Monday, November 30, 2009

Come Back Saddam All Is Forgiven

Come back old love and bring your dictatorship with you, this democracy is killing us.

A television channel dedicated to former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has appeared on Arab satellite networks.

Its launch came on the third anniversary, on the Islamic calendar, of the former president's execution.

It is not clear who is behind the channel which broadcasts the speeches, images and even poetry of Saddam Hussein, backed with patriotic music.

It is broadcast from outside Iraq and some analysts suspect his former political supporters of bankrolling it. more

O/T, but then maybe not, not according to Dubya it ain't, it's a sure sign of a burgeoning democracy said G Dubya as he tried to make light of it.

But having given it a little thought maybe he's right, the journo got a kicking and sentenced to three years in the slammer. I cannot help but wonder then, had the same thing happened at a Whitehouse briefing, that the perp would have got a kicking and thirty years in Levenworth.

I suppose that's the difference between only a burgeoning democracy and one that's truly established, American style that is.

But I didn't up the video in order to give my statement bona fides, I upped it because it's one of the funniest things I've seen in years.

And while we have the popcorn out, here's Letterman, upped primarily for my European visitors.

Staying with dumb pols, here's one who makes Dubya look like Richard Dawkins.

Aspiring President, the one and only Sarah Palin.


  1. Corrupción política del perú -Gerry- Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie
    El Fraude, Moneda Nacional
    En el pais de no me acueeeerdo ,
    doy tres pasitos y me pieeeeerdo
    se me cae, un billete y lo levanta el juez,
    “uy perdon” le digo y contesta “No importa, pase Ud.”
    Un campeonato ganado,
    otro arbritro comprado,
    Un cura que reclama ” Felices los niños”
    .. que yo abuse
    Y clarin siempre diciendo , La pura Verdad,
    que el presidente de turno quiere escuchar
    Compren, compren, se venden libertades,
    se venden al por mayor , abogados corruptos y fiscales tambien
    seis tiros en la cabeza que el dinero no pudo ocultar
    hay silencios que son muy caros pero mas caro es el hablar,
    algun medio pagara, esta excusiva de verdad
    Habilitamos lo que sea por un cafe y algo mas,
    digame lo que necesita, cualquier cosa se consigue
    el diego, lo podemos conversar
    Y hablando de Diego, pobre muchacho
    que fraude le hicieron, se parece al electoral ,
    por un punto mas de raiting una bebe queda sin hogar ,
    es que la TV es tirana y del Monstruo mejor ni hablar
    Ya para ir dejando el Verso que es moneda nacional,y los medios informatiiiiic.....voooooos...que no parán de tapár y
    sí para nosotros ya tenemos a telefonica que nos mándaaa a reeecargáaáár,aqui todo el múndo a robár, con el mónstruo de góóógle que nos manipulaaaaaaaa
    para que nos tápeeeen la voca con sus masters dirigiiiiiendonos sí débemos estár, para que luego llegue él més y a paaaaagar a todos el fraude la moneda nacional ....con el control de google tódos estámos yáááá y los tontos alimééééntar....?quiéééén nóóós quééééda yáááá¿...

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