Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Faithful See Jesus In Tree

Yeah right

I have to update this story in spite of having shut down for the night and was just about to give myself up to the embrace of the feathers. Heading down the hallway I halted abruptly, whoa, whoa lad, it's a bloody tree, a goddamn tree. People have actually been visiting a tree, lighting candles under it, leaving cards, and doing christ knows what while they are about it.

I was about to ask; Have we come so far, that such bizarre behaviour is totally acceptable in our society, lighting candles for a tree? people have visited a tree, and performed acts that are truly astounding. It is a tree, a tree, a tree. People have shamelessly stood underneath a tree for all the world to witness, and no doubt felt smug and pious and proud as being among those that have taken part in such a ritual, a ritual that were it not done in the name of some deity would earn you a stay in that nice big house in the country with three hundred other guests who live there on a semi-permanent basis.

But we haven't "come that far" we've never left it behind us, three parts of mankind have been worshipping strange nic nacs or some religious gee gaws since the beginning of time.

Surely, it must be time we stopped?

1 comment:

  1. or we go to the manefestation, see the sign and realize that the sign cannot be worshipped, but points to the destination.

    we need the signs we need the wonders, we go to the signs and see them. we pay tribute to the sign maker.

    ultimately we become the sign to this generation


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