Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Assange Extradition Hearing: Day Two

Update: Tip from a reader, Wikileaks Video HQ

And when asked whether Mr Assange could be at risk of being transferred to the US if extradited, he said: "My understanding is there is not a risk of being extradited to the US but there are exceptions, which I'm not aware of and can't comment on.

"I believe it's impossible Mr Assange could be extradited to the US without a complete media storm."

Well that's reassuring.

Wikileaks' Assange inquiry by Sweden 'improper'

Swedish prosecutors did not follow "proper procedure" while investigating rape claims against Julian Assange, a UK extradition hearing was told.

Sven-Erik Alhem, a witness, said it was "quite peculiar" that authorities did not get the Wikileaks founder's version of events before seeking his arrest.

Prosecutors said repeated attempts were made to persuade him to be interviewed.

Mr Assange, 39, denies claims of sexual assault against two women. The case was adjourned until Friday.

Mr Alhem, a former Swedish prosecutor, told Belmarsh Magistrates' Court he had not met Mr Assange before and was only interested in justice being done.

He said Marianne Ny, the Swedish prosecutor in Mr Assange's case, "should have made sure Mr Assange was able to give his version of events in detail".

However, when Mr Alhem was asked what he would have done if faced with similar allegations, he said: "If I was in his shoes then I would have gone to Sweden to give my version of events.

"It would be very important to me to clear my name given I was innocent."
Continue reading the main story
“Start Quote

'Swedish prosecutors acted unlawfully by telling tabloid Assange was rape suspect' court heard”

End Quote BBC's Anna Adams tweeting from court

* Follow Anna Adams on Twitter

And when asked whether Mr Assange could be at risk of being transferred to the US if extradited, he said: "My understanding is there is not a risk of being extradited to the US but there are exceptions, which I'm not aware of and can't comment on.

"I believe it's impossible Mr Assange could be extradited to the US without a complete media storm."

Mr Assange is the founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, which has been used to publish leaked US diplomatic cables, as well as other sensitive material from governments and high-profile organisations.

He has argued he was willing to give his side of the story after rape allegations were made against him and Sweden's decision to arrest and extradite him was disproportionate.

But Clare Montgomery QC, representing Swedish prosecutors, said that in September last year Mr Assange - who had been in the country - was invited several times to give his response, but his lawyers were unable to contact him. more BBC


  1. Surely, here's the bottom line: would Julian Assange be guaranteed a fair trial outside the UK?

    Is there reasonable doubt that he would be afforded a just outcome?

    Of course there is.

    Thus, surely, he shouldn't be extradited.

    FYI, all the Wikileaks videos are on this hub:

  2. The only justice America has, is that what it's got coming.

    And Sweden! stop please.

    Thanks for the link.


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