In order that I may give the plight that faces our big fat friends in the sea
the attention it deserves, I have decided to make Only in America, for the main part, a single issue blog, a blog for whales and other threatened creatures of the sea. And for the other stuff, perhaps just a daily round-up of links that may be of interest.
I shall still keep the other blog current, no doubt continuing to make posts about the asinine and absurd demented rantings of that lunatic fringe of losers, disgrace to the species, the contemptible cultists of Young Earth Creationism.
And if you should struggle to understand the degree of contempt that I hold for the whaling Nation of Japan, then you could never possibly comprehend the contempt I reserve these idiots.
Besides, I have unfinished business there.
Two short videos that I first posted in February 2007, only brought to my attention due to a little re-tagging of various posts. The first entitled, Amazingly Friendly Whale, and the second, Antarctic Whale Defence Campaign, includes words of wisdom from Captain Paul Watson, some wonderful footage of these magnificent creatures, and, sad to say, the horrors of a whale kill by the Japanese.
But let me make one thing quite clear, xenophobia is not in my DNA, not in the slightest; but I'm afraid it's the big brush application when it comes down to this lot. These pricks sail under the Japanese flag, tar one, tar all.
Bugger and damnation! I've used the wrong Teddy. Teddy two swords, that's what you get for buggering about in the small hours. Later. Mutter chunner grumble bollocks.
And let me say how delightful it is to have put that other stuff behind me, it's like a heavy dark cloud has lifted.
Going out, see you later.
ReplyDeleteAmsterdam steakhouse boss admits selling horse for 63 years. I went there with my then wife, she eat such a stack and has never been the same spends approximately 22 hours a day grazing over a wide terrain.
André Ignoul
ReplyDeleteSea Shepherd has done a great job by protecting many whales to be slaughtered by the Japan of whaling fleet. It is nonsense and a big lie that Japan is slaughtering so many whales each year for so called science investigation. U don't need thousands of whales to kill for that, a few whales already can be enough for science purposes. Japan should show respect to ocean life and be honest to the world nations in telling why they kills whales and what they do with it.
Thanks Chuck.
ReplyDeleteA tale of a whale
by Randy Malamud
Good morning H
Clearly explained (in English) M
What's wrong with SeaWorld is a microcosm of what's wrong with the institution of animal display everywhere.
What we do to these animals by kidnapping them and transforming them into crowd-pleasing clowns suggests that, paradoxically, people simultaneously both admire and scorn their power, their natural force.
H/T TeddyShepherd
ReplyDeleteThe anti-whaling ship Bob Barker has docked in Wellington harbour after what its captain says is its most successful mission ever in thwarting Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean.
ReplyDeleteWhaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan: New Zealand intervening)
The Court finds that Japan’s whaling programme in the Antarctic (JARPA II) is not in accordance with three provisions of the
Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
Good morning Maren, thank you for that and the other linkies.
ReplyDeleteFull of tea, now a little breakfast.
Later m'darlin' later.