Monday, February 05, 2007

What's In Your Favourites?

What's in your favourites?
(Excluding the midget porn.)

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian
The Coolest 8 Year Old In The World Talks About O'Reilly
Waffa Sultan tells it like it is.
Arab-American Psychologist Wafa Sultan .
Two creationist clowns. Slap value: well you couldn't could you?
A proper pair of sad bastards.
Banana's are Proof God Exists
Boston Legal - Alan Shore Greatest trial (Scientology).
Ted bearing false witness, aka lying you're ass off. Slap value: 0
Evangelical pastor compares sex scandal to Kerry "joke"
.Blasphemy. Jesus The Musical
Includes a bit of Tom Cruise. Slap value: 10+
The History of Scientology: Xenu's Plan Foiled
An excellent three minute argument.
Only Creationists are true Christians
George Carlin - Religion
In order to Control simple minded people
He gave the best unscripted speech I have ever heard when he
tore a strip off the Senate committee.
He's right in a lot he say's, but that doesn't stop me thinking the man
is an absolute wanker. As we see here. Slap value:6
George Galloway and Saddam.
Will you stop using science to prove your point, you know it's not fair.
Why Young Earth Creationists are WRONG
I absolutely loathe and detest this product of a Saturday night wank
scraped out of the toilet bowl and flung into the gaping vagina of whatever creature that ultimately went on to whelp the little shit.
Slap value: Off the fucking scale and heading for the next galaxy.
Lieberman on Terri Schiavo
Ann Coulter the evolutionary biologist. Slap value:10+
Ann Coulter 700 Club Interview
There are two more in my favourites on the subject of the far right
evangelical movement. They are worthy of a slot of their own, I shall try to post them tomorrow when I am not so tired.
Now I'm not generally a fan of rally driving, I would venture as far to say that there be only one thing crazier than a rally driver and that would be rally spectators who calmly position themselves on an outside bend to blithely watch speeding cars that are drive to the very limit of both man and machine.
You may wish to watch this twice, have a look over the edge at the three minute and the three minute fifty mark. And I almost forgot, ramp up the volume, give it rocks.
My hat off to the driver.Pikes Peak Peugeot ( Impresionante )
Juan Pablo wins the Michigan 500 in his rookie year. Awesome three minutes.
He's in the red car.
Juan Pablo Montoya win at Michigan 500
Montoya Brasil 2001
What's that you say Monty?Montoya gives Raikkonen sh!t
II you pass a car in Formula One you're .... Montoya Formula 1 Tribute
Looking a bit racy JP...Juan-Pablo Montoya Tribute
"You've either got to be blind or stupid" He's neither JP, but I know what you're saying.
Montoya Schumacher Imola 2004 press conf.
It's Red Neck Racing for me this year, I have to follow JPM now he has
left Formula One, but if the quality of drivers and racing is anything like this; how bad? Four abreast at these kind of speeds, the old cap has to get doffed again. Dale Sr's Last Win
You know how to make a debut JP I'll give you that.
NASCAR Nextel Cup, Montoya's fiery crash at Homestead
Ouch! 2006 Food City 250 Arca 1st Crash

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