Saturday, April 09, 2011

Ongoing Cover Up of Nuclear Crisis By American and Japanese Governments and Companies

For what it's worth, and yes the subject is Dacre's Daily Mail, but of the five back issues of the Mail that I was skimming through at my mothers yesterday, not one column inch could I find on the situation at Fukushima.

This is an informative article, and it will be a nightmare if I try to paste more than a few line, but do go and have a read.

Ongoing Cover Up of Nuclear Crisis By American and Japanese Governments and Companies

I've previously documented that Japanese seismologists and nuclear engineers warned years ago that the risk of a large-scale nuclear accident in Japan were high, with one Japanese seismologist warning in 2004 that the risk of a nuclear accident was

Like a kamikaze terrorist wrapped in bombs just waiting to explode. more

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