Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing)
I'm glad that is to be the case; no doubt she will be clearing up a discrepancy or two.
Perhaps she might like to start here with this little lot.
I thought I would take this opportunity to bring together on one page certain discrepancies relating to the night of May third 2007. These discrepancies, or McCann sound bites if you will, are fundamental, nay, they are the cornerstone for the McCann's claim that Madeleine was a victim of stranger abduction.
That this case has progressed to the point it has without these inconsistencies and disparities being addressed, I find quite staggering. That such conflicting and contradictory statements made by the parents have never been investigated by any law enforcement agency in this country, is, as I say, not only staggering ,but shameful. And please, don't give me it's jurisdiction issue.
That parents, in a case of a three year old girl seemingly disappearing off the face of the earth, can make such contradictory statements with impunity, says much for the state of this Nation, it's law enforcement, and not least it's Government.
It matters not that books are written, that documentaries are made, or whatever tripe the press wishes to print in their obsession to sanctify this loathsome pair , it matters not because it is all worthless, it is all utterly without worth until these fundamental questions are answered.
Kate McCann's Book To Be Truthful (and Scathing) Long edition.
Kate, I don't hate God, McCann:
ReplyDelete"From the moment Madeleine had gone, I'd turned instinctively to God and to Mary, feeling a deep need to pray, and to get as many other people as possible to pray, too. I believed it would make a difference. Although in the early days I struggled to comprehend what had happened to Madeleine, and to us, I've never believed it was God's fault, or that He 'allowed' it to happen. I was just confused that He had apparently not heeded the prayer I'd offered every night for my family: 'Thank you God for bringing Gerry, Madeleine, Sean and Amelie into my life. Please keep them all safe, healthy and happy. Amen.' Please keep them all safe. It must be said that when I'd prayed for their safety I'd been thinking: please don't let them fall off something and bang their heads, or please don't let them be involved in a car accident. I'd never considered anything as horrific as my child being stolen. But I had kind of assumed my prayer would cover every eventuality." (p.106).
Gerry, Madeleine, Sean and Amelie were religiously insured against car accidents and falling off things. Madeleine was not driving when she was taken. So what risk, exactly, did God's agency not cover?
There is the same case for a god as there is for an abduction.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for that lot, pass the bucket.
Kate and Gerry McCann As Far Away From God As You Can Get
the christian psychic
The Hubbards now believe Madeleine's disappearance is the reason they were "called" to Portugal. Susan remembers the moment it hit her.
"It wasn't until months later, when I saw really why God had brought us here, that I was awestruck that he confirmed we were to be here before we even set foot in our town of Praia de Luz," she says. "For me, he confirmed it on the plane … the fact that there was a child missing here gave us our first mission before we even set foot in the place."
The Hubbards, like the McCanns, believe Madeleine may well be alive, and they pray for her safe return. The Hubbards' faith in God is unwavering, though Susan Hubbard wonders "why our prayers haven't been answered."
"I don't understand that," she says. "I've seen the letters come into their home and their hands. How could so many people be praying for the exact same thing and it not happen? It's hard."
"How could so many people be praying for the exact same thing and it not happen?"
It's hard, but let me guess.
Good morning Maren, thank you for the links.
ReplyDeleteI shall run the Kellogg piece and a story leading off it, it will go with a story I was saving for today.
One thing I didn't see, was a motive for the killing of Pim Fortuyn?
"How could so many people be praying for the exact same thing and it not happen?"
Matched only by arrogance:
"It wasn't until months later, when I saw really why God had brought us here, that I was awestruck that he confirmed we were to be here before we even set foot in our town of Praia de Luz,"
It's hard to imagine a couple better suited to extend the hand of friendship to Kate and Gerry McCann, who are also devout Christians.
Yes, of course.
In keeping with her rural Ontario upbringing, she made her approach in that very Canadian way of offering food.
I have travelled quite a bit in "rural Ontario" and met some of the people there. Nuff said?
A picture paints a thousand words.
ReplyDeleteI think it was runaway idealism, not sure if that is the correct translation of "doorgeslagen idealisme". M
ReplyDeleteGood morning Maren.
ReplyDeleteI have this lot via email, but no comment here. Did you remove it?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Metropolitan Police You Might Wish To Start Your M...":
Afterwards she appeared visibly upset and was comforted by her mother
Play on words of course.
"I don't understand that," she [Susan Hubbard] says. "I've seen the letters come into their home and their hands. How could so many people be praying for the exact same thing and it not happen? It's hard." http://bit.ly/JWxQfo
I didn't read the Mail article, but I read the sanitised comments.
Hubbard? I think the correct term is, Religious Whackjob.
Hi H, no I didn't remove it, I wouldn't know how to do that. Blogger error perhaps, just guessing.
ReplyDeleteNever "seen" a case like this, so many weirdos involved, especially those who are still dealing with them.
The feathers I think.
Good night, sleep well M x
"crazy, heavy drinkers"
ReplyDeleteHot lips: Kate McCann in more carefree days
Mother Theresa Hubbard and communist film maker and UK national treasure
I couldn't resist. x