Monday, December 29, 2008

Stalin Only Third, Well That's Alright Then

It's a funny old world.

Stalin voted third-best Russian

Former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was beaten by medieval prince Alexander Nevsky in a poll held by a TV station to find the greatest Russian.

Stalin came third, despite being responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviets in labour camps and purges.

Alexander Nevsky fought off European invaders in the 13th century to preserve a united Russia. more


On This Day December 29th

Sydney Hobart disaster. Rajiv Ghandi wins election. Harold Macmillan croaks and other.


On This Day December 28th

Nothing very scintillating I'm afraid.

Sky Marshals for Brit planes. Cocaine haul. Foot and mouth. Tay rail bridge disaster remembered. more.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Giving Bush The Boot

Shurley shome mishtake, don't you mean shoe?

It's only for the short first and quite funny part of this article that I draw your attention. I'm quite sure after eight years of Bush you don't need to read yet another catalogue of the disasters that can be laid at this man's door.

The image of shoes being thrown at George W. Bush during his tarnished legacy tour of Iraq has already entered legend. That a Saudi offered to pay $10 million for just one of the shoes attests to the power of symbolism. The Turkish cobbler who made the shoes is being inundated with new orders from around the world. more

On This Day December 27th


French nuke test in Sahara. Gunmen target El Al passengers Rome and Vienna.
Britain's first North Sea drill rig collapses.
Rigs have sure come a long way since this bit of agricultural machinery. more

Thursday, December 25, 2008

On This Day December 25th

I suppose I should resurrect the "On This Day" spot.

Ceausescu and his missus get the bullet. Charlie Chaplin goes aged eighty eight. Gorbachev goes but not gone. Big wind wrecks Darwin, the town not the bloke. Brits loose Mars probe, whoops. Betty makes her first Christmas speech. Was there something else?

I shall brighten the place up with a few pics in the future, just as soon as I get my act together that is.

Thought For Today: 25th December

While untold millions are celebrating Christmas this morning for a variety of reasons, tradition and the shutting of factory gates being not the least of those reasons, there are still untold millions that are celebrating for one particular reason.

They, those other untold millions, are celebrating no less than the virgin birth of their personal saviour their Lord Jesus Christ and as such they celebrate all that goes with it, from immaculate conception to a God created universe.

It is this God created universe that is my little thought for today.

There are those among us, by far cleverer than you or I, that have arrived at a figure for the size of the universe.
Now I'm not going to be ungracious and say they have this figure spot on, no I'm quite prepared to afford them some degree of leeway, shall we say ten percent, twenty even? but whatever leeway I grant it must be remembered that this leeway is plus or minus, but for the sake of academia let us run with the proffered figure.

One Hundred and Fifty Six Billion light years, I will say it again, One Hundred and Fifty Six Billion light years, billion light years! billion light years! it's a pretty awe inspiring number you have to admit.

This Universe then created by our own super being, our own super being put it all there in just one day, so we on this dust mote of a planet could look up at all the wonders of the sky and know that it was our super being that put it there.

And put it there for us.

To those millions of people I can say but this; your stupidity is only matched by your arrogance.

Happy Christmas.

If you've ever wondered how big the universe is, you're not alone. Astronomers have long pondered this, too, and they've had a hard time figuring it out. Now an estimate has been made, and its a whopper.

The universe is at least 156 billion light-years wide.

In the new study, researchers examined primordial radiation imprinted on the cosmos. Among their conclusions is that it is less likely that there is some crazy cosmic "hall of mirrors" that would cause one object to be visible in two locations. And they've ruled out the idea that we could peer deep into space and time and see our own planet in its youth.

First, let's see why the size is a number you've never heard of before. more

And should the title header attract but a few of those millions and if any of those few have managed to get this far down the page, and if but just one of those few presses this link to the Hubble Site and opens up some of the photographs, then that one person might just be in awe of what he sees there, and that one person might start to question his own beliefs, and if he did, then I could not have given a finer Yuletide gift.

Touched By His Noodleness


Enjoy the hols kiddywinks.

Lots of noodly goings on here.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No Divorce For Eight Year Old

Here we go again, if a man had proper access to all that goes on in the land of darkness I reckon he could fill a dozen blogs.

An eight-year-old girl who was married off to a 58-year-old must stay with the man until she reaches puberty, a Saudi court has ruled.

The youngster was married off by her father in exchange for a £4,000 dowry.

Relatives of the girl said the groom had agreed not to consummate the marriage for 10 years and to allow the youngster to live with her mother.

The girl's mother, who is separated from her husband, had filed a petition for divorce with a court in Unayzah, 135 miles north of Riyadh.

But the court ruled that the girl must file the case herself when she reaches puberty, it was reported.

"The judge has dismissed the plea because she does not have the right to file such a case, and ordered that the plea should be filed by the girl herself when she reaches puberty," lawyer Abdullah Jtili told the AFP news agency.

The marriage contract was signed by the father and the groom.

It is understood the father had debt problems and wanted to secure an advance dowry.

Arranged marriages involving pre-adolescents are occasionally reported in the Arabian Peninsula, including in Saudi Arabia where the strict conservative Wahabi version of Sunni Islam holds sway and polygamy is common.

A girl aged eight was granted a divorce in Yemen in April after her unemployed father forced her to marry a man of 28. source

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

CEO of Buggery Club Talks Bollocks

Well if I'm going to start blogging again I might as well start with an old dependable.

This from an eighty one year old virgin in a long frock.

Pope Benedict XVI has said that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

He explained that defending God's creation is not limited to saving the environment, but also protecting man from self-destruction. more

Purely coincidental but I started the year with this post on January First, another doozy from the Nasty Nazi.