Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Only In America

Only In America could you witness such a rank display of hypocrisy.

US Congress calling on Tokyo to apologise for the country's use of sex slaves in wartime.

We won't mention two atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilians.

Two million plus dead Vietnamese.
Fifteen million tons of munitions and napalm dropped on them.
Eighteen million gallons of dioxins sprayed on them.
The terrible legacy of ongoing birth defects as a result of said dioxins.

The murder of Six hundred thousand Iraqi's, probably ending in who knows how many.
A country and it's infrastructure destroyed.
Who knows how many tons of Depleted Uranium dispersed on the land.
The legacy of that DU for thousands of years, and all the horrors associated with it that even as I write are all too apparent.

No we won't mention these things, they are nothing compared to that which you seek an apology for.
You sick repressed sons of bitches, go home Yankee and take your hypocrisy and your death machine with you, you disgust me.

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