be saddled with a payment of 500 million USD a year, every year, to use Western satellites? Answer: Muammar al-Qathafi. Who was the African leader behind the African Union so that Af could find the solutions to its problems? Answer: Muammar al-Qathafi. more Pravda

Related Pravda: The Crime of the Century: The theft of the Libyan sovereign funds

WSJ: Pentagon to Congress: Don’t Cut Funds for Libya Operation

The Hill: Kucinich's Libya resolution pulled from House schedule

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